Is there a way to disable or limit hunter spawns on a per dimension basis? This mod makes Twilight forest essentially unplayable for anyone who becomes a werewolf because hundreds of hunters spawn. (I guess they count as a passive mob?)
Is there any other mods or options to do this outside of a configuration option in this mod?
What caused the issue could have overlooked this village because it was not active at the time
That's a good point. I'd still love to know what happened though >.> I'd be willing to upload my map file to dropbox if someone would be willing to take a look at it. Also, IS there a way to "reset" the AI in any way?
Just a warning to people about, it seems to change (or rather not change) world gen. I noticed in the previous version that world gen was changed by the mod, and it seems this latest update no longer does that apart from swapping out random ones for magic forest and taint of course. (which is good) However, if you, like myself, made a new with the previous version, expect lots of chunk edges. (Is there perhaps an MCedit filter, or other tool to make the biome transitions look more natural?)
Sounds like an update caused this somehow, since other villages won't repeat the error.
Do you keep backups of your worlds?
I do, but none from before this happened. Also, the village that still works was found before the first one started exhibiting problems. (I believe) Further, unless there was an update after the one that increased the growth rate of crops (the stable release), I don't think I've ever updated this mod.
Wait, what? It works fine in one village but not the other?
There might be an issue with the building then and not the pathing.
Yeah, the thing I don't get though is that it USED to work, so SOMETHING changed, I just don't know what. I did take some fish from him a couple times (furnaces should be protected like chests are) but that didn't stop them before. The only thing I can think of is that I think the last time I took an amount that wasn't a full stack. If that IS what broke it though, it still doesn't explain the chicken farmer, since I had never even gone to his building before trying to figure out why there wasn't any cooked chicken to buy at the store.
That Japanese fisherman house starts off as two pillars for some reason, some VERY unusual reason for a culture that spawns in snowy biomes.
But yeah, no worries it is normal, it is actually two pillars, a chest, a furnace, and a lake if I recall correctly.
I just found it funny that my well off, fully upgraded fishermen can't cook, but this near nomadic fishermen with nothing but a chest, a furnace, and two poles to his name is cooking like a champ XD. Really wish there was a fix for the issue, or even a way to "reset" particular AI. (Apparently killing them doesn't do that, sorry fishermen >.>)
I hope they can fix the pathing issues, but more so then that I wish I could figure out what happened with my fishermen and chicken farmer. Even more interesting, I found another Japanese village, and they had a fishermen. The house was completely gone except for two oak plank pillars, a chest, and a furnace. With an almost entirely destroyed house, this fishermen was still cooking his fish and delivering them to the main hub, so SOMETHING caused the fishermen in my main village to "break" and I still can't fix him, I love to figure out what it was
Also to Druha, it would be pretty cool if the creator of this mod and the creator of Thaumcraft worked together on the Ai, maybe they'd even add a Thaumcraft village type as an optional addon, that would be amazing!
Sometimes villagers will go have fun and do something else regardless of what they need to do.
No, it's exactly what I was talking about. If I could sum up just about all my problems into two things, 1. would be AI that don't have proper pathing (aka, they seem to not know how to go through fence doors half the time, and sometimes they will sit one block away from being able to cut a tree down) 2. would be that the AI seem to forget how to use furnaces, and sometimes where to move objects around.
A little update too, my craftsman guy in my Japanese village started making plain timber again, I have no idea what stopped it in the first place, or what fixed it, but THAT is working again at least. The fishermen still isn't cooking his fish, the chicken farmer still isn't cooking his chicken, and the squid farmer (as far as I can tell) still isn't gathering squid. However, I have found some of the ikayaki in the chicken farmers chest, so maybe he's just not getting enough for them to add it to the towns trade inventory?
I know you did, I already had you do everything except reinstall java.
Reinstalling java (and removing ALL versions installed on your computer at once) usually fixes something like this.
It appears to be a problem with the mod, specifically the AI. The chicken farmer doesn't seem to know how to open his gate half the time, and I can't count how many times I've had to manually push a wood cutter into one of their trees before they start cutting. The fishermen, I don't know what happened, but he USED to be working fine, but the wood cutters never have.
That didn't fix anything, and I had already tried everything there except for re-installing java.
Is there a way to kill the villagers and have them respawn, or to respawn villagers killed by a player? I feel this may be the last thing I can try before just either deleting the mod or learning to live with un-productive villages.
EDIT: The fisherman spawned back in, as well as his wife (even though the wiki says player killed npc's don't respawn) Nothing has changed with either of them as far as I can tell. The chicken farmer and his wife also respawned, and I noticed the chicken farmer doesn't seem to know how to work his gate. He stand outside the fence, and tries to kill the chicken from there, so he ends up just sitting around all day.
Typically the male villagers are programmed to just do the fishing/hunting/slaughtering and the females are the ones that do the cooking and such. Do your fishermen and chicken farmers have wives?
Yes, they all do. The wives only plant rice though as far as I have observed. And the squid fishermen (the actual name escapes me) doesn't appear to actually be getting anything from the squid.
Hello, loving the mod so far, but I've run into some trouble with my village. It seems almost none of my villagers want to use their furnaces, or move things anywhere other then the main building. My fishermen Has stopped cooking fish all together, and simply puts the raw fish in his chest where it sits forever. My chicken farmer is also not cooking his chicken as far as I can tell, and due to both of these the kitchen will not sell chicken or the fish soup. (My village is japanese, or "Naha") Also, my carpenter is no longer making timber frames for some reason, and I don't know why. Is there any way to fix these issues?
