These mods are a culmination of many months of coding, sprite making, and testing done solely by Me, ComicRetrolution. If you would like to give your support, you can send a donation of any amount via PayPal.
If you can't donate, but still want to give your support, a way you can do this is to turn off any adblocker while watching my Youtube videos. This provides me with revenue from them and all revenue generated, either from donations, or through Youtube is put directly back into development of the mods.
Aug 18, 2013 - Updated the Craftory mods to v2.1.3 & FishCraftory Beta 1.0 release
- *Fixed see through fruit tree bug
- +Added compatibility with FishCraftory
- FishCraftory Beta 1.0 released.
July 9, 2013 - Updated the Craftory mods to v2.1.2
- *Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2
- +Added green effects to when withered grass is used to fertilize crops
July 3, 2013 - Updated the Craftory mods to v2.1.1
- *Updated to Minecraft 1.6.1
- *Fixed texture bug with Kitchen Blender Gui (Re-download if you have the error)
Jun 12, 2013 - Updated FarmCraftory to v2.1 and brought back the Craftory Mods
- *Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2
- *Too many updates to list. Basically, FarmCraftory was re-coded from scratch.
- -Split combined components back into the Craftory Mods for easier updates in the future
- +Added tons of configuration to all food items. You can now edit any food's hunger, saturation, and health healing values.
- +Added configuration for seed drops. You can now turn specific seeds and crops off and on.
- +Added configuration for fruit saplings. You can now turn specific fruit saplings off and on.
- Be sure to DELETE old FarmCraftory.cfg files in your /config/ folder if you have them. You will potentially get crashes otherwise.
Previous Updates:
- *Updated to Minecraft 1.4.7
- *Fixed bug with fruit leaves dropping glitched items
- *Fruit leaves will now always drop saplings.
- *Updated to Minecraft 1.4.6
- *Updated to Minecraft 1.4.2
- -Removed carrot and potato crops, items, and seeds
- +Added descriptions for vanilla carrot, potato, and wheat crops.
- *Seeds can now be found in any tall grass. No longer separated by biome.
- *Adjusted block IDs. Delete the config file if you run into a block ID conflict.
- Thanks to the help of donators, I ordered a new monitor and it just came in. Look for updates in the next few days as I get back into swing of things. Thanks for being patient.
- *Fixed crash at startup
- *Fixed crops displaying incorrectly
- +Added ability to craft fruits and vegetables back into seeds
- +Increased seed yield to 1-2 on Single Harvest crops and 1-3 on Multi-harvest Crops
- +Bonemeal now works on fruit saplings
- +Fruit tree leaves now drop fruit saplings
- Updates to FarmCraftory are on pause right now until I can get a replacement monitor. Some wonderful folks have been generous enough to donate towards the new monitor so I set up a ChipIn to keep track of any future donations. Link is here:
- *Fixed a bug with ingredients not appearing in blender GUI on Open LAN
- *Fixed crash when using blender on SMP
- *Fixed a bug that caused seeds to not be able to be picked up
- +Added center mouse click on crops in creative mode
For Minecraft 1.6.2/1.6.1
How to install for Single Player/LAN:
- Run vanilla Minecraft 1.6.2 at least ONCE from the official Minecraft Launcher
- Download and open the new Minecraft Forge Installer.jar
- Select "Install client", make sure the .minecraft directory is correct, and press OK
- Press OK again after install completes
- Open the official Minecraft Launcher and either select "Forge" under Profile or create a New Profile and select Forge under "Use Version"
- Click Play and verify Minecraft has loaded successfully
- Close Minecraft, place the *** files in the /mods/ folder, and reopen
- You're done!
For Minecraft 1.5.2
How to install for Single Player/LAN:
- Go to your .minecraft folder and open /bin/ folder
- Open minecraft.jar with WinRAR
- Download and copy the Forge API files to the minecraft.jar
- Place the *** files in the /mods/ folder
- You're done!
How to install for Multiplayer (SMP):
- Go to your designated server folder
- Open minecraft_server.jar with WinRAR
- Download and copy the Forge API files to the minecraft_server.jar
- Place the *** files in the /mods/ folder
- You're done!
The "Craftory" mods are a collection of mods inspired by the popular RPGs: Rune Factory & Harvest Moon. Each of these mods can be installed individually, or used together as one for a unique Minecraft experience.
