Stop making ideas, this is a wip mod and has a lot of content that IMO seems almost impossible, just wait until the mod is a bit more stable then go ahead
/rant over
OT that turtle island thing sounds amazing but doesn't sound possible unless you made it not mineable or something idk but good luck
lol i once spawned in a ocean and went underwater, then it asked if i would like the guild spawned i naturally said yes and then it was turned in atlantis
anyway is their away to get the nether mobs to stop spawning they **** me off so much
Notch is making eggs that ender dragons drop, giving us a reason to go to the end but here is what I think should happen when you get an egg to hatch it you must you differnt techniques and if you do you get a new type of dragon eg.
Surround the egg with lava and it will hatch into a lava/fire dragon that like to hang around fire it breathes fire blah blah blah
Surround the egg with water you get a water dragon, this dragon love ocean biomes and likes to drown mobs by picking them up and flying underwater
Surround the egg with vines and it will hath into a plant/life dragon this dragon is more peaceful and will not randomly attack mobs and will only attack if the master or the dragon is threatened
Surround the egg with stone and it will hatch into a earth dragon, this dragon doesn't like flying and prefers to stay underground it attacks by stomping on its victims, this dragon is more like a tank
Leave the egg high up in the air and it will hatch to be a air dragon (duh) this dragon is sleek and almost never lands without being commanded it is stronger then all the other dragons but has less health
Place the egg in a pool of ice it will hatch into a ice dragon, when they walk they place snow and when they walk on water it turns to ice it breathes snowflakes that have a chance too freeze mobs
Place the egg in sand or sand stone this dragon like to fly around the desert and blah blah blah
Surround the egg with gold blocks and you get a useless dragon that can't seem to kill mobs very good ( their strength is like that of fists) but has crazy high health, it has a gold breathe and when a mob dies from it they will drop a golden statue of that mob it like too hang around gold
Hatch it in the nether and it becomes a nether dragon (more ideas coming soon) bad thing about nether dragons they can't leave the nether
Hatch in the end and it becomes an ender dragon this dragon is not tamable
When a dragon is in their preferred place they would have a slight attack boost and will regenerate health when they haven't been in battle ( like when your food bar is full ) dragons will randomly attack peaceful mobs, you can only tame one dragon too make it not as op, when dragon breathe fire or stuff like that it will not damage blocks unless you are in single player and it's only naturally generated blocks
Too hatch the eggs you make and incubater block that you surround with the block needed for that type of dragon, you the right click with the egg in your hand wait a couple of mc days and it hatches the incubater block diss appears and tah-dab another egg will not drop from the ender dragon again in ssp, too get another dragon you need to kill your own in smp it will but you can't make another incubator and if you try place it in a friends then it will be their dragon
Feel free to suggest more
Enchantments don't work that way.
Enchantments allow you to already have powers. Feather falling, damage absorption from enemy attacks, double power, possibility to regain tool health, ability to mine whitestone from the end.
You pay for these powers with the levels you gain. I think that's a perfectly fair trade. Doing what you suggest automatically allows a person to be on Minecraft for about 30 minutes before having the strongest possible arsenal.
Taken the words from my mouth
Maybe if you add 100 levels + the item sure but so far WAY to OP
Enderdragons in 1.9(they might be postponed to 1.10,with Notch being,well,Notch)are Minecraft's final boss
so they're a final end-game goal
so the original purpose of this mod is kinda obsolete
Still looking forward to it,of course,this is quite a more original final goal than killing a dragon(a purple-eyed demon dragon in a dark dimension of mostly infinite oblivion,but still).Looks fun.
Now hurry up and finish this sucker and don't let it turn out to be imbalanced and annoying like the Aether
no, just no
the enderdragon was never said to be the end goal of the game, their will never be an final goal from what we know the enderdragon is just the key to get out of the ender w/o dying. and anyway their are more dragons being added, notch said that he will add a red dragon thats smaller and doesnt destory blocks like the enderdragon.
and anyway killing some stupid dragon will never make this mod obselete.
OT: this is the best mod i have ever-not-played-yet!
also i think the enderdragon will be in 1.9 cause its already in the pre 1.9.4 and notch just said he is coding eggs for the dragon.
Amazing, im training to be an arcitect, i have designed like 4 hotels and crap (they arent built and probly never will be they are just my eyes) yet for some reason i can never build a gOod looking house in mc
Ot: finding my firstmassive cave for the first exploring for hours and finally finding my way out on some island far far away, this wasin 1.3 so finding a massive ocean was very rare
I wouldn't want to pay for it, as the info is easily available to me elsewhere for free. I can't see the market being massive, because most people have a PC to play minecraft on anyway, though Minecraft itself is making it to mobile devices. Main market I see for it is people who want to read stuff whilst commuting/waiting/bored and people who don't have two monitors so they can display what they want on the phone whilst they create it.
I think for it to sell, it's going to have to be of a high quality with stuff that isn't necessarily available through other methods.
I've had an idea for a tool, but I might see if I can develop it for myself (have access to an Android device) before spitting it into the wild (my personal projects can go wayward).
Also the quality of the written English would have to be MUCH better than it is in your posts. Yeah, I know it's a forum, but it does kinda indicate you may need to get someone else to do the writing for it.
