Prince Dan!...
I am the spirit of your ancient lineage.
To complete your trial, I am going to break your legs.
You will lose the use of them.
Do you accept this?
>Yes >No
So, Prince Dan!...
You cannot walk, as your legs are broken.
Next, I will tear your arms off...
I shall then take your arms and feed them to the crows.
The taking of your arms...
Do you accept this?
>Yes >No
Ah, Prince Dan!
Without legs and arms, you can only lie there...
Now, I'll cut your ears off.
You do not mind my taking your hearing away, do you?
Do you accept this?
>Yes >No
(So, Prince Dan!.
No legs, no arms and no sound...
By floating words through the air, I must ask you...
Do you care if I take your eyes?
Do you want to live in eternal darkness?
I shall steal your sight...
Do you accept this?)
>Yes >No
(So, Prince Dan!.
Now, I can only communicate directly with your mind.
Your mind is all you have left...
In the end, I will take your mind...
Though you probably don't want to allow that, do you?
So... you can't answer? You can't even move?
Are you sad, are you lonely?
If you lose your mind, you also lose any feelings of sadness...
Do you accept this?
I will take your mind, Prince Dan!, know that I will possess it...
Do you accept this?)
>Yes >Yes
I am the spirit of your ancient lineage.
To complete your trial, I am going to break your legs.
You will lose the use of them.
Do you accept this?
>Yes >No
So, Prince Dan!...
You cannot walk, as your legs are broken.
Next, I will tear your arms off...
I shall then take your arms and feed them to the crows.
The taking of your arms...
Do you accept this?
>Yes >No
Ah, Prince Dan!
Without legs and arms, you can only lie there...
Now, I'll cut your ears off.
You do not mind my taking your hearing away, do you?
Do you accept this?
>Yes >No
(So, Prince Dan!.
No legs, no arms and no sound...
By floating words through the air, I must ask you...
Do you care if I take your eyes?
Do you want to live in eternal darkness?
I shall steal your sight...
Do you accept this?)
>Yes >No
(So, Prince Dan!.
Now, I can only communicate directly with your mind.
Your mind is all you have left...
In the end, I will take your mind...
Though you probably don't want to allow that, do you?
So... you can't answer? You can't even move?
Are you sad, are you lonely?
If you lose your mind, you also lose any feelings of sadness...
Do you accept this?
I will take your mind, Prince Dan!, know that I will possess it...
Do you accept this?)
>Yes >Yes
I'd call it "emptiness" because it's nothing.
I think you're too young to be making me, mom.
-to the next poster-
Now, son, don't be mean to your dads!
No, because it's air.
*runs back to the chopper*