FarmCraftory is a mod that adds various farming tools, crops, and a simplified cooking system to Minecraft.
FishCraftory is a mod that adds various fish mobs, fishing tools, and realistic reeling and catching mechanic to Minecraft.
FruitCraftory is a mod that adds various fruit trees to Minecraft.
FoodCraftory is a mod that changes vanilla food to better accommodate the new food added with FarmCraftory and FruitCraftory.
GuiCraftory is an add-on for FarmCraftory, FruitCraftory, and FoodCraftory that adds food descriptions making it easier to know how much a food item will heal for.
WateringCraftory is a mod that adds various watering cans to Minecraft.
Latest version: MC 1.6.2
FishCraftory Beta v1.0
FarmCraftory v2.1.3
FruitCraftory v2.1.3
FoodCraftory v2.1.3
GuiCraftory v2.1.3
WateringCraftory v2.1.3
MC 1.6.1
FruitCraftory v2.1.1
FoodCraftory v2.1.1
GuiCraftory v2.1.1
WateringCraftory v2.1.1
MC 1.5.2
Previous versions:
FarmCraftory v2.0.6 for MC 1.4.6
FarmCraftory v2.0.5 for MC 1.4.2
FarmCraftory v2.0.4.1 for MC 1.3.2 (Now permanently includes ChefCraftory and FruitCraftory)
Test version: MC 1.2.5
FarmCraftory v2.0 (Now permanently includes ChefCraftory and FruitCraftory)
Crops and Farming
FarmCraftory adds 13 new seeds and crops into Minecraft. Some crops are single-harvest and yield only one fruit or vegetable after being destroyed. Other crops are multi-harvest and yield two fruits or vegetables after being destroyed. Seeds can be found in tall grass in any biome.
- Turnip - Single Harvest
- Cabbage - Single Harvest
- Onion - Single Harvest
- Spinach - Single Harvest
- Leek - Single Harvest
- Cucumber - Multi Harvest
- Tomato - Multi Harvest
- Corn - Multi Harvest
- Eggplant - Multi Harvest
- Green Pepper - Multi Harvest
- Yam - Multi Harvest
- Strawberry - Multi Harvest
- Pineapple - Multi Harvest
These seeds can only be found in tallgrass by crafting new tool called a Sickle and using it to cut down tall grass. Sickles can be made from Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond, or Gold. Each type of sickle has the same drop rate, but higher grade sickles have more durability.
Another farming tool in your new arsenal is a magnifying glass. This item is used to inspect crops to get details about that specific crop. Details shown are:
- Name of the crop
- Current growth stage
- Crop Yield amount
- Seed Yield amount
- Fertilized or unfertilized
FarmCraftory now uses a simplified cooking system. No more having to remember recipes and no more having to wait to cook. How simple is it to use? Really simple. If you hover over the name of the recipe on the right, you'll get a list of ingredients on the left side.
First craft a Kitchen Blender, place it down, and right click to open up the menu.
If you only have some of the ingredients, the items you have will have their name in white while the missing items name will remain grayed out.
If you have the all of the ingredients in your inventory, the recipe name will turn white (yellow when hovering) and become clickable.
If you click the name of the recipe, the items in your inventory will be removed and you'll be given the output in return.
Empty glass recipe:
Glass of milk recipe:
(Currently in Beta)
Fishcraftory adds several fish mobs that can be caught using a new type of fishing rod.
To make this new fishing rod, you'll need to make a lure.
Attach this lure to a vanilla fishing rod.
Casting and reeling with this new rod is quite different than a regular rod. To cast, hold the rod and press your right mouse button. To reel, press your left mouse button. Reeling pulls in the lure/bobber towards you until it resets back onto your rod. Reeling while the lure is still in the air is faster than in the water or with a fish on the hook. Time your casts correctly and you'll be sure to hit your mark.
To catch a fish mob, cast out your line and try to make it land near a fish. A fish will notice any nearby lure, but will not immediately be attracted to it (unless your a lucky). To raise the attraction of the fish, gently reel the lure in (this consists of lightly tapping/pressing the left mouse button.) If you reel in too quickly (hold the left mouse button too long), the fish's attraction will go back down. If too much time passes, the fish will ignore the lure, and just swim away. Fish do remember if a lure has been nearby recently so keep casting and you'll eventually get the fish's attention.
