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    posted a message on Mob Spawner problem?
    Have you tested different difficulty settings? Even though the pigs are neutral and normally spawn on peacefull it could be that the spawner is still linked to difficulty.

    Edit: And even more important. The spawner is surounded by torches. The only way I know that disables a spawner without distroying it. Remove the torches.

    Normally you need grass to spawn the neutral mobs. Dirt is not enough. I don't think you need to do that when you have hacked in a spawner though.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Too Dark :(
    Funny story:
    When I play for long sessions at a time, I slowly slide forward in my chair. This cause my eye level to become lower and lower and I eventually look up on the monitor as opposed to straight into. This change of only 10-20 cm in view angle makes it impossible for me to operate in moonlight. The solution is to sit up straight and look slightly down on the monitor.

    Have you guys tried to adjust the view angle? How much light do you have in the room and when was the last time you ran a calibration program for your monitor? Even the best monitors have different optimal view angles and external lighting conditions.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Minecraft Mythbusters - Episode 2
    I would love to see some serious spawn point testing. I've done some very basic stuff, but I'm curious about the edge cases. I basicaly want to know what I can do around a spawn point without causing it to move, OR what I can do to control where the spawn point will be put if I mess too much with the original location.

    1. If you remove the block you spawn on, the spawn point will be unchanged. You will spawn at the same location and fall 1 block when you enter.

    2. Build one block up and your spawn point is permanently (not 100% sure) changed to a new block close by.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Light Levels & Depths Mob Spawning Science Thread
    Torches already give a light level of 14 on the block it occupies. The highest possible value is currently 15. If Lanterns are to give significantly more light, then the entire spectrum needs to change.

    Maybe 15 is significantly higher than 14? At least it allows us to have the distance between light sources 2 blocks longer. At bedrock you will still need to have your light source placed on the floor level, but it would be a noticable improvement.

    I would prefere that he adjusted the scale though. Torch could give 12 and mobs could spawn at 9 at bedrock and maybe 5 on the surface. I think moonlight is 4. Lanterns could give a light level of 14. Only the sun should give 15.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Light Levels & Depths Mob Spawning Science Thread
    Quote from Flipsider »
    I think that's incorrect. He doesn't specify in his post, but the "side view" seems to show that his torches are 3 squares above the ground. If that's the case, then the values would be like this:

    12 11 10
    11 10 09
    10 09 08
    11 10 09
    12 11 10

    If, however, his torches are placed at ground level, your numbers are correct.

    You are correct. I forgot all about elevation. I have started to put the torches on the floor when I dig that deep so I forgot that dimension. Sorry, Lord-Frost, for the confusion.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Light Levels & Depths Mob Spawning Science Thread
    Quote from Lord-Frost »
    So since the numbers confuse me a fair bit, I'll just post how I normally handle my lighting...
    If I'm not mistaken the light levels of the floor will be something like this:

    :cobblestone: 14 13 12 :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: 13 12 11 :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: 12 11 10 :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: 13 12 11 :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: 14 13 12 :cobblestone:

    That should mean there is actually a fairly large area where mobs can spawn. Namely the blocks with level 11 and 10.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on are mobs spawning on my crops?
    Depends on the open space. If it's dirt with grass, then yes, it's the open space that cause the spawns. If it's stone, wood or something entierly different, then I don't know.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on So apparently light doesn't stop monsters from spawning.
    As I understand it we'll get a new light source in the form of lanterns that will give off more light than the torches. If this is the case, the problems we see now is just temporary at least in part.

    I don't like the stories about mobs spawning within agro range though. I have played only a few hours and I have made sure my bedrock mine is well lit, so I haven't found any problems myself yet.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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