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    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from Terkaal

    In-Game Name - Terkaal
    Age and Global Location? - 23 United Arab Emirates
    Have you ever been banned before? - Many....Many...Many times :V
    Why do you play SMP? - SaintAmore :V
    You know this is a member application for Semi-Vanilla OniCraft, right? I certainly hope so :V
    How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    How did you find us? SaintAmore :V
    What's your favorite color? Orange
    Will you please make an account on our Website? Already have o7
    Anything else you want to add? It would be a terrible mistake to approve this :V

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from thefyo

    IGN- thefyo

    Age- 13

    How did find game- Friends told me to come see place

    Why do I want to build?- To spend time in a game that looks friendly and epic

    Have I been banned?- no

    You know this is a member application for Semi-Vanilla OniCraft, right? Yes

    How long Ive been playing Minecraft- 2 days, but Im experianced

    Favorite color- red

    Added - Welcome to OniCraft!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from CarryOnKing

    In-Game Name PeaceDog101
    Age and Global Location? 15, North Wales
    Have you ever been banned before? Yes a few times for misunderstanding and once for griefing on a anti grief server.
    Why do you play SMP? I like playing with the Minecraft community! It's a lot better and less laggy than singleplayer!
    You know this is a member application for Semi-Vanilla OniCraft, right? Of course.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Beta 1.4
    How did you find us? The Minecraft-server-list
    What's your favorite color? Green
    Will you please make an account on our Website? Yes
    Anything else you want to add?
    I like pie, chess, and want a unicorn for my birthday!

    Added and welcome to OniCraft!
    Just so you know, this server is against griefing - so definitely be sure to read through our rules!

    Quote from Deuce5451

    In-Game Name? duce5451
    Age and Global Location? 13 east side
    Have you ever been banned before? no
    Why do you play SMP? its fun
    You know this is a member application for Semi-Vanilla OniCraft, right? yes
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? 3 years
    How did you find us? a friend
    What's your favorite color? blue
    Will you please make an account on our Website? i alreadt did
    Anything else you want to add? no

    You will need to log onto the server at least once for us to promote you to member status!
    Be sure to make a post here (quoting your original application) to inform us that you have indeed been on =]
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from fishfoot99

    IGN: fishfoottc
    Age: 15
    why do i wont to join?: because it looks like a nice server and good ppl are on so i wont to join!
    How did i hear? a broad cast on ejin so i took a look at the server and looks fun!
    have u ever been banned before: nope im new :D
    and the other ?'s are really long and stuff msg me if u wont me to answer them all ok. :P

    Hey there! You didn't complete the required questions properly.
    Just copy/paste and answer the following questions (you can just edit your post):
    In-Game Name
    Age and Global Location?
    Have you ever been banned before?
    Why do you play SMP?
    You know this is a member application for Semi-Vanilla OniCraft, right?
    How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    How did you find us?
    What's your favorite color?
    Will you please make an account on our Website?
    Anything else you want to add?
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from Hazzapage1234

    The ability to play on the slot machines near spawn is something that I really enjoy on Onicraft, there you can either win big or lose hard so come on down and try your luck on Onicraft(you won't regret it :P )

    I don't know, I think if you lost a few thousand Oni you just might regret it.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from Tweekteagle

    In-Game Name: Tweekt_Eagle
    Age and Global Location?: 24, Ontario Canada
    Have you ever been banned before?: Nope
    Why do you play SMP?: More gameplay choice :D
    You know this is a member application right? Yes indeed
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since 1.4ish
    How did you find us? google :)
    What's your favorite color? Our eyes cant see it...
    Will you please make an account on our Website? I have
    Anything else you want to add? Looking forward to rebuilding my lab :D

    ALSO, Ive logged in an died for that matter. So my info is logged on the server, Ive also brought my cousin to join which he may on sunday...please make us members soon as possible!

    Woot! Added you - Welcome to OniCraft!
    I'm looking forward to seeing this lab ;]
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from Camtaro

    Take a chance to gather up on clay now, because our server will undoubtedly triple the cost at shops by the time it's out.

