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    posted a message on A new world [serious/hardcore roleplaying]
    I got online just as he was afk... and drowning.
    Then he logged off...

    If you're reading this, Jack, PLEASE PM us that you're online!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on A new world [serious/hardcore roleplaying]
    Wait, got it!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on A new world [serious/hardcore roleplaying]
    -How old are you?: 15

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since Invdev

    -Have you ever been banned before? if, why? ( Be Honest ): Yes, for very lousy reasons (like telling an admin to stop dropping me into a pit of supercharged creepers)

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? : Indeed

    -What is your forum account name? Look to the left of this post (SeriouSquid)

    -Character Name: SeriouSquid

    -Biography: Once a fast courier, now he has to fight for survival using the few trinkets he has.

    -Character Family: Single Child

    -Character Age: 18

    -Character Appearance: Blue hoodie, red and brown hair. Looks epic, made it myself. I tried to post it, but it wouldn't pet me.

    -Character Personality: (Any fatal flaws?): When startled by a creeper, he pussies out.

    -Occupation (choose 2 jobs from the player roles section that you want to be):] Miner, Courier
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    Ign: SeriouSquid

    Age: 15 (but mature)

    Skype?: Yes

    Have you ever been banned or do you ever grief: I do not grief, but I have been banned (such as for getting pissed at an admin who abuses his powers)
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on TerrariaCraft: An epic WIP Mod by Zeem
    I hope this is a giant middle finger to Terraria.
    Stupid game developers and their lack of Mac Support.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on I require GOLF CLUBS!
    Hi! In video games, I have a thing for golf clubs. I'm not sure why, it's just epic. I was hoping someone could make me a reskin for the iron and diamond swords so they're golf clubs?

    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Tdf88
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Old Papaya Server
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Beta SMP Server 1.6.6



    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Lands of Novia - My Story
    Quote from MrJackal22

    Ooh, good story! Is there more to come?

    It's an application for an RP server... though chances are I won't get in for a few days.

    got a good server? :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Lands of Novia - My Story
    Since a little boy, he loved to run. He ran for hours around his little village , which was dubbed Seriou, after one of the Starmen. One day, though, as he was running through the forest, he tripped and fell into a natural pit trap, and became trapped in a cave.

    As time crawled past, our hero wept and struggled to survive in that humble, dark hole. He heard the cries of his neighbors and family; but, try as he might, he was too weak to shout loud enough for them to hear, for he spent all his energy gathering mushrooms to keep himself alive

    It was only after three months that a hunter who tripped on a root hit just the right rock that caused the whole cave to crumble in on itself and reveal a sickly child, hunched over a pool of water. He was rescued and, to much avail, he was alright.

    Then, for many years, he worked as a courier for his and the nearby villages. He had a torn satchel made from rugged leather, and a pin on his coat with his village's name. For a small amount of wheat or money, he'd breathlessly sprint from location to location, carrying goods in a matter of hours that would have taken days.

    Then, the day he turned 19, the Withering began. As he watched his village explode and erupt in a sickening bile, the Earth itself seemed to release its paining ooze and crumble into the abyss below. As his neighbors ran, him joining their ranks, none were as agile as him, and they fell into the gaping hole below.

    After a week of chaos, our hero reached the Capital. He saw as the same was happening all around the great city, he sprinted up the steps of the Academy, to check on his "best friend" Colly, who had left for a better education. And yet, she was nowhere to be seen, apart from an enchanted backpack. Our hero slung this on his back; for he had a strange feeling it was for him. As he descended the steps, however, the Academy erupted in fire which thrust him forward, off the ground and downwards a hundred feet, where he crashed into a building, leaving him nothing other than a coma and no recollection of who he was.

    Then, the scavengers came. They had gone through the portal to look for any goods that could be of value in their new realm. When they reached to retrieve a piece of coal, one of the men saw a scored hand in the pile of blackness. Upon further inspection, he found that not only had he found a body in the midst, but an alive one as well.

    And so, upon traveling through the portal, our hero came to his senses. He was deeply confused for a moment, until an employee at the clinic told him of his whereabouts. He saw his pin and enchanted pack, which caused a series of memories to come flooding back, letting him recoil in agony! He remembered his village, his family, and... the events that had befallen them. He remembered Colly as well.

    (He didn't recognize the name Seriou, however, so he assumed that that name belonged to him)

    He reached for the mysterious parcel, opened it and saw these: a Lens of Night (which alters your vision to better suit the darkness), a cracked sapphire, and a note reading this:

    My dearest friend, I hope you find this letter in your grip. I know you're coming, as you had promised, but I cannot wait any longer for your arrival. I hope you are alive, and that I am as well. I wish we could see each other again. I hope we do. There's always hope. I've always loved you.

    And then he knew that he would survive.
    For her.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Co-Op SMP Server

    Remember: You MUST have a Skype name. Also right after you post, you may get a request for a contact by someone. THAT IS US. Accept it and go into chat.
    Posted in: Other hosts
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    posted a message on 2 People on Private Server, need one more
    Quote from Twixly

    Skype : Twixly

    I am from Sweden, so if timezone match I am intressed!

    I read your other post, and you have a skype request waiting I think.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on 2 People on Private Server, need one more
    Send me your Skype username and we'll put you on the chat with us. Who knows, maybe you'll be helping us in Fort Fortress! :iapprove:
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on Co-Op SMP Server
    Also, you must have a skype account, so we can collaborate. Post it with other info!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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