Well I think i've lost just about every creation in these photos, if anyone has a copy of them I would greatly appreciate it if you could upload it for us to use. otherwise, it's all gone for good. but no worries! I plan on making more, i'm not sure how long it will take me though.
Thanks to everyone who has kept this thread alive, I was so happy to find that this thread is still around. I'm going to try and keep adding more content and improving it so it sticks around a bit longer
So, the old guide wasn't much of a guide, I pretty much showed you an owl then told you to draw it, as someone pointed out lower in the posts lol. So this one is going to try to be more in depth. It will probably take me awhile to get it completely finished so leave some feedback on anything I could explain better. I'm not really sure how to throw this all together so i'm just going to dump all my ideas and techniques in here for you all to look through and slowly get it sorted out.
I didn't use a texture pack on this one, I think the regular texture pack looks great , you just have to put some effort into it.. If you can't make it look good without a texture pack, why make it at all ;p
Oh look, It's this house again. The house that makes everyone on your server cringe. How often have you joined a server only to find the spawn covered with these? I can't stand them which is why I ended up making this guide in the first place.. so here's some ways you can fix it. Also, here's a video version that someone was kind enough to make. Check his video out and subscribe http://www.youtube.com/user/Zhell91?feature=mhee
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Normally when I make a house I go to Realtor.com and just start searching neighborhoods for a style of house I like, but in case you don't have the time to lets start with some basic things I do when I make quick starter houses.
When I make quick houses I start with one wall, like the one on the left. I usually make it 6 blocks across with both ends in stone or some other contrasting block, same with the 2 blocks under the window. This way it doesn't look to bland, I always try to use 2-3 different block types on the walls so the house stands out more. On the sides of the windows I place trap doors to use as window shutters, and when I make houses with more than 1 floor I sometimes make flower boxes that hang in front of the window, just 2 dirt blocks and some signs. You can use trap doors instead of signs, either one looks great.
With this house I decided to make it with 2 floors, so I just made more of the walls on each side into a box. pretty simple ;p
Now for the roof
This part is pretty simple, Just place the steps however you want them, I made the roof on the second floor face the other direction just to keep it interesting, It's starting to look good but it still needs alot of improvement.
so the roof still looks boring and doesn't fit in well, So I add overhangs. I just extend the roof out one block on the sides and use a slab peice to go on the edges, all of the stair blocks have matching slabs so it works perfectly.. all slabs are also fireproof, including wood so they allow us to add fireplaces too
Next I added a porch, it doesn't look that great but I didn't want the house to be too plain and boxy, It's also good protection if you want to step outside and check for creepers that might be waiting for you.
Here's the fireplaces I usually make, I use stone buttons above it and glass panes, If your house is made of wood then the entire wall and all blocks above it in about a 3 block radius need to be half slabs or it will burn..
I found out that you could place signs on signs and they would float, perfect for wooden beams
and porches.. They don't have to touch the ground, They just are in the picture.
Here's a cafe I made with them on my map, Pine Valley. http://www.minecraft...-with-download/
That's all I can think of for the guide , if anyone wants anything else added into the guide I can do that, just leave a comment..
Here's some of my more advanced houses, I spent alot of time on them and they aren't something I could really make a guide for.. hopefully they can help give you ideas though. They are all avalible to download on my planetminecraft page.
Here's another house i'm making on a server with a friend, it's all legit so it's taking awhile to get the materials we need
- SeriouSquid
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Member for 13 years, 6 months, and 10 days
Last active Sat, Jan, 19 2013 20:49:46
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emily_2010 posted a message on Emily's guide to aesthetically pleasing home (Updating soon!)Posted in: Screenshots -
neal posted a message on zombe's modpack [V9.0.2 upd: 02 Dec. 15]Hey Zombe, I just gotta say, I've been using this mod since 1.6, and I have to say that it is BY FAR, my favorite mod.Posted in: Mod Packs
This coming from a lad who has played everything from the planes mod to Mo Creatures.
Great job, friend. -
iSkateboard posted a message on My Minecraft Survival MapNO PICS NO CLICKSPosted in: Maps -
HaydSpin posted a message on [Ye Old Minecraftian Village]Good to go, can't wait to see them!Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive) -
x_creeper posted a message on can some one give me a serverIf you're just that epic, according to your signature, wouldn't you know how to?Posted in: Hosting Requests -
Dxfan343 posted a message on Drinking water/milk to heal?Milk is pointless other than cake, but water has many uses. Why not add 1 more use to each? Drinking water heals nothing, but, in turn, allows 1/2 heart more healing from each item you eat for 5 minutes in real life. Drinking milk heals 1/2 heart, but you can only milk a cow 4 times. What do you, the community, think?Posted in: Suggestions -
lahwran posted a message on [Coming Soon] The Aether Collab - King, Kodaichi, Shockah!O_OPosted in: Mods Discussion
^my reaction
edit: first of millions - To post a comment, please login.
Imaging you're in a hardcore PVP server.
You then go to a creative server where you can spawn whatever the hell you want.
Go back.
Raise hell.
Though, I think we should be able to look at server history. Such as a list in-game of recent servers you've visited.
I think it should be used for a summonable boss. Perhaps ghosties or something like that.
Kind of like that movie where after watching the tape you die after seven days. I was thinking about maybe after hearing that record, some spooky things start happening, leading into a scary as hell climax.
