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    posted a message on Please do NOT make leather needed for new book recipe!!
    The leather piece looks a little bit like the hide of the cow and not a piece of leather. I think one leather piece should be enough for at least half or a third of an armor set. That means that one cow hide (leather) should be turned into 8 leather (new item) that in turn could be used in the existing recipes.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Please do NOT make leather needed for new book recipe!!
    Think about the size of a cow and think about the size of one leather. Maybe one Leather should give 4 Leather patches that was used in most recipes? Armor included.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Need more info: MOBS SPAWNING WHILE IM TRYING TO SLEEP
    Beds no longer have a chance to spawn any mob. The mechanics that allowed it to happen was removed. (Not sure which patch.)
    Instead we now have a check that prevents you from even using the bed if there are mobs too close.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    Quote from Glasscreeper

    Then explain why people cant find them.

    My comment was to a post that made it sound like all Worlds generated with beta 1.7.3 or sooner were unique. My point is that two beta 1.7.3 worlds weren't any more different from one another than two 1.3.1 worlds.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    Quote from ChaosGuardian

    Because every seed is identical now.

    All seeds have always generated worlds with similar features. All worlds had some sort of 404 cave or a Bogota hill formation. It was just a matter of finding them.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    Quote from woodsie

    ive only just created a new world and ive been mining like twice because i have tones of mines by my house and i have 3 stacks of coal and 2 stacks of iron and 16 diamonds, its ridiculous!

    The ridiculous thing here is that you say nothing to us about how much time you have spent mining. "Just created a new world" is not a measurement of time.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Leather required for books: why
    Quote from britefire

    Even on servers with no limitations placed on them can have no animals, or even simply no cows and only other animals, though it does make the recipie a bit more realistic, and enchanting a tad harder to get, the animal issue is really more of a server issue than anything on Mojang's part.
    No, servers without limitations will have cows, one way or another. Trade with other players, explore more to get new chunks or just wait. Animals still randomly spawn in the world, although very rarely. If you still think it is a problem you still have the option of creating alternative ways of obtaining leather even on servers without any limits.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Leather required for books: why
    Quote from britefire

    While I'm fine with it for SP, there needs to be another way, as many multiplayer servers are near animal-less, makin genchanting near impossible.
    Servers with a mob cap or other limitations should also add alternatives for obtaining things like leather. If you take some you must give some.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Early July 31st, no 1.3?
    Quote from KyoShinda

    So 1.3.1 is the update we'll be getting tomorrow? Why do we even wait for tomorrow then?

    You don't need to. You can download the 1.3.1 version and use that. It's practically identical to what we'll get tomorrow.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.3 pre : Chunk errors (help?)
    These things have a chance of happening if you delete a world and then create a new world with the same name shortly after. The faster you are the more probable it is to happen. It might also happen if you exit Minecraft shortly after deleting a world because that also prevents the game from cleaning the save folder.

    It happens if there are still remains of an old world on your disk even if you can't select it in the world selection menu. When the World generator sees that there are files there already it believes that it has already generated those chunks during a previous run.

    Either give the game plenty of time to clean up the save folder properly or delete the world folder manually to make sure the world is properly gone before reusing the name for a new world.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    Quote from iGotDaRice

    Watch this video:
    It's me playing Minecraft for 30 minutes in a new world sped up to show how easy MInecraft has gotten

    99% of that is your gaming experience in Minecraft and has very little to do with the amount of caves we have now. You would have been unable to do something like that when you started out. It's impossible to make Minecraft hard for you. I don't think it should be a goal for Mojang to make Minecraft into a game that would challenge someone like you.

    Those who enjoy Minecraft the most is the players that play not only for 30 minutes, but actually build stuff. Castles, cities, farms, ranches, Minecart systems and mob traps. If you want a challenge in Minecraft you would need to download a custom map or install a mod that change some of these properties.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    If doing something takes more time than something else, then using the word harder isn't too far fetched. If taken to the extreme a person with limited amount of time might even consider something impossible. Don't read too much into the usage of the word hard.

    The thread might have had an easier time if it was about time instead. Something about the cave systems making iron too accessible and that the time needed to find enough for full armor is too short.

    This could have been solved differently though. What is the armor recipes took Iron blocks instead?

    My point with most of my posts in this thread is that I don't think the amount of caves is the right place to start if you want to change how fast you can create your armor. It wouldn't take you that much more time if you had to dig for it and the digging would be done in complete safety anyway.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    What is it with caves that are annoying?

    I think some of the posters here have some weird need to explore all caves fully and they find it annoying that such an task takes a little bit more time than they want it to.

    Another group thinks that it makes it too easy to find Iron, while caving is actually more dangerous than mining. The reward for caving is that you might find enough Iron a little bit faster.

    Does a world have too much Iron? The availability of Iron isn't balanced around the first 30 minutes of a world. It's balanced around the expectation that you play in a world for a long time and actually need a lot of Iron for things like a Minecart system.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Too many caves! Game is too easy
    I think this thread started in the wrong end with the wrong assumptions. Let's say you have a world without any caves at all. If you need any materials you must mine for it. In such a scenario it might take you a little bit longer to gather the materials needed for armor, but it would be made completely safe with a few torches.

    On the other hand, if you constantly run into a cave, then at least there is a chance that you meet a mob or two. And meeting a skeleton in a cave without any armor isn't always as easy as one would think.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Please do NOT make leather needed for new book recipe!!
    Quote from zooggydog480

    For a block that serves no purpose after a certain point? Yes, it's a pretty bad thing.

    I see it the other way around. It would have been bad if the block had an important function.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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