If you time your reeling right, the fish will now be attracted. This sets up for the next phase: hooking. Once a fish is attracted, it will follow the lure. Continue gently reeling to raise your chance at hooking the fish. Again, if too much time passes, the fish will stop being attracted and will swim away. If you are lucky, the fish will attach to the lure. Reel the fish close enough to you to finally catch it.
You now have your own fish. Like wolves, ocelots, and horses, fish will remember it's owner and will not despawn. Unlike those other tameable mobs, fish won't follow you. You may place your fish in your own pool or pond and pick it back up with a fish net.
You can also turn your fish into raw fish meat and cook it into a furnace.
You can also breed caught fish with fish flakes. To make fish flakes, combine cooked fish meat and wheat.
Lastly, you can place your fish into item frames and show off your collection.
FruitCraftory adds six fruit trees that start out as small saplings and eventually grow into trees with regrowable fruit on them. The six fruit tree types are as follows:
- Orange
- Grape
- Pear
- Peach
- Banana
- Cherry
To find these saplings, use bonemeal on grass blocks. There is a random chance one of these saplings will appear on the grass. After a set amount of time, the fruit sapling will grow into a fruit tree with un-ripe (green) fruit on it. These un-ripe fruit will then ripen over time (turn into the proper color of the fruit) and can now be harvested/broken off the tree. Each tree will be able regrow its fruit as long as no part of it destroyed in any way. New fruit always start out as un-ripe and will not drop the fruit item if harvested early.
FoodCraftory lowers or adjusts the healing amount of every vanilla food item to compensate for the additional food added by the other Craftory Mods. For example, a cooked steak heals 8 food hunger points in vanilla Minecraft. FoodCraftory changes cooked steak to only heal 5 food hunger points, giving you a better incentive to harvest crops, fruit, ect. Configuration is also added to the vanilla food items, so you can set steak, carrots, apples, ect, to heal hunger, saturation, or health to whatever amount you like with the config file. If you are planning to make your own adjustments or need to look up vanilla values for food, a good resource to use is found on the Minecraft wiki:
GuiCraftory adds food descriptions to every food. Hovering over any edible item will now display the effects the item will give/heal when you consume it. For example, the amount of hunger a food item heals will be displayed under the name.
Items that have extra potion effects (positive and negative) will also be displayed along with the probability of causing the effect.
WateringCraftory optionally adds a more challenging route to growing crops by keeping farmland watered manually by using another tool called a watercan. To fill the watering can, use the empty version of the item on a water source block. To use the watering can, use a filled can directly on the dry farmland or on the crop on top (it will water the farmland beneath it). After a set amount of uses, the watercan will become empty and will need refilling. There are five types of watercans available: Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold, and Diamond. Each will water a specific range of farmland with just one click.
Basic watercan recipe
In junction to the watering can item, there is also a slight change to fundamental mechanics of farming. Every Minecraft morning will begin with a "drying" period which lasts an hour (0 to 1000 Minecraft Time). Any watered farmland that is not near a water source block will change from wet to dry during this period. Use the watercan to water the dry farmland. If the farmland is dry by nightfall (12000 Minecraft Time), it will revert back to dirt.
If using this new mechanic, your crops will need to be watered on a daily basis for them to grow and produce healthy and mature fruit and vegetables. If you forget to water, your crops will eventually turn brown and wilted, and they will stop growing. To cure the wilted status, just water the crop and it will return to its healthy state. If you break a wilted plant, it will give you a withered grass item. This withered grass item is similar to bonemeal as it can be used directly on crops to fertilize them. Fertilized crops grow twice as fast than unfertilized crops. TIP: You may want to purposely allow some of your crops to wilt so you can get withered grass to use on your healthy crops.
Getting an unexplainable crash or bug? Here's a couple of things you can do.
Check your installation method.
- Did you delete META-INF?
- Do you have the correct version of Forge? (Check the REQUIREMENTS section)
- Is Forge installed properly? (Files go into /mods/ folder)
- Try deleting any pre-existing "****Craftory.cfg" files (See Configuration)
- Forge has Modloader pre-installed now. If you had Modloader installed before you installed Forge, there will be a conflict. Start with a fresh minecraft.jar and only install Forge.
