There are (F - 10012) types people in the world. Those who understand Hexadecimal, those who understand binary, those who understand both, and the rest of you.
I got to page 4, and can I just say, OP is an idiot. Like, I agreed with the original post, but the poster's reduced to idiocy at this point.
Fact of the matter is, Mojang knows full well of the bug, already, and I'm almost certain they've even said "yeah that's a bug, hold on". As beta testers, yes, our job is to say "hey this isn't quite right," but when the issue at hand is already announced, move on. I mean, we could all post "SNOW IS BROKEN FIX IT" threads. That would get us nowhere. Instead, how about we do our job. Test more. Find other bugs with the game. For example, try and figure out why all the bugs that make complex redstone devices work happen. Or maybe figure out why this version of the terrain generator keeps putting out the same 3 worlds, over and over. (Check that 99 seeds album)
It's on the bug list, there are still bugs to fix. Let's move on, testers, and find them all.
tl;dr: I got 99 problems, but the glitch ain't one.
I had heard Mojang already had the problem with biome grass isolated, and that they were revamping water to support the color more smoothly. Something about the biome color png, or something. That's just what I heard, anyway.
Now, if only they'd pack swamp trees a bit closer, and move that black fog from under ground, into swamps, and recolor it or something. I want swamps to be murky and mysterious. Right now, they're dull-colored, but bright and visible.
For rivers, Mojang could make a new type of water block with some flow block characteristics and some source block characteristics. For example, it could be full-size, capable of being bucketed, but flow toward the nearest ocean.
It might even be possible to change the flow speed, based on proximity to drops, width, and depth of the river.
I think it would add a good bit of realism, and a fun little gimmick. It'd need a new class written for it, but it could extend the flowing water block class, so that's not an issue at all. If I had the code for it, I could probably write it in a few minutes, so I'm sure Mojang would have no trouble.
I got to page 4, decided idiots were about, and put together this post, regardless of the 16 pages ahead of me to read. (Because I normally try to read every post)
In my admittedly-not-so-vast coding experience, Java is a horrible language that only has one good thing going for it: It's human-readable. It's a good first language. But it's not a good language for anything else. C++ is superior, and that's saying a fair bit. Be it for portability reasons or whatever, the decision to code the game in Java was a poor one. However, it's generally easier and somewhat faster to code in Java than other languages, at the cost of poor performance.
Which brings me to wonder how so many bugs exist in a Java game. All I can think of is poor communication among the coding team, and/or poor programming style. Unless the full unobfuscated code is ever actually released, I doubt we'll ever know.
Anyway, Notch has been coding games for some years now. He has, likely, more experience at it than any modder who's worked on this game. He also has access to the full source code of Minecraft, as well as an in-depth understanding of how every feature operates. Frankly, I'm impressed that the modders can do it. But I'm disappointed that the Mojang programming team behind Minecraft doesn't seem to be so apt.
Take note: Markus Persson does not run Mojang. He's officially just a programmer on the team. Minecraft money's allowed Mojang to hire people with experience to run the company while Notch and Jeb and everyone else that comes to mind can do programming, which, apparently is what they're good at. (To each his own)
So, Notch has this full-time job working on Mojang games, primarily Minecraft and Scrolls. Dividing this time to 4 hours per day each, at 5 days a week, as would be a normal job, is 20 hours per week, multiplied by the number of weeks spent on it, and we're getting to a high number of hours. Add Jeb's hours, we have a significant number of man-hours involved in updating a game they have full access to the source code of.
Of course, as would be expected of any Indie dev, Notch doesn't actually spend much time working on the game, as he is instead doing whatever we see his tumblr and twitter say he's doing.
I don't care that so many features have been added, I don't care that this is just a pre-release, I kind of don't even care that that excerpt from the Terms of Use is from after he renegged his original promise to make sure we who paid for Minecraft Alpha, got a full, complete game. The game is bugged to hell, far behind schedule, and hyped features have been put off. And it's in a poor programming language.
I guess it's Notch's thing, and whatever, but I paid for this, with the promise he'd finish it. And I just want the game to work, with all the features promised, and minimal bugs, by the time they say it'll work. If that means Notch has to actually work for a change, so be it. But let's be honest, he doesn't seem to do much work anymore.
Source(s): Amateur programmer (That is, I HAVE written a game, in Java no less. It's not hard. It's not even time-consuming.)
