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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Quote from Killadelph

    I tried downloading the Aether Mod and when i login to minecraft the screen stays black for about a minute and then minecraft crashes. I did alot of test to see which one of the three required downloads it wasn't compatible with and it seems it's not working with modloader because minecraft will working just fine with AudioMod and ShockahPI (obviously i can't play the mod, i'm just saying these don't crash the client) but when i have just the Mod and Modloader installed, it crashes, and when i have everything installed, it crashes. The only other Mod i'm using is Toomanyitems. My OS is Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004.
    I have the Aether Mod downloaded on a seperate computer but thats running XP proffessional SP3 so i don't know if it's just the OS on this computer or not.

    I know this problem has been asked before in the midst of this gigantic post, but i'm not flipping through 800+ pages to find it, so if someone could just help me out, i'd appreciate it greatly.

    See above. Esp. mo creatures or other mods that use modloader.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Quote from exeel22

    How much longer till the update. I am getting tired of all these whale eating up the spawn and also the moa's don't drop eggs at all killed 20 so far and nothing but feathers. This mod still rocks even with all the annoying bugs there are.

    You have to wait for them to drop eggs, like a chicken.... if you killed a woman, would you expect a baby to pop out? :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Quote from Wolfcub

    I can't figure out for the life of me how to defeat gold dungeon bosses.

    Quote from Blockologist

    Is the poison Aechor plant non-existent? Or is it just extremely rare. I haven't been able to find a single Aechor plant.

    Blame aerwhales.

    Quote from Sunset Blue

    Also, another note on moas: I read in the first post that black moas can perform eight mid-air jumps, but mine can only do six. Bug or mistake?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Quote from redhawkz

    i had this mod (till it because of other reason)
    and i never saw a flying pig or sheep or friendly moa, why is that?

    ****ing retarded aerwhales, that's why. Should be fixed in next patch.

    Quote from s3kShUn_8

    On Topic: Is there an estimated date for the patch? Glanced over the last 10 pages and saw no mention of one.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Quote from MathewAlden

    Are there plans to port it over to Bukkit once the glitches are fixed?

    I think so.
    I really hope so...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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