Booooooo. I can't even use Twitch (gotta love 2002 computers, amirite?) I'll probably (scratch that, I will) forget to do this and if I ever get an itchin' to come here again I'll probably do it anyway. But come on, seems like an extra step for not so good payback.
Question: Will new users have to make 2 accounts, one for here and one Twitch to post here? Or will they just be signed up for Twitch when they sign up here?
Classic will always have a special place in my heart, specifically the servers, I've joined like 2 servers that have gotten me to feel that "classic" feeling now I can't find any that will make me feel like that. The One's zombie server will forever be my favorite server.
What about you? Can be as general as Alpha or as specific as 1.7.10
Yeah I do, I made cringy signature when they got rid of it. There's still ways to get to classic, if World of Minecraft client is still around you can use that. But email integration pretty much killed classic off for good.
Do it.
I like the new Quartz textures, they look super fine. Not a fan of the trees but whatever.
People have always stayed behind in updates. Plus a lot (a whole lot) of mods stayed/stay in 1.7.10 because 1.8 introduced something that made it harder for mods to update.
wowee, thanks a ton.
I like some of the textures, most of them are okay and probably won't effect me that much but good god the emerald and diamond blocks are hideous. They look like someone's first texturepack. They are going with shading and detail but then they simplify the already detailed crafting table? I wonder what else they'll change (please let diorite be one.)
Say if a player went past coordinate X and I wanted to give the player a book about something through a command, would that be possible?
What is your username?: Pugrus (Someone swiped SharkMonster from me when I changed it ;-;)
How old are you?: 17 (turn 18 in a month)
What timezone/country do you live in?: EST
How long have you been playing minecraft?: Since 2009
Do you agree with and abide our rules?: Yes
What is your discord ID?: Don't have one.
How active can you be everyday?: I can play for like at least an hour a day until the end of August (School starts back up).
What is the application token?: Old Spice Sounds Nice
Have you ever been banned on a minecraft server before? If so for what?: Never been banned
Tell us a little bit about yourself: I enjoy playing games, help me relax. I have a 20G aquarium with 5 red platies and 4 cory cats and a lot of small snails. It also has Java ferns creating a 'Cory cat Forest' I also have a small piece of driftwood with some Anubias tied to it with fishing line. I helped my dad, brother, and my sisters friend re-build our fence on one side and it's extremely satisfying to do stuff like that, I also help with our pool and I smoke beef jerky that turns out really good.
Why do you want to join Vanilla Planet?: Minecraft is the only game that will really run on this computer, so might as well play it with people. I also used to play on a small server like this one back around 2011, but it's lost it's player base which sucks, so I thought I'd find another server to play on.
What can you bring to the community?: (Builds, Redstone, Ideas, etc.) I can bring ideas for builds, I can also build pretty well if I have enough materials for it. I can also bring help if any player needs help building, or gathering materials and the like.
Are there any questions you have about the server?: (optional) Nope.
1.8 Beta or 1.8 release? Cuz if 1.8 release then I'm not seeing a distinct change between that and now.
Play what version you want, it's your game.
The best is kind of hard for me. 1.7 because I love the new biomes (although 'extreme' hills are boring) I also like 1.8 lots of cool stuff.
I really didn't like 1.9 because It added the new combat (yay?) and a bunch of End stuff which doesn't do much for me because I never go to the end. I probably (and most people) won't see the effects of 1.9 until very late game which sucks.
I don't think it ever went bad. I say that Beta is probably my favorite chunk of updates, just because of the feeling it gives off. It completely depends on the time and way you were playing the game. If you like me and you played Classic up until you figured out how to actually use the dig dang internet you probably have more fond memories over the time where you weren't aware of each change or updates to the game.
I definetly didn't like Hunger when it came out, I liked and got used to if you got hurt you eat and you're healed. But you know when games add sprinting it's guaranteed to have something to limit it (like how in LoZ: Skyward Sword you now have the stamina meter).
taking a big ol' assumption here and say you're talking about Release 1.8. My computer is from like 2004 or whenever Windows XP (which it still runs on) was relevant. I'm playing on the current snapshot and getting a smoooth 40 FPS without like the cool options. So I can get behind that, if you want to play fancy but if you don't it should work fine.
If 1.7 is the update that made it so if you were next to a desert you would most likely find other dry biomes around it, then I hate it too. I dunno I liked wandering around until I found a neat biome but now I can predict what's next.
I'd say the step of point for me would be like 1.2 release. That's definetly the point where I stopped playing the game for a while, then 1.3 came out and that added something I think, then the pretty spooky update wasn't as spooky as I thought it would be. Also the updates are like years apart. I'd like 1.10 type updates where they come out every few months with new things to play with for the next couple months until the new one came out.
The game got pretty stale after a while, but I'm having a blast in single player right now so the game never went bad, it's just like if you play the game too long at once.
I'm back again. Gonna take a break from a certain website for a while, this is like the calmest place I know.
Servers and mods I get that they would want more updates that take a farther apart from each other. The tweet is just speculation but it's still an interesting discussion about the topic. For me I wouldn't mind small frequent updates since I don't use mods/servers much. But I would get a bit impatient for an update a year, I'd prefer one half a year for me that's what I would like.
Sorry if this belongs in Discussion I haven't used these forums in months.
So Searge sent out a tweet saying people to not panic that 1.10 is coming so early. This sparked a conversation on Reddit and I'm curious to what you guys think about it. Would you rather have Big Bulky updates every year or small/medium sized updates every few months?