That is unusual... backup your.minecraft folder, remove the millenaire folders in the mods folder and the world files, delete everything else, and reinstall all and move the things back.
I tried that, but nothing changed. However, I made some progress with the chicken farmer. If I put raw chicken, and planks in his top furnace, he will take the cooked chicken and bring it to the kitchen. He never puts anything into the furnace himself though. Also, if I sell the villagers cooked fish, they turn them into the soup, but no cooked fish is taken from the fishermen, and he still refuses to cook anything he catches. (He only has cooked fish at all because he still has some left from before this started happening). Also, the squid farmer appears to not be doing anything, he shows up, kills squid, then walks away as if nothing happened.
Any help would be great, at this point I feel like going on a killing spree in the village. Maybe the children will be smarter then their parents.
Hello, loving the mod so far, but I've run into some trouble with my village. It seems almost none of my villagers want to use their furnaces, or move things anywhere other then the main building. My fishermen Has stopped cooking fish all together, and simply puts the raw fish in his chest where it sits forever. My chicken farmer is also not cooking his chicken as far as I can tell, and due to both of these the kitchen will not sell chicken or the fish soup. (My village is japanese, or "Naha") Also, my carpenter is no longer making timber frames for some reason, and I don't know why. Is there any way to fix these issues?
Is there a way to disable or limit hunter spawns on a per dimension basis? This mod makes Twilight forest essentially unplayable for anyone who becomes a werewolf because hundreds of hunters spawn. (I guess they count as a passive mob?)
Is there any other mods or options to do this outside of a configuration option in this mod?
That's a good point. I'd still love to know what happened though >.> I'd be willing to upload my map file to dropbox if someone would be willing to take a look at it. Also, IS there a way to "reset" the AI in any way?
I do, but none from before this happened. Also, the village that still works was found before the first one started exhibiting problems. (I believe) Further, unless there was an update after the one that increased the growth rate of crops (the stable release), I don't think I've ever updated this mod.
If it wasn't me taking the fish that messed it up, I have no sweet clue what did >.>
Yeah, the thing I don't get though is that it USED to work, so SOMETHING changed, I just don't know what. I did take some fish from him a couple times (furnaces should be protected like chests are) but that didn't stop them before. The only thing I can think of is that I think the last time I took an amount that wasn't a full stack. If that IS what broke it though, it still doesn't explain the chicken farmer, since I had never even gone to his building before trying to figure out why there wasn't any cooked chicken to buy at the store.
Do we know that for sure? Has Jade said anything?
I just found it funny that my well off, fully upgraded fishermen can't cook, but this near nomadic fishermen with nothing but a chest, a furnace, and two poles to his name is cooking like a champ XD. Really wish there was a fix for the issue, or even a way to "reset" particular AI. (Apparently killing them doesn't do that, sorry fishermen >.>)
Also to Druha, it would be pretty cool if the creator of this mod and the creator of Thaumcraft worked together on the Ai, maybe they'd even add a Thaumcraft village type as an optional addon, that would be amazing!
No, it's exactly what I was talking about. If I could sum up just about all my problems into two things, 1. would be AI that don't have proper pathing (aka, they seem to not know how to go through fence doors half the time, and sometimes they will sit one block away from being able to cut a tree down) 2. would be that the AI seem to forget how to use furnaces, and sometimes where to move objects around.
A little update too, my craftsman guy in my Japanese village started making plain timber again, I have no idea what stopped it in the first place, or what fixed it, but THAT is working again at least. The fishermen still isn't cooking his fish, the chicken farmer still isn't cooking his chicken, and the squid farmer (as far as I can tell) still isn't gathering squid. However, I have found some of the ikayaki in the chicken farmers chest, so maybe he's just not getting enough for them to add it to the towns trade inventory?
It appears to be a problem with the mod, specifically the AI. The chicken farmer doesn't seem to know how to open his gate half the time, and I can't count how many times I've had to manually push a wood cutter into one of their trees before they start cutting. The fishermen, I don't know what happened, but he USED to be working fine, but the wood cutters never have.
That didn't fix anything, and I had already tried everything there except for re-installing java.
Is there a way to kill the villagers and have them respawn, or to respawn villagers killed by a player? I feel this may be the last thing I can try before just either deleting the mod or learning to live with un-productive villages.
EDIT: The fisherman spawned back in, as well as his wife (even though the wiki says player killed npc's don't respawn) Nothing has changed with either of them as far as I can tell. The chicken farmer and his wife also respawned, and I noticed the chicken farmer doesn't seem to know how to work his gate. He stand outside the fence, and tries to kill the chicken from there, so he ends up just sitting around all day.
Yes, they all do. The wives only plant rice though as far as I have observed. And the squid fishermen (the actual name escapes me) doesn't appear to actually be getting anything from the squid.
I tried that, but nothing changed. However, I made some progress with the chicken farmer. If I put raw chicken, and planks in his top furnace, he will take the cooked chicken and bring it to the kitchen. He never puts anything into the furnace himself though. Also, if I sell the villagers cooked fish, they turn them into the soup, but no cooked fish is taken from the fishermen, and he still refuses to cook anything he catches. (He only has cooked fish at all because he still has some left from before this started happening). Also, the squid farmer appears to not be doing anything, he shows up, kills squid, then walks away as if nothing happened.
Any help would be great, at this point I feel like going on a killing spree in the village. Maybe the children will be smarter then their parents.