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    posted a message on "...But I'm from Planet minecraft..." and other sad stories of those who try to get O.P.ed
    Quote from ___MeRliN___

    Mhh yeah... what about a nice rank for that pmc noobs?

    Something just making them think they got op, but they didnt. Like this OP faker plugin...

    Would love seing their reaction

    Such as:

    "You have op!" And when you try to switch gamemode or something it doesn't work and says "Nope. Chuck testa."
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on MistyCraft [1.5] [mature] [friendly] [small community]
    Quote from bounce364

    Don't recommend this server for any professional Minecraft players. The admin is obviously VERY new to the game and has no social experience on it either. They don't respect you're opinion on things and constantly insult you. But I do recommend this server for A**holes who think there hot sh*t and don't know what the word "vanilla" means. thank you.

    For those who are wondering: He is just Pis*ed cause he got banned for being a twit. Ignore him -.- He deserved to be banned.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on "...But I'm from Planet minecraft..." and other sad stories of those who try to get O.P.ed
    I was an Admin on a server once. This happened:

    (Usernames have been changed except for mine so they are not emberrased if you happen to be on the same server as them. This is a very long message. If you have read this far then you have been trolled. :P )

    RandomNoob (RN) Has joined the server!

    Archstorm: (mwah) Welcome to the server!
    RN: Hi! Can you please op me so I can rate this server?
    Me: Have you read our rules?
    RN: No... can you please op me?
    Me: Please read the rules to understand that you may not become an op.
    RN: Fine...
    (A while later)
    RN: Ok, can i still be op?
    Me: Seriously? For the umpteenth time, no.
    RN: But Im from planet minecraft! I have an account! I have a lot of subscribers!

    RN has been banned. Reason: And I'm from planet earth! Where I have a girlfriend! And a REAL life!

    True story :D
    Posted in: Discussion
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