Does anyone else see the house just behind the turtle?
- ShadowC38
- Registered Member
Member for 14 years, 1 month, and 19 days
Last active Tue, May, 21 2019 16:30:48
- 40 Total Posts
- 3 Thanks
Jul 5, 2015ShadowC38 posted a message on Day 2 Minecon: 1.9 Update Info!Posted in: News
I can't wait for the updates for The End!
I don't think I'm going to like the Shulkers much though...
I really want slabs and stairs for all wool blocks, Polished Granite, Polished Diorite, and Polished Andesite (though particularly for the Granite and wools). It's be really cool to have 'carpeted' stairs in vanilla Minecraft, and I like using the Polished Granite as roads sometimes (and I like using slabs/stairs for adjusting to the terrain, instead of having to jump from level to level).
Jun 8, 2015ShadowC38 posted a message on 1.8.7 Security Update Available!Posted in: News
Does anyone else encounter their villagers running in circles for no apparent reason? It's both a tad irritating and a bit funny. Also, how does them hiding in tall plants (or by fence posts 2+ tall) offer any protection? Are these glitches of some sort or personality quirks?
Jun 7, 2015ShadowC38 posted a message on Community Roundtable: Ocean LifePosted in: News
I'd love sea life in vanilla minecraft. I recently tried out Oceancraft and loved it -particularly the luminescent coral and the ability to capture the sea life and not just kill them. I'd love an aquarium in or near my home.
Apr 2, 2015ShadowC38 posted a message on Best Holiday Ever Concluded, Business as UsualPosted in: News
I loved the Creepers and I really liked the textures being brighter. And if you could shear sheep with just your hand, that'd be cool too.
Out of curiosity, for those who want the obsidian boat, why? It seemed pretty useless to me (and yes, I tried it in the
lavamelted cheese). -
Apr 1, 2015ShadowC38 posted a message on Snapshot 15w14a Ready For Testing!Posted in: News
Screenshots to share!! I LOVE (pun not intended) the new creeper (check out the zombie pigman behind Creepy), and getting to ride the ghast (why the ghast and not horses? I prefer getting to choose where to go, instead of simply being along for the ride...)! The Skeletons are great, with dropping all that bonemeal. And the flying squids? Weird, but neat. Also, and smoke effects (including ender) are now hearts. And endermen have pink eyes, the boat has a heart shaped hole in the bottom, and what in Existence is the obsidian boat for? The wither is just plain.... I dunno, see for yourself.
All in all? I'm sticking with the 'old' 1.8.3 or 1.7.10 Minecraft, supposing they are still available to play. It'd be really cool if there was an option (in 'normal' Minecraft) to choose what mobs you want, so we can keep the ones we want.
P.S. LOVE the new creeper! I am so saving that re-texture!
P.P.S. The texture pack seems different. Brighter? I like it.
Nov 15, 2014ShadowC38 posted a message on New EULA Now in Effect!soo... what about admins? Aren't you (if you run the server) and the admins supposed to be a class above everyone else? how do you enforce the rules if everyone has the same commands you do? How can you have the /kick command, if by using it that guarantees that everyone now can use it? You may end up getting /kick and /ban off your own server (it happened to my brother once or twice on a classic server).Posted in: News
I'm truly confused here. -
Jun 18, 2014ShadowC38 posted a message on Snapshot Double-Feature: 1.7.10 Pre-Release, 14w25a Ready for Testing!I looked at the bug tracker site, but I'm not sure how to report a bug. I'm playing with a friend and we discovered that Dark Oak wood (the logs fresh from a tree) are bugged. When you harvest it, it's purple and black checkerboard, and when you try to place it, it crashes the game. Also, when I caught on fire (got too close to lava) all I could see (nearly the whole screen) was purple and black checkerboard, where the fire effects should have been. The other thing I've found is that stairs will not place properly. If you're standing facing east, then it's no problem, but any other direction won't place right.Posted in: News
Apr 19, 2012ShadowC38 posted a message on Minecraft Snapshot 12w16a Available For Testing!Posted in: NewsQuote from BlueChoco
That's the whole idea, he wants to basically make SSP and SMP one thing. You can basically invite people in, instead of having to do all this extra work. It also means for mod authors it's one thing to code for instead of two, because SSP and SMP are not the same code wise. From what I've been seeing obviously, it wasn't coded the same for SSP and SMP. So making it one complete unit, is less work for everyone along with the future Mod API.
I applaud this entire thing, because it pretty much brings new possibilities. Also new challenges no doubt but as with his interview, Jeb actually talked about this becoming one whole thing overall. Should be on some of the older pages, given you want to read up on it at some point.
I didn't know that was actually in the plans.I can't wait! But that makes me curious. How will that effect current SMP servers, and will there be a public server list, like for the classic minecraft servers? Or how will people be able to join if joining a server is by invite only? I'll have to look for that interview at some point.
Apr 19, 2012ShadowC38 posted a message on Minecraft Snapshot 12w16a Available For Testing!Posted in: News
Well, /time and /gamemode, for two things. Although I use TMI, so I can just click the day/creative button. Also, if Mojang makes it where we can invite people to play with us on our singleplayer maps, it will be helpful for that. Unless you like talking to yourself or your pets, want to leave notes that aren't cluttering up your yard, or.... I dunno... I'm sure there are many, many other uses I'm not thinking of just yet. - To post a comment, please login.
Somewhere I saw it like this:
"description":"My Resource Pack"
and also like this:
"pack_format: 2",
"description":"My Resource Pack"
Apparently the second version doesn't work. That's what I had it set at. Now it's on the first one and working. Thanks for the help, I probably would'nt have thought to try the other one.
