I don't see much wrong with this. You're singing some songs, not doing manual labour.
- Schmoople
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 6 months, and 1 day
Last active Fri, Dec, 30 2022 20:42:42
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Redshirt_4 posted a message on Carol services and whether it's ok to force children to take part.Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science -
Draco27 posted a message on Gender PollPosted in: General Off TopicI am a male. I'm not going to say that I identify as male, because I am a male. Simple as that. I cannot change my gender, and, therefore, I cannot change what I identify as. Such a thing would be, according to scripture, impossible.
But hey, that's just my humble opinion.
kwerti posted a message on Gender PollPosted in: General Off Topic
"biological gender" did you mean: sex?
No, it doesn't depend at all on any one person's definition of gender. When someone states their gender identity, what they mean is: "I am this gender". That is by definition identifying as something, as opposed to identifying with it. There's really no two ways about it.
I think we're arguing over semantics now. I'm saying that people easily get confused as to what others actually mean when they say that they "are" something. If you take the biology out of gender, what's left is the mind, aka a personality and collection of experiences that has no relation with one's sex. Seeing as gender types originally referred to physical traits, using these same terms (and verbs) to describe one's personality/thought processes/social behavior is misleading, intentionally or not. This is why I say that people mean to say "relate to," because "gender" implies both physical and social aspects for most people. When a person says: "I am this," people take that to mean: "I exist as this in all aspects." However, when someone uses "relate myself with" or "identify myself with," they're saying: "I am basically this, regardless of my physical nature." In the future, the traditional definition of gender may completely fade, but until then we need to acknowledge the fact that the word is in the middle of transitioning from one to the other (no pun intended), and its use is not always clear in context.
kwerti posted a message on Gender PollPosted in: General Off Topic
Again, that depends on your definition of gender. If one ignores the traditional (physical) meaning, what's left is a collection of (non-physical) traits and behaviors. One would use an occupation or description to identify with a collection of traits and behaviors. The verb "to be" in the sense of gender means "to exist as," but people really use it to mean "to belong/relate to," which has no physical denotations. Besides, the whole concept of gender identity is that people don't have to act a certain way because of what they are physically. That is, they act despite their (biological) gender, not because of their gender. This is by definition a "relates to" relation.
Blootz posted a message on Introductions & LeavingsPosted in: General Off TopicThe chat thread was what lured me to posting in the first place. Unfortunately for the people who felt a somewhat 'connection' to other members in the chat thread and were able to comfortably socialize with them, it's been removed for, well I am actually yet to hear the actual reason why.
I remember all the laughs that were once had on the forums, and Schmoople's custom title that everyone envied so very much (God knows why Mr "Custom Title Fisher"), then I guess the forums goal was to become even more family friendly than it was (even though restricting members from expressing themselves via profanity would have been enough...)
But hey, there comes a time where people must learn to move on, and I'd say it's about time you started to get used to the fact the forums aren't what they were, the worst part was it didn't make them better, but who am I to really complain considering I'm still around.
I also guarantee half the people who weren't here when the chat thread was, will think I'm an over-attached fool, and to them I say I'm really not, if you were around when the thread of wonders were, you would understand how much fun it was. In fact, I can name so many people who I met from the chat thread and still keep in contact with to this day (and I met them 2-3 ish years ago). RIP OTters.
And Schmoople, goodbye my friend for the second time.
Kaleidoscopes posted a message on Introductions & LeavingsPosted in: General Off TopicThey are trying to aim for a more "family friendly" forums I guess, but where has that gotten them? From what I can see the forums seem to grow slowly more inactive, or at least compared back to the days of old. I used to lurk a lot back then, kind of wish I posted more during that time since currently there aren't many threads that are worth more than one post... and about an equal amount that aren't even worth that.
The thing I find funny is, they removed the chat threads but kept the forum games. Apparently actual socialization and discussion have no value in comparison of what really matters. Repetitive threads that are either "count to [number] before [user] posts", "the above user's [location/avatar] is your [home/father/otherkin], and "the above user does [lewd thing] to you, how do you react?".
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but these forums are starting to feel like the Neopets forums if I can remember how they were 7+ years back. Also, what was the reason for the chat thread being removed again? I can't remember what it was, but I have a feeling the reason for it being removed can also be applied to the 15k threads and 2.3 million posts in Forum Games.
Crimso posted a message on Unpopular opinions.Posted in: General Off TopicThat a lot of the opinions in this thread aren't really "unpopular" and are widely accepted on the internet.
PuyoDead posted a message on Current member title listUpdate:Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
With the recent forum software upgrade, the title system is a little bit different. For one, any title you unlock will be available for use from that point on. With that in mind, any hidden title you earn will be usable at any point, not just for the specific post count it shows for. That also means that when you get to that specific post count for a hidden title, it will stay beyond that post count, rather than revert back to the previous title. While we could have simply removed the hidden ranks due to the new system, we decided to keep them in place at the same post counts to unlock.
The update to post ranks is finally here! Sorry to take so long on that. It was a bit difficult trying to keep most of them the same, add new ones, and still keep things on a fairly steady title change scale. Oh, and laziness.
First off, Pig Tamer is not the final title anymore! In fact, it's just been flat out removed. It was placed there before because at the time, we only had one person even close to it. Now that so many are passed it, it's not really needed as a placeholder anymore. There are now far more ranks after 5000, and a few minor tweaks to some lower ranks. There's been a few new hidden ranks added as well. For now, we'll wait until people find them before added them to the spoiler'd list.
