Why you want to join: I have only played this game with a group of friends from another game, they all quit and I'm looking for a new group of friends to join and play with. I get super bored super fast when I play solo. I have been invited to other realms but they were already well established and I felt like I couldn't really contribute much. So, I hope if I am invited there is a need for a miner/explorer (that dies A LOT :D) to gather resources and help out with building a community.
Why you want to join: Trying to find a group to hang out with, I've joined other realms but they have been very well established and huge, hard to get my bearings. I'm looking for something new or just starting out.
Any specialties in minecraft: dying is my speciality. also getting lost...lol I'm decent at building, I love to explore/mine
IGN: KakiaSyn OR SarahSmalls ( I can't figure out which one is my invite name >.<)[/b]
Age: 33[/b]
Ever been banned?: Nope[/b]
Tell me about yourself: Um, I play a **** ton of video games, other than that I work a lot. I'm quiet, easygoing, creative, and uhhh I drink vodka quite a bit....[/b]
idk if you're still recruiting, or if you still even exist but if so, I would love to join.
Your in game name:SarahSmalls[/b]
Your age: 33 [/b]
What you want out of this realm: a group of friends to help/be helped by[/b]
what you plan to do/build: I build all kinds of random, it all depends on my mood. I know I want to work on a mansion of some sort.[/b]
IGN: KakiaSyn
Why you want to join: I have only played this game with a group of friends from another game, they all quit and I'm looking for a new group of friends to join and play with. I get super bored super fast when I play solo. I have been invited to other realms but they were already well established and I felt like I couldn't really contribute much. So, I hope if I am invited there is a need for a miner/explorer (that dies A LOT :D) to gather resources and help out with building a community.
I'll follow the rules! I hate griefers!
Name: Sarah
IGN: KakiaSyn
Age: 33
Why you want to join: Trying to find a group to hang out with, I've joined other realms but they have been very well established and huge, hard to get my bearings. I'm looking for something new or just starting out.
Any specialties in minecraft: dying is my speciality. also getting lost...lol I'm decent at building, I love to explore/mine
Skype: Nope
IGN: KakiaSyn OR SarahSmalls ( I can't figure out which one is my invite name >.<)[/b]
Age: 33[/b]
Ever been banned?: Nope[/b]
Tell me about yourself: Um, I play a **** ton of video games, other than that I work a lot. I'm quiet, easygoing, creative, and uhhh I drink vodka quite a bit....[/b]
SarahSmalls or KakiaSyn (can't remember which is which)
Age: way older than 16
Rules: yes
Movie: Nightmare on Elm Street
SarahSmalls or KakiaSyn, try to add both because my silly ass can't remember which name is the invite name....
Hi! I'm 33 and would love to be in a realm with other adults!
I like to explore, mine, collect animals, and get myself murdered (A LOT)
IGN: KakiaSyn
Age: 33
Location: Ohio
Yay adults!!
Age : 33
Hours played per week : varies, I play a lot of games, I would spend more time on minecraft if I had some people to chill/build with/learn from
Play style : building, exploring, getting myself killed ^^
Redstone ability : poor
Building ability : decent, trying new things
Feelings on griefing : don't.
Why I play : I enjoy the simplicity of this game and I like the ability to be creative
My ID was wrong, I went by my profile as opposed to my Mojang log in, KakiaSyn is me. Sorry about that!
Great! Thanks for the invite!
I think I was wrong with my user name lol I put the profile I've been playing under, my mojang is KakiaSyn if you're having trouble finding me.
Awesome! Thanks!
idk if you're still recruiting, or if you still even exist but if so, I would love to join.
Your in game name:SarahSmalls[/b]
Your age: 33 [/b]
What you want out of this realm: a group of friends to help/be helped by[/b]
what you plan to do/build: I build all kinds of random, it all depends on my mood. I know I want to work on a mansion of some sort.[/b]
A lady never reveals her age
I want a good group that plays a lot. My group all stopped playing and I'm lonely :'(
Very active
My group quit playing and I tend to not get stuff done when I'm all alone.