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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    Thanks for understanding.
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    Once I earn some money, I'll try to run this server.
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on *STAFF NEEDED!* ~MCArcade Mini-Game Server[1.6.4]~
    Okay so here's a mini server update:
    -Main Hub is rolling along nicely right now
    -Plugins are being updated
    -Temp map is being created

    Still have to read applications so yeah
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    Quote from SwifterSoldier

    Omg I cant believe it...... after all this months..... :(
    Me too :( But don't worry if you guys want I will be buying some realms servers.
    Quote from DarkBlade

    Oh :(
    I'm sorry :( But my host is never on and I don't really have much time anymore but if you guys want I'll be buying Realms for you guys to play on.
    Quote from SwifterSoldier

    Omg I cant believe it...... after all this months..... :(
    It's not FULLY over. I can run the server sometimes but not 24/7.
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    So here's the news. Right now I'm under a huge load of homework and had barely enough time to work on anything. I'm currently debating whether or not to just shut this whole thing down because I want to focus on school and maybe YouTube because the whole server thing is really hard for me because I'm in high-school with a crap ton of work and I barely have any money to run the server or time. So for now I'm probably putting this server on hold. I'm sorry if you're dissapointed but maybe at the summer time I can put this thing back up but for now I can't. So once again I'm sorry if you're sad, angry, or dissapointed.Also my host has been offline for the longest time and he hosted my stuff for free but for now I'm sorry but the server is going to be on hold or over. :(
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on *STAFF NEEDED!* ~MCArcade Mini-Game Server[1.6.4]~
    Quote from Samsosa88

    If you don't accept our application, can you tell us so we don't have to keep coming back onto this page to look for a reply that our application was accepted when it doesn't qualify. Thank you.
    Yes, I will do that but currently I'm under a HUGE load of homework, papers, assignments, and etc.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    Progress on the server is good. Right now map is being worked on and plugins need updating. And after that I will get a dynamic dns so you guys can join freely without adding a million ips because my ip changes every two weeks.I will read applications later. Right now I have many school assignments and papers so yeah.Oh yeah also should I release the server after 0.8.0 comes out or just in 0.7.6? (if I can set everything up by then.)?
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on *STAFF NEEDED!* ~MCArcade Mini-Game Server[1.6.4]~
    Quote from Ore_Miner_49er

    Application: Developer/ Head Developer
    Name: Ore_Miner_49er, sorry I'm not allowed my real name.
    IGN: Ore_Miner_49er
    Reason: I am a friendly, helpful and trustworthy kind of person. I feel that I'm fair to my friends as well as other players. I am a mature person who doesn't swear, I believe swearing is wrong. I have experience as a Head Builder and as a Admin. I love to help people around when they are new and point them to the direction they would like to go.
    Additional Info: I am 13 years old, due to the fact my parents don't like it, I am not allowed to share Skype details, sorry. I can play for about 2 hours every day and a half.

    Thanks Ore_Miner_49er
    You're accepted. If you can't use Skype, are there any other social media you can use? Message me the languages you are capable of coding in.
    Quote from Sweet_Vengeance

    Application: Moderator
    Name: Faruk
    IGN: Sweet_Vengeance
    Reason: The reason I would like to be a part of this team is because in my eyes, I see that this server has a lot of potential. Never before have I seen a server as good as this planned one. I also have potential as I have had a ton of experience in many servers, such as Jivescraft. I am also currently staff in a Gaming community based around the world, also known as WWG (World Wide Gaming). This community covers the aspects of GTA:SA-MP, HL-2, TF2 and last but not least, Minecraft.
    Previous Experience: As I have said above, I am in a large worldwide community, with staff in locations ranging from China to Pakistan to the United Kingdom. I have also contributed my expertise to many servers, being an "Admin" to "Head Moderator". I have also been a "Co-Owner" in WWG Minecraft, which has temporarily closed down due to technical difficulties.
    Additional Info: I am 15 years old, I live in the U.K. and I have a ton of potential. If you are asking my maturity based on a rating out of 10, I would be definitely 10/10. If you won't believe me ask my community owner, Nalious, but I can predict you would be able to understand. I am proficient in the art of Redstone Wiring and Networks, so you can trust on me for any redstone mechanisms, not too big though. If you would like to contact me, you can do so by messaging me on Skype, where my username is "faruk_freako". Thank you for reading my application, and I hope you will accept it.

    Yours sincerely,

    You are accepted. Thanks for all the kind words about our server.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Beta Test OUT! - Real Emeralds Mod - Not just a Texture Pack!