Regular ranks
(Once you get past the post number mentioned, you have that title until you reach the next number)
0 - Newbie
1 - Newly Spawned
2 - Out of the Water
10 - Tree Puncher
40 - Carpenter
70 - Stone Miner
100 - Coal Miner
150 - Zombie Killer
250 - Iron Miner
350 - Gold Miner
500 - Redstone Miner
700 - Diamond Miner
900 - Lapis Lazuli Collector
1200 - Obsidian Miner
1500 - Void Walker
2000 - Nether Resident
2500 - Ghast Hunter
3000 - Glowstone Miner
4000 - Blaze Extinguisher
5000 - Portal Expert
5556 - Creeper Destroyer
6500 - End Dweller
8000 - Enderman Ender
10000 - Enderdragon Slayer
15000 - Farlander
20000 - Beyond the Horizon
Hidden Ranks
42 - The answer to life, the universe and everything
64 - Full stack
314 - Mathematical Dessert
404 - ERROR 404: User Not Found
413 - Stuck at Home
666 - Mark of the Beast
2001 - A Space Odyssey
5555 - Creeper
9001 - Over Nine Thousand
9999 - Dragon Egg -
Justles posted a message on Anime/Manga DiscussionsPosted in: Culture, Media & Arts
Hello and welcome to the Megathread for almost anything anime or manga related!
There has been enough of the same threads that it would be much nicer to have a single main thread where questions, answers, lists, or even reviews could be posted. I also see it as an opportunity to have some resources for the new or even old users to use. Hey, you might have something you wanted to share with us that could be very useful to the rest of us, but it may not really be good enough to start a single thread with just a link. That is where this thread comes in handy as well.
Now before you ask about whats below let me just say this. There are alot of readers or different sites out there that allow you to watch or read from them. With that, it would be a lot on myself and readers to have to see all those linked in this thread. So my solution would be if you can't find somewhere to watch or read something, ask here and see if anyone can assist you.
Indexing Sites
MyAnimeList - A quick and easy way to catalog your anime/manga that you've read or watched or find new stuff related to your interests! (PM me if you want to add me as a friend on here. :3)AniList - Similar to Myanimelist. There site is innovative, clean, and have a modern twist to it. They stay rather update to date as well.Hummingbird.me - Also in the same category as the two above. Has same kinda feel as Anilist, though unsure about what they've done since I joined the beta back when.Anichart - From the same folks from Anilist, Anichart does exactly what the name implies. More about keepign up-to-date with the newest anime and series from season to season. Also have the ability to change where you're re-linked to when you find a series of interest (e.g. MAL, Hummingbird, Anilist)
Baka-Updates - Not sure if an Anime has been released recently? This helps to at least look for when sub groups have released their stuff online.
MangaUpdates - Sister site of Baka-Updates. Same use but just with Manga.
Image Sites
WARNING: Most of the sites may contain nudity/sexual acts/etc. This can't be helped if you want a large variety of image choices, screenshots, fan art, etc. If this bothers anyone, then use Google Images search for other results.If a moderator would like me to remove these links at any point please PM me.Use at your own risk.
Danbooru - If you need to find some images of characters from show or book, sites like Danbooru might be your best source. It's user submitted images may it be fan art or not but also contains a fair amount of nudity.Gelbooru - Exact concept as Danbooru.Yande-re - Look above.ZeroChan - Solely an Imageboard for anime/manga.Redditbooru - Takes images from /r/awwwnime and puts them into an imageboard format.Konachan.com - Another Danbooru concept but focuses solely on wallpapers.
To do (7/12/14):
New Banner.
Add a poll for Summer anime airings
Update links / add new links
Add anything else I think would be nice. -
SeaWry posted a message on So SOPA is making its lovely annual appearance yet again~Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and ScienceQuote from Budgeh
Government is going to do it and will eventually get it passed but until then we sign petitions.
Thing is, the Government is NOT doing this. RIAA and MPAA are the ones who are behind this. They want control themselves, not the Government. Though obvious the Government will abuse such as well, oh wait, they already do! They take down innocent sites at their pleasure, for no reasons. MPAA and RIAA want this power too!
Since the bill did not pass, they are trying agreements with Large ISPs to get power to control and just obliterate offending websites. Right now they can do takedown notices of ONLY the infringing copyrighted material. But with SOPA agreements with large ISPs, they have the power outside the government, to shutdown the website and all of its contents without legal or warning.
Imagine tumblr, just someone posts something copyrighted and SOPA exists. There goes tumblr, it will 404 and just no longer exist as they took it down just for that one thing.
TL/DR, this version of SOPA is not going through the Government. This time, they are trying to buy their way into ISP and server providers pockets by force or by money. - To post a comment, please login.
You're saying you can read a page in three seconds? I find that hard to believe.
Ace of Base
Earth, Wind, and Fire
Bee Gees
Village People
The O'Jays
I don't see how disco ever went out of style. Best stuff ever.
Except that that's not true at all. Better educated publics consistently provide higher GDPs. Bettering education is seen as one of the best ways to boost economic activity in the long term, the problem isn't some sort of conspiracy trying to keep the American public stupid(and for the record, it has one of the best educated publics of any nation), it's just that the execution and certain ineffective policies are keeping it from being all that it could.
Education is funded by property taxes, that's why bad neighborhoods have bad schools and good ones have good schools. Many schools in the US receive excess funding, as is the case with my high school. This is also one of the contributing factors to the United States having poor social mobility.
It seems like y'all just want to blame the US for everything.