- Seabanana
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Member for 14 years and 20 days
Last active Tue, Mar, 17 2015 20:45:25
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JohnOptegrove posted a message on Help with new computer for 12 year old son $600 complete with monitorYou can put racing stripes on it too.Posted in: Building, Parts & Peripherals -
ErasmoGnome posted a message on Gay marriage and the corrupting of the word marriage.This sums up my thoughts on gay marriage vs gay civil unions rather nicely, so you'll see me using it every time someone brings an argument like this up:Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
EDIT: Wow, a lot of people liked this, so I feel bad now posting it without credit. Image is from www.smbc-comics.com, where you should really go if you like nerdy jokes and occasionally a very well-done political satire like the one above. -
2insanepeople posted a message on Do you believe aliens exist?"Saying there are no aliens in the universe is like taking a glass of water from the ocean and saying "Look. No whales."."Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science -
Tacobell5811 posted a message on Stupid computer questions people ask you.Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
so basically this?Quote from CodofMC
They aren't really getting conned necessarily. Apple products are pretty much luxury items except for the fact that so many people buy them it's not really a luxury anymore. Buying a Mac is liking buying a Mercedes, sure you can get something that runs faster but you are paying for the name and the looks.
Why no one ever give me a like!?!?! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) -
baggerboot posted a message on How in the world does the Xbox 360 play Minecraft maxed out/fancy????Posted in: Computer Science and TechnologyQuote from fm87
For the last time:
-snip without leaving the title out so you guys know which post I am quoting, even though everybody would know this anyway-
If there are any people here who are actually good at programming in Java, and if those people have ever decompiled the Minecraft client, they'll see what a cluster**** of code Minecraft actually is. We had a large thread on this not very long ago. Sure, if Minecraft were programmed in C++, it would run a bit faster.
But the first question is, do we want Minecraft to be programmed in C++? And I can tell you, hell no. Anybody who knows C++ and Java or C# reasonably well will know that it takes much longer to add a certain feature to any application in C++ than that it takes to add this in Java or C#. So first of all, Minecraft would not nearly have as many features as it has now. Secondly, Minecraft would be riddled with memory-related bugs. Notch isn't the prime definition of a good programmer, and he mostly worked at adding features instead of fixing bugs. This has been the same up to the final release of Minecraft. For all those years, Notch has always added features, while mainly ignoring the bugs in the game. I can tell you already that Minecraft's Memory Management would be a total disaster. Notch manages to get memory leaks to occur in Java, which has a great garbage collector. I can only guess what it would be like in C++, where you have to manage most of the memory yourself.
In short, Minecraft in C++ would be ten times buggier, with much less features.
But yes, it could run faster. Note how I said could. If Notch doesn't completely optimize his code and then makes sure the compiler creates code that's as efficient as possible, Minecraft could be even slower in C++ than it is in Java. Come on guys, do you, after all those years, still believe Notch would optimize the game?
Now about the argument about Crysis. You must know that Crysis sure does load gigabytes of data, but that the size of the data doesn't matter. Right now, each chunk in Minecraft contains 65,536 blocks, including air, which is technically a block too. That's just a single chunk. With a view distance of 10 chunks, the amount of chunks would be 20*20*65,636 blocks, which is about 26 million blocks. And all those blocks can be changed. Some of them can be affected by gravity. For other blocks, the lighting has to be calculated. And at the same time, when you walk, new chunks have to be randomly generated, sucking up a lot of processing power.
A Crysis map just sits there. You walk around, more detailed textures are loaded when you get close to something, but the map is still very static. The map of Minecraft is completely dynamic, whereas in games like Crysis,even explosions and such are completely scripted into the game. They require almost no processing power. This is not the case in Minecraft. Minecraft is a very demanding game for a reason.
Java used to be very badly optimized, but that was over ten years ago, not long after the language was released. A lot has happened over time, and right now, it's close to a language like C++. C++ still wins at pure number crunching but a game doesn't consist of pure number crunching. Games are one of the most complicated applications which can be programmed. There's AI, there's rendering, saving and loading, in Minecraft's case, world generation, lighting, physics, and I'm just scratching the surface here. Saying a game will run faster on C++ because C++ takes less time to perform a certain calculation on a billion numbers doesn't make sense. It's much, much more about those who program the game, than it is about the programming language they use.
I dare to bet that in C++, the game would perform even worse than it does in Java. Not because of the language, but because of the guys who program it.
I'm gonna need a cup of coffee now. -
Satharis posted a message on Help for budget computer!Posted in: Computer Science and TechnologyQuote from thenerdal
Fixed the build. Has an Intel Pentium instead and a better GPU along with Windows: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/5KCL
Here's the motherboard: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16813128539
Price: Around $470. A bit more then your budget.
Or he could just follow my build, which is still superior to yours. I'm glad to see you didn't even read it either, since you're still using one RAM module.
Really, just stop.
I'm not talking about hyper threading either, programs can't use more than one core unless they are THREADED. You obviously don't know what threading is. -
thenerdal posted a message on Help for budget computer!Posted in: Computer Science and TechnologyQuote from Satharis
1155 CPU, posts 775 MOBO, Biostar mobo.
You don't put an i3 in a sub 500 dollar build, give me a break.
Why is it everytime you post anything I feel like saying, "STOP GIVING ADVICE."
I edited my post to fit the socket. Also, I don't see why not put an i3 in a budget build that's sub 500? It's the cheapest Intel build that's not a celeron. Clarkdale is cheaper, but only by a couple of bucks. -
fm87 posted a message on Help for budget computer!Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
# of cores has nothing to do with anything.Quote from Seabanana
Wouldn't the A8 performs better than the i3 because the a8 is quad core and i3 is dual core? Corret me if I'm wrong
The i3's architecture is much better than the A8s hence most of the A8s perform worse, or about the same.
The A8s are better for budget builds, however, because Intel HD is garbage. -
CodofMC posted a message on Help for budget computer!Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
Looks good, but I would get the ASRock Z68 Pro3 Gen3 motherboard. Better features overall for only a little bit more. -
Satharis posted a message on Alienware X51This thread is like watching comedy central.Posted in: Computer Science and Technology - To post a comment, please login.
The 7850. Though this one is out of stock. So you might want to poke around
PS: I'm NannerAirCraft on youtube
Yea, why?