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    posted a message on Dragon eggs
    Notch is making eggs that ender dragons drop, giving us a reason to go to the end but here is what I think should happen when you get an egg to hatch it you must you differnt techniques and if you do you get a new type of dragon eg.

    Surround the egg with lava and it will hatch into a lava/fire dragon that like to hang around fire it breathes fire blah blah blah

    Surround the egg with water you get a water dragon, this dragon love ocean biomes and likes to drown mobs by picking them up and flying underwater

    Surround the egg with vines and it will hath into a plant/life dragon this dragon is more peaceful and will not randomly attack mobs and will only attack if the master or the dragon is threatened

    Surround the egg with stone and it will hatch into a earth dragon, this dragon doesn't like flying and prefers to stay underground it attacks by stomping on its victims, this dragon is more like a tank

    Leave the egg high up in the air and it will hatch to be a air dragon (duh) this dragon is sleek and almost never lands without being commanded it is stronger then all the other dragons but has less health

    Place the egg in a pool of ice it will hatch into a ice dragon, when they walk they place snow and when they walk on water it turns to ice it breathes snowflakes that have a chance too freeze mobs

    Place the egg in sand or sand stone this dragon like to fly around the desert and blah blah blah

    Surround the egg with gold blocks and you get a useless dragon that can't seem to kill mobs very good ( their strength is like that of fists) but has crazy high health, it has a gold breathe and when a mob dies from it they will drop a golden statue of that mob it like too hang around gold

    Hatch it in the nether and it becomes a nether dragon (more ideas coming soon) bad thing about nether dragons they can't leave the nether

    Hatch in the end and it becomes an ender dragon this dragon is not tamable

    When a dragon is in their preferred place they would have a slight attack boost and will regenerate health when they haven't been in battle ( like when your food bar is full ) dragons will randomly attack peaceful mobs, you can only tame one dragon too make it not as op, when dragon breathe fire or stuff like that it will not damage blocks unless you are in single player and it's only naturally generated blocks

    Too hatch the eggs you make and incubater block that you surround with the block needed for that type of dragon, you the right click with the egg in your hand wait a couple of mc days and it hatches the incubater block diss appears and tah-dab another egg will not drop from the ender dragon again in ssp, too get another dragon you need to kill your own in smp it will but you can't make another incubator and if you try place it in a friends then it will be their dragon
    Feel free to suggest more
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on What would have to be you favourite moment in Minecraft?
    Quote from mccabem40a3

    My favourite memory is when i finished this.

    Amazing, im training to be an arcitect, i have designed like 4 hotels and crap (they arent built and probly never will be they are just my eyes) yet for some reason i can never build a gOod looking house in mc

    Ot: finding my firstmassive cave for the first exploring for hours and finally finding my way out on some island far far away, this wasin 1.3 so finding a massive ocean was very rare
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Would you pay for this
    hi me and my friends are in progress of developing a app series for minecraft they will be free with an upgraded version here are all the series soo far that we will be making;

    ALL of these will be free but with ads

    1. minecraft basics - blocks recipes and basic minecraft infomation
    2. minecraft surival - suriving minecraft, mining, basic building and mobs
    3. minecraft advanced building and farms - guides on genorators and farms and ect
    4. minecraft redstone - all info on redstone and building stuff like xor gates and what not
    5. the daily minecraftian - a commuinty type app where we post the coolest videos and maps and youtubers we also report any leaked info and such
    6. minecraft multiplayer - a guide on combating griefers and spleef and pretty much all things multiplayer
    7. minecraft modding - a basic guide on mods and some starter mods
    8. minecraft Mini mods - this guide is full of guides on small mods that dont overly effect the game
    +. minecraft (insert mod here) guide - these will be even more apps that have guides on bigger game chaning mods like the aether

    this version will be $0.99 but no ads and all in one

    minecraft deluxe - a guide with all of them and no adds i may also make 2 one for minecraft its self and another for mods, because it would be pretty big with the mod apps

    also we will have video tuts and images
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Giant Mushrooms.
    Quote from Notchos

    that they're useless.
    What the **** do you get from them, mushroom blocks?!

    you dont even know what they do yet so just calm down, they could be used for anything
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on New Minecraft Team!
    i am really sick of people posting about lets plays and crap on youtube, looking for friends

    why dont you get some real life friends instead?
    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
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    posted a message on MY WOW ACCOUNT HAVE BEEN HACKED!
    why dont you go on the blizzard forums and post

    last time i checked this isnt WOW
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on [REQ] Piston House
    why dont you make it yourself its not hard
    Posted in: Maps
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