It annoys me that some people see changing the combat system from click spamming to a system that actually requires a bit of tactic and skill is a bad thing. I hated PVP with the old combat system. One of the main reasons I made my server with a focus on cooperative PVE play. Though with this new combat system I may dust off our old PVP arena and host regular competitions.
As a server owner I have had some dumb reasons to have to kick or ban someone. I am fairly reasonable, but here is a story from yesterday.
New person joins the server for the first time, after a few minutes the new person gives me a book with clickable text simply saying KLICKHEIR. (on my server all new players spawn in with 1 book&quill) Of course I do not click it. a few minutes later the person ask if they can have GM1. I simply replied "no". Then my anticheat plugin notifications light up on the new person and the plugin auto kicks them, twice. They have yet to return again.
Fraps is easy to use, but uncompressed video creates massive file size and is not free.
OBS is one of the best free recorders available.
MSI afterburner creates high quality uncompressed video with massive file size.
Bandicam is simple and easy to use, but the free version leaves a massive watermark on the videos.
DxTory is one of the best in terms of options,including multitrack audio recording, not free.
ShadowPlay In my opinion, the best free recorder available, It is what I use and offers HD streaming and near zero performance loss, even when recording at 2160x1440P60FPS at 50Mbps in h.264. However it is NVidia proprietary software and requires a compatible NVidia graphics card (GTX650 or higher)
This has been discussed a thousand times already and confirmed by Jeb that that next update after 1.9 (properly pronounced "One Dot Nine") would be 1.10 (pronounced "One dot ten"). Version numbers are not decimals and if Mojang wanted they could call an update 1.banana.3.14 if they wanted.
It annoys me that some people see changing the combat system from click spamming to a system that actually requires a bit of tactic and skill is a bad thing. I hated PVP with the old combat system. One of the main reasons I made my server with a focus on cooperative PVE play. Though with this new combat system I may dust off our old PVP arena and host regular competitions.
As a server owner I have had some dumb reasons to have to kick or ban someone. I am fairly reasonable, but here is a story from yesterday.
New person joins the server for the first time, after a few minutes the new person gives me a book with clickable text simply saying KLICKHEIR. (on my server all new players spawn in with 1 book&quill) Of course I do not click it. a few minutes later the person ask if they can have GM1. I simply replied "no". Then my anticheat plugin notifications light up on the new person and the plugin auto kicks them, twice. They have yet to return again.
Or have the Owner shut down the server, then deop all his account UUID ban and IP ban all of them.
Fraps is easy to use, but uncompressed video creates massive file size and is not free.
OBS is one of the best free recorders available.
MSI afterburner creates high quality uncompressed video with massive file size.
Bandicam is simple and easy to use, but the free version leaves a massive watermark on the videos.
DxTory is one of the best in terms of options,including multitrack audio recording, not free.
ShadowPlay In my opinion, the best free recorder available, It is what I use and offers HD streaming and near zero performance loss, even when recording at 2160x1440P60FPS at 50Mbps in h.264. However it is NVidia proprietary software and requires a compatible NVidia graphics card (GTX650 or higher)
I have not used it in a while but unless some massive performance boost have been implemented it can take several hours for a good render.