Keep in mind that no more whitelist applications are being accepted on the old post, and ONLY on this one.
The planet of M.P.IV used to house the richest mines in the galaxy, annually bringing in trillions of dollars.
However, that all changed 50 years ago when a comet struck the planet, and froze it to the core. Most humans on the surface were killed instantly, those who survived quickly abandoned mining and began their desperate bid for survival.
The comet also awakened massive worms below the planets surface, causing them to burrow massive tunnels until they quickly froze. Many of the miners turned to these tunnels for survival, as did the tribal natives of the planet.
Now the only lifeforms on the surface are the hideous iceworms, these creatures are immobile and wait for prey to walk over them, they then devour them whole. The secret to this species survival is that it only needs to eat every 25 years. They are also found uncommonly below the surface, blocking entire tunnels.
However, that is the least of the miners problems on M.P.IV, as the tunnels are extremely dark, various hostile creatures, along with miners that went insane after coming into contact with a mysterious ore that was found on the comet, and native tribes are found within them. Not to mention enemy factions.
The only thing that matters below the surface is light. The most common source of light is a type of lichen that grows on the icy rocks, it produces a strong gold glow. Possession of this is the only way to prevent your base from being overrun. If you're still reading the storyline, mention jaffacakes in your application's backstory (not afterwards. Mention how he was eating jaffa cakes when the meteor hit, or when he was watching hit mom dance or something.)
Oddly enough, trees are also found below the surface. Seemingly nurtured by the lichen.
New lifeforms are still being discovered, and the planets history is still being written as the miners fight the natives, the cold, the lifeforms, and each other.
What will you do?
Please refer to the next post for the application, as another Dr. House is stealing my thunder. }:L
REMEMBER THAT THE METEOR HIT 50 YEARS AGO! This IS the future, so you can be over 50 and still look pretty young. When writing pre/during the meteor hit, take into account your character's age. Anyone who doesn't follow this won't be whitelisted.
Also, we'd require your skin to be "arcticized," meaning that you're wearing a coat or something; you can easily whip that up in skin edit, or ask a friend (or me) to do it for you.
This server will stay mostly vanilla as well, and it will be up in a few hours. Well, probably. Last time it was in "a few hours" the hosting company's entire network broke down. 150+ servers went down. They fixed it, but you never know. (More time to make your skins! XD)
Or people who haven't actually read the backstory and don't know **** about what's happening.
We should have gold in there for the newbies to go OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMGOGMGOMGOGM and then get sad when they find out it's trash.
Also, what's fun about Minecraft is you can make up what happened. Or you can just not care at all.
I think you're just saying this as a cool plot, but this is in suggestions, so I assume you think this should be the official plot to the game.
The game's partially so charming because it HAS NO BACKSTORY.
If you're just saying that this is a cool little backstory that you thought up, and you don't think it should be the official plotline for the game, well, you put this in the wrong thread.
As time crawled past, our hero wept and struggled to survive in that humble, dark hole. He heard the cries of his neighbors and family; but, try as he might, he was too weak to shout loud enough for them to hear, for he spent all his energy gathering mushrooms to keep himself alive
It was only after three months that a hunter who tripped on a root hit just the right rock that caused the whole cave to crumble in on itself and reveal a sickly child, hunched over a pool of water. He was rescued and, to much avail, he was alright.
Then, for many years, he worked as a courier for his and the nearby villages. He had a torn satchel made from rugged leather, and a pin on his coat with his village's name. For a small amount of wheat or money, he'd breathlessly sprint from location to location, carrying goods in a matter of hours that would have taken days.
Then, the day he turned 19, the Withering began. As he watched his village explode and erupt in a sickening bile, the Earth itself seemed to release its paining ooze and crumble into the abyss below. As his neighbors ran, him joining their ranks, none were as agile as him, and they fell into the gaping hole below.
After a week of chaos, our hero reached the Capital. He saw as the same was happening all around the great city, he sprinted up the steps of the Academy, to check on his "best friend" Colly, who had left for a better education. And yet, she was nowhere to be seen, apart from an enchanted backpack. Our hero slung this on his back; for he had a strange feeling it was for him. As he descended the steps, however, the Academy erupted in fire which thrust him forward, off the ground and downwards a hundred feet, where he crashed into a building, leaving him nothing other than a coma and no recollection of who he was.
Then, the scavengers came. They had gone through the portal to look for any goods that could be of value in their new realm. When they reached to retrieve a piece of coal, one of the men saw a scored hand in the pile of blackness. Upon further inspection, he found that not only had he found a body in the midst, but an alive one as well.
And so, upon traveling through the portal, our hero came to his senses. He was deeply confused for a moment, until an employee at the clinic told him of his whereabouts. He saw his pin and enchanted pack, which caused a series of memories to come flooding back, letting him recoil in agony! He remembered his village, his family, and... the events that had befallen them. He remembered Colly as well.
(He didn't recognize the name Seriou, however, so he assumed that that name belonged to him)
He reached for the mysterious parcel, opened it and saw these: a Lens of Night (which alters your vision to better suit the darkness), a cracked sapphire, and a note reading this:
My dearest friend, I hope you find this letter in your grip. I know you're coming, as you had promised, but I cannot wait any longer for your arrival. I hope you are alive, and that I am as well. I wish we could see each other again. I hope we do. There's always hope. I've always loved you.
And then he knew that he would survive.
For her.