Me again, from back when this was first started. First, I'm very impressed with the new doom monsters, and even more impressed with all the swamp and desert mobs. They are difficult, but not impossible, and can easily be felled by players that know what they're doing. not to say they don't pose a challenge: many times i've been killed by an Eyewigs poison laser!
Anyways, I had a great idea. For snow biomes, since you said you're focusing on mobs surrounding mythology and the like: why not turn to classic Japanese and Chinese folk lore? Many monsters from their lore are found in the snowy regions, such as Yuki-Onna, Nopperabo, Gashadokuro, and my personal favorite the Jiang-Shi. They are for sure way out there compared to other lore, and will give the snow biomes a unique and haunting experience. Just a thought!
Aw yeah! It's been so long since I've seen a new mod I got really interested in, and this is just the one to draw me in. I love DOOM from the bottom of my heart, and I've always thought it had good mod capability since none of the monsters really followed a plot and were pretty random, just like vanilla mobs. I really hope to see this develop and flesh out, and i'll be following it! The behemoth looks great btw! (but he looks more like a Baron of Hell than an imp, lol)
Very cool mod. It seems a lot of people, including me, were looking for something just like this! I only have one suggestion: The Quad-Wing. It's a larger pair of wings further up on the shoulders with a smaller pair below them, so that its like a butterfly. Its made by putting 2 regular wings on top of each other, and lets you jump even higher than normal wings!
Wow, awesome new update! Lots of new items and stuff, it's nice to see the mobs getting some of their own drops. I'll kind of miss the Jiang-Shi, they were my favorite. But besides that, awesome job!
Well, I noticed you were looking for ideas on ceiling traps. There was a map made my one of my good friends, and in it were several very well done features, such as stacked mobs, bosses, traps, ect. One of the traps he had was a ceiling trap that would cause gravel to fall down and suffocate the player, and it was done by triggering nearby TNT to blow up on the gravel, which would trigger block updates and cause them to fall. He also had something that shot live TNT downwards very fast at the player, but i'm not sure how he did that. By using some type of spawner thing with the tags, he was able to cause gravel to change into a block when it hit the ground: in this case, the gravel ceilings would sometimes become cobwebs, cactus: and even lava, which was really dangerous to be around. If you could use that code i'm sure there would be all types of possibilites!
Updating? To 1.5.2? This is awesome. I've always liked this mod. I wish I could help, but I don't know any code whatsoever... But if you need sounds, I can probably help with that! I'll just stick around the thread and watch the development in the meantime.
Hmm, that Skeleton looks pretty terrifying. Maybe it could breathe out a cloud of some type of poison for one of its attacks, or just a cloud that does damage? That would be pretty cool looking.
Problem. I've loaded several mods, including this, into my minecraft. Everything worked fine, but whenever i started to grow my crops, something strange happened. All the items worked correctly, but upon breaking my fully grown grape plants, the game crashed! This happened with everything i tried to harvest: grapes, cotton, apples.... Eventually i just removed every other mod, but it still happened. I used ID resolver. Still happened. I can't figure out what's wrong, and i'd really like to use this mod. Help?
Very cool. The ores seem well balanced and thought out, instead of rushed and ridiculously overpowered. Ores more powerful than diamond should be difficult to obtain, in my opinion: this evens that out nicely. Tier 2 looks just as awesome, i await it patiently and excitedly.
Is there a way to scroll through the gui? I've tried just about every button, to no avail. Once you get 2 mods that add mobs, it becomes very crowded, and not all the mobs fit on one gui page. It gets down to about the Js and then just stops.... Help my ignorance?
Meh. I wish wyverns spawned in the overworld, or at least had an option to. I don't really enjoy the idea of having a dimension of only wyverns, seems to stray too far from the 'mob' zone, but whatever keeps the mod updating.
Bug report: none of the special attacks seem to work (Poison, Wither, Fire, ECT.) (Not sure if this was posted before)
As far as everything else goes, looks good. I'll keep testing though, and update this if i find something else! I realize its just beta, and thats why i'm attempting to help out.
Is there a possible way to tweak cave fishers? They're neat, but its insane how much cobweb they generate. Just 3 of them filled up an entire cave full of web in less than 10 minutes, and its a hassle to cut through it all. I know the purpose is to provide a challenge, but the webs slow down most mobs, making them easier, and they get annoying, rather than challenging. Maybe if the webs dissipated after a certain time, or if the fisher was killed the web would disappear... Even just an option to turn off web would be lovely.
It would really help the atmosphere quite a bit, in my opinion.
Oh my god... I'm speechless right now. This mod... Is... Awesome! I've always wanted to fight a beholder in minecraft, i've always been rooting for them and encouraging their addition, and now its real! I'm definatley going to be following this topic!
EDIT: Seems to be a conflict. I didn't see a config, does this generate with one?
Anyways, I had a great idea. For snow biomes, since you said you're focusing on mobs surrounding mythology and the like: why not turn to classic Japanese and Chinese folk lore? Many monsters from their lore are found in the snowy regions, such as Yuki-Onna, Nopperabo, Gashadokuro, and my personal favorite the Jiang-Shi. They are for sure way out there compared to other lore, and will give the snow biomes a unique and haunting experience. Just a thought!
As far as everything else goes, looks good. I'll keep testing though, and update this if i find something else! I realize its just beta, and thats why i'm attempting to help out.
It would really help the atmosphere quite a bit, in my opinion.
EDIT: Seems to be a conflict. I didn't see a config, does this generate with one?