    Well and truly ahead of you there. Got a rather large bounty of it already ;]
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    I'm rather happy about the progress I am making on my project. Although, I cant wait for the coloured clays in 1.6, definitely going to take advantage of them.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from GamersLove

    In-Game Name: GamersLove
    Age and Global Location? 19, AUS
    Have you ever been banned before? nope just starting
    Why do you play SMP? don't know what that means I just like the game
    You know this is a member application right? yep
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? played the demo for a year thought id try the OM
    How did you find us? forums throw Tekket
    What's your favorite color? Dark purple
    Will you please make an account on our Website? im getting around to it
    Anything else you want to add? I LOVE TO BILD BIG ASS BILDINGS

    Welcome to OniCraft :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from AuzzGamesYouTube

    IGN: auzztin
    Why im joining: NEED GOOD TEKKIT SERVER!
    How I heard about the server?: Friend/Google

    This forum is for applying to our OniCraft server (which is bukkit). To apply for our tekkit server, you will need to apply here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/1-0-6-onitech-50-slots-greylist-free-build-all-mods-24-7-release-your-inner-oni.43712/
    Make sure you fill out all of the questions when you apply! =]
    Quote from bradbed

    In-Game Name bradbed
    Age and Global Location? 18 USA
    Have you ever been banned before? Nope
    Why do you play SMP? I want to try something new
    You know this is a member application right? Yes
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Alpha
    How did you find us? My friend crybit told me about you guys
    What's your favorite color? Blue
    Will you please make an account on our Website? Yes
    Anything else you want to add? No thats about it

    You need to log onto our server at least once for us to promote you to member!
    Quote from LeonidasZonafer

    In-Game Name:Lord_Geo12
    Age and Global Location:13. Australia.
    Have you ever been banned before: No
    Why do you play SMP: Cause i get to build stuff with my friend,Auzztin.
    You know this is a member application right:Yes
    How long have you been playing Minecraft:About a yeat
    How did you find us:Tekkit Fourms
    What's your favorite color:Blue
    Will you please make an account on our Website:No
    Anything else you want to add:No

    You will need to log onto our server at least once for us to promote you to member status!
    Also, just incase you didn't realise, this application is for our bukkit server only. If you want to apply to our tekkit server, you will need to go to here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/1-0-6-onitech-50-slots-greylist-free-build-all-mods-24-7-release-your-inner-oni.43712/
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from JChieftainK

    In-Game Name
    Age and Global Location?
    -20 and USA
    Have you ever been banned before?
    Why do you play SMP?
    -Play with friends
    You know this is a member application right?
    How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    How did you find us?
    What's your favorite color?
    Will you please make an account on our Website?
    -Too late, I did
    Anything else you want to add?
    -I like food

    Welcomes to Onicraft!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from Night582

    In-Game Name Night582
    Age and Global Location? 13, USA.
    Have you ever been banned before? On different servers.
    Why do you play SMP? Because It's fun.
    You know this is a member application right? Yes.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? 1+ years.
    How did you find us? Camtaro spamming Enjin updates @ me.
    What's your favorite color? Blue.
    Will you please make an account on our Website? Yes.
    Anything else you want to add? i liek pie

    Welcome to Onicraft! We seem to be having many pie lovers today =]
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from Concealment86

    In-Game Name: Chronoc86
    Age and Global Location? 31 USA
    Have you ever been banned before? Yes from the Myridcraft
    Why do you play SMP? to survive
    You know this is a member application right? yes
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2+ years
    How did you find us? im apart of the aerialheights
    What's your favorite color? black
    Will you please make an account on our Website? done
    Anything else you want to add? yes

    Welcomes to onicraft you nutter =]
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]

    In Game Name: Jet979800

    Age: 16

    Why do I want to Join the Server : Because it looks like a good server that i want to be apart of : )

    How did i hear about the server: i heard about the server through a server website where i found it and was interested.

    Whats My favorite Color? : Cerulean Blue or Florecent lime Green.

    Have I ever been banned before ? : Not even once.

    Yes I know this is a member application :3

    How long have I been playing minecraft ? : for the longest of times haha :D

    Will I please make a account on your website ? : Sure when i get to it i will absolutley get on it:D

    Welcomes to onicraft jet! :D
    Quote from JinxSinz

    In-Game Name = JinxSinz

    Age and Global Location? 22 UK

    Have you ever been banned before? nope

    Why do you play SMP? i like to explore and survive while chatting to people =p i get lonely

    You know this is a member application right? yup

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? i have no idea when i started playing lol, i was away for a few months but thought id come back now

    How did you find us? browsing for a erver and this one came up

    What's your favorite color? red ^,^

    Will you please make an account on our Website? sure

    Anything else you want to add? i like penguins =D

    Welcomes to onicraft my fellow penguin lover!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on *OCG Oni Clan Gaming*[Multiple Servers][Open/Free Build][Protection Support][3.5+ Years & 4400+ Reg.][New SMP World Soon]
    Quote from ZedicusZul

    In-Game Name: ZedicusZul
    Age and Global Location? 19 'Merica
    Have you ever been banned before? yes, but I banned/unbanned my self numerous times
    Why do you play SMP? Yes?
    You know this is a member application right? No
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? a few years
    How did you find us? Stalker skills and peoples
    What's your favorite color? clear
    Will you please make an account on our Website? if I must.
    Anything else you want to add? Pie

    Mmm pie.
    Welcome to OniCraft
    Posted in: PC Servers
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