I made this resource pack when resource packs were brand new (actually, I made it originally as a texture pack but figured out how to update it to a resource pack). I keep updating the things I want changed as needed, but for the last few builds Minecraft claims my resource pack is Incompatible as it was made for an older version of minecraft. Some of the textures I updated are the brand new zombie villager variants for pete's sake! How is that incompatible? Better question, how do I make it compatible? I don't see anything inside my pack saying it's only for a certain build, and as far as I can find the instructions for creating a resource pack aren't much different from the one I used before. I did update the mcmeta thingy to say pack format 2 instead of 1, but the game still says it's incompatible. Does the compatibility note even matter?
Would appreciate any help.
I like the idea of wind and water sounds, birds chirping, things like that. That'd make the game more enjoyable, I think. If it was implemented, I'd also like it if it could be disabled, in case it causes lag. And also for those who don't want it, then they could just turn it off (or maybe make off default, and those who want it can turn it on?).
1 -this is what I use. It's fairly easy to figure out.
I made my skin myself (with help from SkinEdit).
I made it to resemble me (IRL), but as an elven girl. I've changed the outfit a few times (which I probably will again soon), but I keep the face the same.
I have Windows 7. I use paint and Gimp. I can't find the file for recoloring the heads. I don't want to recolor the mobs, just the head block/item thingy (if that is possible).
I saw on the wiki that there are different textures for the mob heads (i.e.
, etc...), but none are what I want. Is there a way I can make a re-texture of my own? I looked through all the blocks in the assets folder (in the vanilla minecraft.jar), but I didn't see any of the heads there. I'd like something in vanilla minecraft about that size that can go against the wall, but with my choice of textures.
Do I need to download everything listed under Drivers on that first link? I already downloaded the AMD All in 1 and used it, but it didn't make a difference.
Is the 'AMD Catalyst Install Manager' the GPU thingy I'm looking for in control panel > programs?
Where can I find a list of the drivers I need to update? What am I looking for in control panel > programs and features?
According to the manual that came with my computer tower, the motherboard is a ASRock A55M-HVS. I don't know much more than that.
Is the prime95 from
The last couple times it blue screened it said the file named atikmdag.sys was at fault.
Does the driversweeper/driver fusion uninstall them? And how do I reinstall them after they've been uninstalled?
Dump File : 051313-29281-01.dmp
Crash Time : 5/13/2013 5:11:40 PM
Bug Check String :
Bug Check Code : 0x00000101
Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000031
Parameter 2 : 00000000`00000000
Parameter 3 : fffff880`02fd5180
Parameter 4 : 00000000`00000003
Caused By Driver : ntoskrnl.exe
Caused By Address : ntoskrnl.exe+75c00
File Description : NT Kernel & System
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Company : Microsoft Corporation
File Version : 6.1.7601.18113 (win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533)
Processor : x64
Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+75c00
Stack Address 1 :
Stack Address 2 :
Stack Address 3 :
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\051313-29281-01.dmp
Processors Count : 4
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 7601
Dump File Size : 274,464
This is what it looks like with BlueScreenView when I set the Lower Pane Mode to Blue Screen in XP Style.
In the picture, where it says "The problem seems to be caused by the following file:", the _____.exe/.sys changes from .dmp to .dmp. Nine of them say ntoskrnl.exe, six say atikmdag.sys, two say dxgkrnl.sys, one says wdf01000.sys, and one is blank.
In short: My computer crashes a few minutes or so into playing Minecraft. None of my other games seem to trigger this reaction. However, the problem started with Metro (through Steam -and Metro is now uninstalled), not Minecraft. It doesn't seem to matter whether I play with a vanilla, mostly vanilla, or modded Minecraft.
The longer version: A few months ago, when there were free codes for Metro through Steam being given out on Facebook, I got it for my brother to play (it won't run on his computer). He played it for a while without trouble, but when he reached a level/map/chapter (I wasn't really paying attention, and I don't know how that game runs), my computer crashed and gave him a blue screen. He tried a few more times to play the game, and it kept crashing and giving him a blue screen. I don't know how many times he tried after the first time. After that, when I tried to play Minecraft, my computer would crash and give me a blue screen. I uninstalled Metro as soon as I could, but the crashing didn't stop. Since it was only Minecraft that seemed to trigger the crashes, I uninstalled and re-installed Java. That didn't fix it either. I don't know what else to try, besides giving up Minecraft, and I really, really don't want to. I have googled blue screen of death, and once I realized the STOP: # had a lot to do with the type of crash I googled that too. I saw on a post somewhere to download BlueScreenView to see the crash file, so I downloaded that, although I'm pretty sure it's not showing the same information on it's blue screen preview as I saw on the real thing. I haven't done much since about my problem since downloading that, mostly because I don't know how or what to do.
The error I keep getting says something about a clock interrupt not being received on a secondary processor within the allocated time interval. The STOP number is: 0x00000101
My computer is about 8 months old. The computer info on the System page (brought up by bringing up the start menu, R-clicking on Computer, and then bringing up properties) says:
Windows 7 Home Premium
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Service Pack 1
Manufacturer: CyberPower Inc.
Rating: 5.7
Processor: AMD A6-3670 APU with Radeon™ HD Graphics 2.70 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB (7.73 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit Operating System
I searched MinecraftForums for other posts about the 0x00000101 code and in the posts a dump file was sometimes requested. I don't know how to get one, but if it is needed and someone can provided instructions, I'll do my best to get one posted.
I hope someone can make sense of this... I'd be really grateful for some help and constructive advice.
EDIT: It happened again (actually, it's frozen or blue screened a few times...), this time I remembered to get a pic of the blue screen.
I've installed all the updates that Windows Update had available, beyond that I don't know how to upgrade any of the drivers or system BIOS...