Still crashing? Post an error log so we can see and try to help you. Don't know how to get an error log? Visit and learn how. I do ask you to please use spoiler tags to prevent elongated posts. If you don't post an error log, I can't help you fix the problem.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
You can change block IDs, item IDs, food healing values, and ect with the configuration files. To find the config files, go to your .minecraft/config/ folder. (You must run Minecraft with the mods at least once for the confg files to appear!).
- Block ID for Single Crops (Default: 445)
- Block ID for Kitchen Blender (Default: 446)
- Item IDs used (6110 - 6122, 6123-6135, 6142-6155, 6201-6206)
- Set hunger, saturation, and health healing values for each food.
- Hunger can be set between: 0 and 20 (Must be whole number)
- Saturation can be set between: 0 and 5.0 (Can add decimal)
- Health can be set between: 0 and 20 (Must be whole number)
- Set active seed drops from tallgrass: true or false
- Block ID for Fruit Sapling (Default: 447)
- Block ID for Fruit Block (Default: 448)
- Block ID for Fruit Spawn Leaves (Default: 449)
- Item IDs used (6136-6141, 6156-6161)
- Set hunger, saturation, and health healing values for each food.
- Hunger can be set between: 0 and 20 (Must be whole number)
- Saturation can be set between: 0 and 5.0 (Can add decimal)
- Health can be set between: 0 and 20 (Must be whole number)
- Set active fruit saplings spawning with bonemeal on grass: true or false
- Set hunger, saturation, and health healing values for each food.
- Hunger can be set between: 0 and 20 (Must be whole number)
- Saturation can be set between: 0 and 5.0 (Can add decimal)
- Health can be set between: 0 and 20 (Must be whole number)
MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - ComicRetrolution, Original author of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft ( the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.
I'd rather see a 1.7.10 port really, rather than a 1.8 or above one. Right now not many mods exist for 1.8 and above, and most modding players are still using 1.7.10. This means that it would make more sense to take the step to 1.7.10 where everyone will be on the same page, then once you're familiar with the code from porting to 1.7.10 it will allow you to more easily rewrite for 1.8 and up.
TBH, I'm not really going to newer minecraft versions until certain mods I really love are available for those versions. That means chances are 1.9 isn't for another year or more. and 1.8 isn't until much later this year.
It's back, again, this time with new textures for many of the untextured items and interfaces. Because of how many changes were needed to make it ready for 1.6.4 alone, and how many authors this pack has had in past, I've chosen to rename the pack to a name that reflects that this pack, like legends, will never die, just evolve.
Like with anything revived, I will credit those that came before me.
MegaManTrigger - reviver beta 1.1- beta 1.2
DarkDemonWolf76 - reviver for beta 1.4 - Release 1.4.5
spoonikle - GUI fixs and minor block corrections in beta 1.4 release
Dominionus - reviver for Release 1.5
I have changed a few textures back from Dominionus' version, like making gold armor be a servbot again. Enchanted books are also now recolored regular books. Most notably, Potions now appear inside the cans, rather than as a odd ball behind the cans. Charcoal now has coal's old texture and coal has been made darker. the Gold nugget has been changed to a small refractor and the gold ingot has been changed to match the color of the nugget.
The horses have been made by combining elements of the Firushudot with elements of the Cannam. Currently horse armor is just vanilla armor with the eye holes moved.
Items in frames, Top: Compass, Clock, Netherbrick. 2nd row: Wither Skeleton Skull, Enchanted book, Charcoal, Coal. 3rd row: Water Bottle, Splash Potion of Regeneration, TNT minecart, Hopper minecart. 4th row: Nether Quartz, Gold Nugget, Gold Ingot, Nametag.
Blocks: Daylight Detector, Redstone Comparitor, Redstone Block, Hopper, Netherquartz Ore, Coal Block.
Trapped Chests and Dropper
Zombie Villager
Reaver Horses
Should anyone want to help me with making new textures, I will gladly accept the help, I'm not very experienced with 32x texturing and the help will be appreciated. My lack of experience is why this is only for 1.6.4 rather than 1.7 or 1.8. I officially want to extend an invitation to have this resource pack become a community project. It has already passed through the hands of so many authors, it is deserving of any contribution that anyone is willing to make. There are a lot of mods and new vanilla blocks left to get textures.
