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    posted a message on CraftingNations - A Small, Whitelisted, 100% Vanilla Minecraft SMP Server.

    Name: Jonathan (sclerosis)

    Age: 26

    Primary Language: English

    Minecraft Username: sclerosis
    YouTube Channel: sclerosislock Check out the content that I made. Most of it is old and I have not made any extra vids because I no longer play wow.

    Why do you want to join this server?: Looking for a good 24/7 server with good people to play with.
    Tell us something about yourself: I play league, and I work at the largest electronic retailer

    How good of a builder are you? (1-10): 8

    How good are you at redstone? (1-10): 5
    How would you rate your overall Minecraft knowledge? (1-10): 8

    Post some pictures of your creations: I invite you to take a tour on my server to see "port bella"
    Posted in: PC Servers
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