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    posted a message on Server hosts
    Hello! Recently I got my first real job (yay, woo), and a friend of mine brought up when a while ago I considered starting a server, but could not afford it. So, now that I have the means to pay for a server, I need to find a host. So, my question to you:

    What hosts should I use? I need something affordable, decent, and with little lag. Any help would be awesome!
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Looking for: Builders
    IGN: SeriouSquid (Yup, sorry about the other day)
    Skills: Building, working, RPing, managing, architect, etc.
    Age: 15
    Position: Builder, RPer, or administrator
    Contact Info: Skype: keoldemonic
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on 1.2.5 - Etaria - [RP] [24/7] [Mature] [30 Slot] - [Opening Soon!]
    GN- SeriouSquid
    Age- 15 (but mature)
    Gender- Male
    Do you have RP experience?- Oh yes, I do, good sir!
    What do you want to get out of joining Etaria?- Seems like a great server, honestly. Fun, RP, small population, etc.
    Do you have Skype (not a requirement)? If so, what's your username (don't put it here if you don't want to share it publicly) ?- I do, and the username is keoldemonic. Long story with the name, but that's it.

    Also, /)(\I forgot to mention, I'm that guy who said he wanted to be a librarian/scribe in the looking for server thread. Thank you for posting, by the way! Can you add me on skype to talk about this? I'm getting a new computer soon, but for the mean time, this site makes my computer drop in framerate. It's sad.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Looking for an RP server
    Ever since I've started playing RP servers, I have been interested in working as a librarian / scribe. And with the coming update, that will be possible.

    So basically, what I'm asking for is an RP server (preferably small) where I could act as such a roll. Basically working and living in a library, keeping players' books, selling blank ones, etc.

    Thank you for your time, I'm a bit loose on the subject. Any RP server will do, as long as it doesn't have a f**kload of mods.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on 1.2.5 Survival Server [Vanilla] [24/7] [Noobs Welcome]
    Hello, my IGN is SeriouSquid. I would very much like to join ze server. Thank you! :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♔Dεsεrtεd♔ - Survival Island Roleplay
    IGN: SeriouSquid
    Maturity Level(1/10): 8.5, 9

    Name: Seriou
    Age: ???
    Gender: Male (Probably)
    Brief Backstory(1-2 Paragraphs):

    Not much is known about Seriou.

    All anyone can make out for sure is that he appears to be human, can speak, and dresses with extreme class. He doesn't really know anything about where he came from or who he is, but he strives to live. He's more than willing to do anything for survival, and doesn't let anyone or anything get in his way.

    And if they do, well, that's just part of his plan.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.1 Lorecraft Hardcore Roleplaying
    Could I please get whitelisted? :c
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.1 Lorecraft Hardcore Roleplaying
    Still isn't working
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.1 Lorecraft Hardcore Roleplaying
    Uh, I'm still not whitelisted... It's been an hour.. :c
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.1 Lorecraft Hardcore Roleplaying
    Quote from BornConfusedGold

    Approved, you're on the whitelist

    Erm, I'm not on the whitelist D:


    It's a bit hard to spell, but... :/
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.1 Lorecraft Hardcore Roleplaying
    1. Have you even been on a Hardcore Roleplay Server before: Yes, I have.
    2. What can you provide the server with: A fun, adventurous player who tends to lead the story.
    3. What does OOC mean: Out of Chat
    4. In Game and Roleplay name: Seriou
    5. Character's Backstory:

    Not much is known about Seriou, actually. He arrived up on a beach in the midst of a foggy morning, woken up from coughing up a mouthful of salty water. He vaguely remembers a dark night. Fire, death, screaming. But all he can do it get up and walk, walk in the direction that he hopes leads to survival.
    6. Extra Information (will be helpful for other player reviewing this): I'm a team player, and I'm willing to help out anyone in need. I don't attack unless provoked, or if I have something against the person in question. Also, I can go a bit insane at times.
    7. Give a paragraph of a Roleplay (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.)

    "So, when are we going to arrive at Hornsreach?" Jacob questioned, as him and his companions travelled along the winding, windy mountain pass. "I'm not entirely sure," Alduron replied, "but we've been walking for about five hours. We're bound to get there soon!"
    Just then, three trolls bounded outside of a nearby cave! "Holy gods!" Alduron cried. "Jacob, help me fight these beasts," he said, but his friend was fleeing at a faster pace than he thought possible.
    ^not really sure what you anted, but there you go.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Anarchy Server - Small Community!
    Up 24/7!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Anarchy Server - Small Community!
    Hello! I'm an admin for a server called Meapcraft, and we need more players! It's an anarchy/chaos server, with a city at spawn. There's a lot of fun competition, and not many players yet!

    There isn't a whitelist! So what are you waiting for? Come one, come all!
    Also, you can join our forums at http://meapcraft.forum.net.bz/

    IP: minecraft.efscust.com:9999
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Need builders for survival server
    IGN: SeriouSquid
    Skill level(1-10): 10, been playing since Infdev
    What you want to build: Anything and Everything.
    PICTURES(Please include!) Almost certain deny without this:

    This is from 1.8, one of my proudest creations. I turned a mountain into a huge mansion fit for 20+ People, but to show you the full insides I'd have to link over 50+ pictures XD I have a ton more experience now than I did then, and all my creations are pretty.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Need Warden And Guards On My Prison Server New!
    IGN: SeriouSquid
    Why should you be Warden: Because I'm good at being a warden.
    Do u know any of the owners: Nope.avi
    Have u been banned from any prison servers before?: Nope.avi
    have u been on a prison server before?: Eeyup, a lot.
    skype name: keoldemonic
    Age?: 16, but very mature.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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