Contributions should be images posted in this thread so we don't clutter the forum. if the contribution is for an untextured block or item it will go in right away, if it's for one that already has a texture then it will get put in a zip file for alternate textures in a folder with the artist's name. Contributions will all be credited to the artist who made the texture to be contributed.
I do want this pack to be able to branch out beyond just vanilla and to be usable with many mods as well, I feel it's worthy of such.
Download link: Never
Fixed Zombie Pigman
Fixed Spider eye effect
Replaced Jungle Log
Added several sounds
Chest open and close
player hurt sounds
bow sounds
XP refractors
Item pickup
Anvil use
level up
I already told you, literally 3 posts above your previous post on this page.
no it's not, look at the comment like 4 posts above your comment.
it's just in the beta phases
Just a note on using the beta version of the 1.7.10 release
i found a pocket dimension biome... what is that?
Generated a fresh world, where do I turn in my crash report to help with development? Got some kind of exception getting block type in world.
This was with test 8.
I found a 1.5 version of this in some archives i found on google, it had some thaumcraft and other mod textures in it, including mystcraft. I grabbed the thaumcraft ingot for a base for the ingots of railcraft to make a standard ingot shape.
here's a link to the archive I found
Going to be using what textures I can recover from that pack to help with making some mod support textures I can help contribute to this pack.
Update 2:
I converted what textures I could from the 1.5 mystcraft textures. I'm including a zip file with the converted files in this link
might make more sense to work toward 1.7.10 mod support first then see about porting what can be ported to 1.8
I haven't seen many of the big or "popular" mods getting updates for 1.8 yet.
In fact, I've only seen a select few mods even have beta versions available for 1.8, not even stable/recommended releases.
Speaking logically, it will probably be at least half a year before we have enough mods updated to make a 1.8 modpack.
The mods I want support for aren't updated for 1.8, Mystcraft, Thaumcraft, and Tinkers' Construct.
Just a note, I could try to help with making some textures for tinkers' construct compatability. I've been working on such textures for the blockman dash revival(Legends Never Die) so I have a good idea of how quickly they could be made.
Before lan servers, I could play smoothly even with a dozen different mods installed, now I can't even play smoothly with NO mods installed.
The best way to fix this kind of huge performance issue would be to take the server thing out of singleplayer and add a button to multiplayer for players to create a locally hosted server using a world from their singleplayer files. With this in place singlepalyer could go back to true singleplayer where the computer is not being bogged down by trying to use network connection while trying to process an already demanding game. I almost feel like I have to buy a server from a host and make that server closed to the public just to get myself singleplayer that runs properly because then the burden of processing the serverload won't be on my computer. But that is too costly and I can not afford it.
Default Skin(Digidestand Steve)
Nether Mobs(Meramon, DemiMeramon, DemiMeramon(no eyes/mouth), Bakemon)
Hostile Mobs(Dracmon, Mummymon, Dokugumon, Myotismon, BlackGarurumon, Numemon(Randomobs), Raremon, Motimon)
Passive Mobs(Moosemon, Sheepmon, Garurumon, Kakatorimon, Tsukaimon, RedMoosemon(non-official recolor), Gesomon, Mikemon, Gatomon, BlackGatomon)
Gallopmon & Shiremon(4 Variants, 1 with Gold Armor)
The Blocks(most of them)
Sun and Moon
Villagers were changed to Goburimon, SnowGoburimon(Librarians), and Shamanmon(Priests).
Here is a image with optional alternative textures for some blocks, blocks with only one texture on here are planned to have alternatives in the future.
Note, From now on the most recent versions will be divided into 2 downloads, one with replacement music, the other without. Both versions will have replacement menu, bow, and villager sounds.
The Music Version includes a guide in the base folder that lists which music disc is what song.
1.3 and earlier
1.4.6 Download
1.5.1 Download
1.6.2+Music Download
1.6.2 Without Music Download
Mods that have texture replacements in the texture pack(only valid for versions after 1.3)
Until mod textures are figured out for 1.6 and beyond, the pack currently is vanilla only.
Changelog for current Version(1.6.2):
This is actually based off of Rune Factory, the Fantasy Side series to Harvest Moon, the first game was literally called "Rune Factory, a Fantasy Harvest Moon" Fishing is in the Full mod but it is in modules like Farming, fishing, ect. the other modules I assume were not updated yet. To my knowledge the juice is the only craftable food currently available in the Farmcraftory module.