    Coding in new items is easy, very easy.
    Not around the time I played in PE. I've played since the first day it came out. Still play but not updated on all the mods and stuff.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on *STAFF NEEDED!* ~MCArcade Mini-Game Server[1.6.4]~
    Quote from Eyye_555

    Application: Helper
    Name: Eyye_555
    IGN: eyye_555
    Reason:I am a very fair and kind personnel. I am very fair and I have some experience from helping my friend's out in a community. I am a very mature person, and I hate people that take out their rage on the people that are playing the server. I never swear, and I also don't like people that swear, due to the reason that many small kid's might be playing the server.
    Previous Experience: I have some from my old friend's server. And I hope I gain more experience from this.
    Additional Info: I am 14 year's old. And I will tell you my skype via PM. Also, I will be online at least twice a week.

    Yours thankfully,
    Thanks, for the application. You are accepted!I am still reading all the applications. Right now the progress on the server is good. Me and my friend have added many plugins and have started on the map.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    Quote from SwifterSoldier

    Hey semies glad your back! Can I apply for being a moderator in your server? Thanks!
    Definetly. Fill in an application :)I have school and many assignments, papers, and etc so progress is going well but it's gonna be slow the next 2 weeks.
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    So me and my friends decided to start up a Mini-Game PC server as well. So anyone interested in applying for staff, the forum topic is in my profile thanks.
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on *STAFF NEEDED!* ~MCArcade Mini-Game Server[1.6.4]~
    Hello Minecraft Forums,The MCArcade server is looking for some new staff to join our upcoming Minecraft Mini-Game server. We are especially in need of developers who can code plugins and are experienced with many coding languages. We are looking for 5 developers who are willing to join our staff (1 head developer and 4 other developers). We are also looking for 5 builders, 10 moderators, and 3 helpers. If you are interested, please comment on this forum with your application post or comment that you are interested and private message me the application. Thanks in advance.

    -Must be age 13 or up. Age 15 or up is recommended.
    -Must have PREMIUM Minecraft Account.
    -Have experience in many coding languages especially java (Developers only!)
    -Must be able to go on server 1 a week or 1 in 2 weeks.
    -Be kind, helpful, respectful, fair, and etc.

    Previous Experience:
    Additional Info:

    MCArcade is a premium Minecraft mini-game server. We offer numerous mini-games and a great playing experience for all ages. Our server is dedicated to bring you the most enjoyable experience in Minecraft.

    Some Mini-Games our servers offer:
    -Survival Games
    -Super Craft Bros
    -The Walls
    -Wipeout (MCArcade Original)
    -Doctor Miner (MCArcade Original)

    MCArcade in currently in development and our team are hoping to release a BETA launch later this year. Official Launch will be up next year. We need developers so please sign up. Our Official Launch will begin with a promotion and the first 100 people to join will get FREE Iron Donor (10$ Value)

    Note:This post will be updated regularly with more information, pics, etc.
    Website:(Coming Soon)
    Twitter:(Coming Soon)

    Moderator List:

    Moderator slots are still open so please apply. If you did not get accepted, it is never too late to add more information on your application so you can be accepted.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MCPEcraft - OFFLINE and ON HOLD
    I am trying to relaunch the server at the moment and have gotten the help of one developer. I need 4 more talented developers who can code in PHP and have experience coding PocketMine Plugins. Developers will get VIP status. When I get the help of the developers, I will relaunch the server as MCArcade MiniGame server with Survival.
    Quote from MindGames

    Is this whitelisted, Semies? I think those who ask to be admin shouldn't even be able to join if they can't read the main post.

    And Semies, is it okay, as an owner, to use a fly mod IF I am only using it to watch for Hackers/Cheaters/Griefers and not to give myself an advantage?
    Yes, fly mod will be allowed for Owners and Senior Admins. Flying will be not be allowed in-game but will be allowed in survival because you need to catch griefers, hackers, etc. I might make it so that admins get gamemode command.
    Quote from MindGames

    Is this whitelisted, Semies? I think those who ask to be admin shouldn't even be able to join if they can't read the main post.

    And Semies, is it okay, as an owner, to use a fly mod IF I am only using it to watch for Hackers/Cheaters/Griefers and not to give myself an advantage?
    BETA launch will be whitelisted but the regular server will be not because I wont be able to go on my computer everyday to whitelist people. As for the people who continuosly ask for admin, ignore them unless they have a good application.
    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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    posted a message on Beta Test OUT! - Real Emeralds Mod - Not just a Texture Pack!
    This would be a very cool mod but coding in new items are hard in MCPE unless they released that java thing.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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