When I need multiple inputs for a door, I just hook up both inputs to an OR gate, and the output to the door circuitry. It's cumbersome, to be sure, but it's simple.
It looks good, but it's not quite 1:1, if I remember the Frigate's specs, correctly. I'm almost certain it's 170-some meters tall. Well, anyway, keep it up. This makes me want to finish my own ship.
I was gonna say that.
Build something on it.
Why do I get the feeling this will be mod-only territory though?
Fact of the matter is, Mojang knows full well of the bug, already, and I'm almost certain they've even said "yeah that's a bug, hold on". As beta testers, yes, our job is to say "hey this isn't quite right," but when the issue at hand is already announced, move on. I mean, we could all post "SNOW IS BROKEN FIX IT" threads. That would get us nowhere. Instead, how about we do our job. Test more. Find other bugs with the game. For example, try and figure out why all the bugs that make complex redstone devices work happen. Or maybe figure out why this version of the terrain generator keeps putting out the same 3 worlds, over and over. (Check that 99 seeds album)
It's on the bug list, there are still bugs to fix. Let's move on, testers, and find them all.
tl;dr: I got 99 problems, but the glitch ain't one.
Now, if only they'd pack swamp trees a bit closer, and move that black fog from under ground, into swamps, and recolor it or something. I want swamps to be murky and mysterious. Right now, they're dull-colored, but bright and visible.
Granted, but she kills you
I wish Minecraft
EDIT: Wait, Mojang already corrupted that, never mind
It might even be possible to change the flow speed, based on proximity to drops, width, and depth of the river.
I think it would add a good bit of realism, and a fun little gimmick. It'd need a new class written for it, but it could extend the flowing water block class, so that's not an issue at all. If I had the code for it, I could probably write it in a few minutes, so I'm sure Mojang would have no trouble.
In my admittedly-not-so-vast coding experience, Java is a horrible language that only has one good thing going for it: It's human-readable. It's a good first language. But it's not a good language for anything else. C++ is superior, and that's saying a fair bit. Be it for portability reasons or whatever, the decision to code the game in Java was a poor one. However, it's generally easier and somewhat faster to code in Java than other languages, at the cost of poor performance.
Which brings me to wonder how so many bugs exist in a Java game. All I can think of is poor communication among the coding team, and/or poor programming style. Unless the full unobfuscated code is ever actually released, I doubt we'll ever know.
Anyway, Notch has been coding games for some years now. He has, likely, more experience at it than any modder who's worked on this game. He also has access to the full source code of Minecraft, as well as an in-depth understanding of how every feature operates. Frankly, I'm impressed that the modders can do it. But I'm disappointed that the Mojang programming team behind Minecraft doesn't seem to be so apt.
Take note: Markus Persson does not run Mojang. He's officially just a programmer on the team. Minecraft money's allowed Mojang to hire people with experience to run the company while Notch and Jeb and everyone else that comes to mind can do programming, which, apparently is what they're good at. (To each his own)
So, Notch has this full-time job working on Mojang games, primarily Minecraft and Scrolls. Dividing this time to 4 hours per day each, at 5 days a week, as would be a normal job, is 20 hours per week, multiplied by the number of weeks spent on it, and we're getting to a high number of hours. Add Jeb's hours, we have a significant number of man-hours involved in updating a game they have full access to the source code of.
Of course, as would be expected of any Indie dev, Notch doesn't actually spend much time working on the game, as he is instead doing whatever we see his tumblr and twitter say he's doing.
I don't care that so many features have been added, I don't care that this is just a pre-release, I kind of don't even care that that excerpt from the Terms of Use is from after he renegged his original promise to make sure we who paid for Minecraft Alpha, got a full, complete game. The game is bugged to hell, far behind schedule, and hyped features have been put off. And it's in a poor programming language.
I guess it's Notch's thing, and whatever, but I paid for this, with the promise he'd finish it. And I just want the game to work, with all the features promised, and minimal bugs, by the time they say it'll work. If that means Notch has to actually work for a change, so be it. But let's be honest, he doesn't seem to do much work anymore.
Source(s): Amateur programmer (That is, I HAVE written a game, in Java no less. It's not hard. It's not even time-consuming.)
^ Beat me to it. I was about to say, "Poor Chell."