As for video content, it is likely to make the app far too big to have all the vids available in offline mode.
Personally I'm not in the market for a smartphone app, as I don't own one myself lol, but if there's ever a free android version I can critique it ¬¬.
thank you a intelligent response, yeah i agree with you pretty much all the way, yes we will make a android version i firstly wanna get this one done too. and yes i have stated somewhere in this thread that the videos would be an online feature the rest will be offline
i know i have terrible english altho im am not the one writing the articles
See what Apple's marketing division has done to the world? D:
No. Just no.
has nothing to do with their marketing division it what has to do with the developers and what they decide, for eg i could put up a virus on the app store and unless it was reported then apple would do nothing
yes and no its like that but hopefully more helpful i find wiki unhelpful as alot of it is just rumors and **** not accual facts, this will also have a commuinty features as well and mod guides which hopefully the mod devs themselves will write, i find the wikis for mods pretty useless as most of the info is wrong.
and will it also have more detailed guides, yes i know youtube has that but most of the time its crappy quality or not what i need and it also helps to have the guide written down.
Sorry if I sounded rude but next check the mods forum/website before making silly posts
Theyre part of the core
Stop making ideas, this is a wip mod and has a lot of content that IMO seems almost impossible, just wait until the mod is a bit more stable then go ahead
/rant over
OT that turtle island thing sounds amazing but doesn't sound possible unless you made it not mineable or something idk but good luck
anyway is their away to get the nether mobs to stop spawning they **** me off so much
Surround the egg with lava and it will hatch into a lava/fire dragon that like to hang around fire it breathes fire blah blah blah
Surround the egg with water you get a water dragon, this dragon love ocean biomes and likes to drown mobs by picking them up and flying underwater
Surround the egg with vines and it will hath into a plant/life dragon this dragon is more peaceful and will not randomly attack mobs and will only attack if the master or the dragon is threatened
Surround the egg with stone and it will hatch into a earth dragon, this dragon doesn't like flying and prefers to stay underground it attacks by stomping on its victims, this dragon is more like a tank
Leave the egg high up in the air and it will hatch to be a air dragon (duh) this dragon is sleek and almost never lands without being commanded it is stronger then all the other dragons but has less health
Place the egg in a pool of ice it will hatch into a ice dragon, when they walk they place snow and when they walk on water it turns to ice it breathes snowflakes that have a chance too freeze mobs
Place the egg in sand or sand stone this dragon like to fly around the desert and blah blah blah
Surround the egg with gold blocks and you get a useless dragon that can't seem to kill mobs very good ( their strength is like that of fists) but has crazy high health, it has a gold breathe and when a mob dies from it they will drop a golden statue of that mob it like too hang around gold
Hatch it in the nether and it becomes a nether dragon (more ideas coming soon) bad thing about nether dragons they can't leave the nether
Hatch in the end and it becomes an ender dragon this dragon is not tamable
When a dragon is in their preferred place they would have a slight attack boost and will regenerate health when they haven't been in battle ( like when your food bar is full ) dragons will randomly attack peaceful mobs, you can only tame one dragon too make it not as op, when dragon breathe fire or stuff like that it will not damage blocks unless you are in single player and it's only naturally generated blocks
Too hatch the eggs you make and incubater block that you surround with the block needed for that type of dragon, you the right click with the egg in your hand wait a couple of mc days and it hatches the incubater block diss appears and tah-dab another egg will not drop from the ender dragon again in ssp, too get another dragon you need to kill your own in smp it will but you can't make another incubator and if you try place it in a friends then it will be their dragon
Feel free to suggest more
Taken the words from my mouth
Maybe if you add 100 levels + the item sure but so far WAY to OP
no, just no
the enderdragon was never said to be the end goal of the game, their will never be an final goal from what we know the enderdragon is just the key to get out of the ender w/o dying. and anyway their are more dragons being added, notch said that he will add a red dragon thats smaller and doesnt destory blocks like the enderdragon.
and anyway killing some stupid dragon will never make this mod obselete.
OT: this is the best mod i have ever-not-played-yet!
also i think the enderdragon will be in 1.9 cause its already in the pre 1.9.4 and notch just said he is coding eggs for the dragon.
But i really dont like doing it online
Amazing, im training to be an arcitect, i have designed like 4 hotels and crap (they arent built and probly never will be they are just my eyes) yet for some reason i can never build a gOod looking house in mc
Ot: finding my firstmassive cave for the first exploring for hours and finally finding my way out on some island far far away, this wasin 1.3 so finding a massive ocean was very rare
thank you a intelligent response, yeah i agree with you pretty much all the way, yes we will make a android version i firstly wanna get this one done too. and yes i have stated somewhere in this thread that the videos would be an online feature the rest will be offline
i know i have terrible english altho im am not the one writing the articles
has nothing to do with their marketing division it what has to do with the developers and what they decide, for eg i could put up a virus on the app store and unless it was reported then apple would do nothing
yes and no its like that but hopefully more helpful i find wiki unhelpful as alot of it is just rumors and **** not accual facts, this will also have a commuinty features as well and mod guides which hopefully the mod devs themselves will write, i find the wikis for mods pretty useless as most of the info is wrong.
and will it also have more detailed guides, yes i know youtube has that but most of the time its crappy quality or not what i need and it also helps to have the guide written down.