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    posted a message on Thaumic Horizons v1.1.9 (Thaumcraft 4 addon)
    Quote from KsterTheSlayer»

    Ah if only you could transport your soul into a void metal shell... that would be awesome.


    Research: oversized golems, Making bigger minions. (Requires curative vat, golem animation powder)

    Your work in golemancy has grown to a great extent. Your Golems, however, have not. You've heard tell of Villages constructing rudimentary golems of great stature out of iron to guard them from the terrors of the night. Sadly these towering wardens are vastly lacking in intelligence, wandering aimlessly, deaf to the ringing of your golemancer's bell, and completely unable to accept any form of animation cores or upgrades. Your Crucible itself is much too small to produce anything of this size, however, the discovery of Golem animation powder, coupled with the Curative Vat offers a solution. First you must craft the Inert golem, simply take any four blocks of the same type, and bind them together with the animation powder in an arcane crafting table. Some Perdito Vis is necessary to disrupt the animation powder's normal function. Then, take the inert golem to your Curative vat, and pump in (insert whatever Essentia is needed) to give it life. These large golems function the same as their smaller brethren, but have the obvious advantage of being significantly stronger, able to complete tasks that weaker golems simply could not. You're pretty sure that you've got the loyalty spell firmly in place....

    Research: Golem Body. No more strings on me. (requires all self infusions researched, Oversized golem, void metal)

    Your new body is Stronger than anything you could have hoped for, but deep down you feel it is not enough. Although you have mastered death, you understand that you are still mortal. The confines of flesh have become restrictive. You feel that it is time to transcend this mortal form once and for all. First, you must assemble your new body. The ever wondrous properties of voidmetal show promise. Start with fashioning a large golem from voidmetal. You will need to drastically modify this golem before it can accept your soul. The power of the primordial pearl is key. Place the inert golem on your infusion altar. By infusing it with the powers of void metal, a soul beacon, two nether stars, and a primordial pearl, you can create a unique animation core capable of housing your soul. This core is permanently bound to the golem, and will not come off. Now you must place your void metal shell into the Curative vat, and add any self infusions you desire. The rest is as it has always been for the process of self reincarnation. Soon now, you shall have a body that has no need of food, can repair itself rapidly from any damage, and possesses the strength to rival gods! Soon they shall all stand in awe of your might.

    (hidden stat, inhabiting a golem body will max out your warp, you cannot get the warp ward status, and warped tumor will not save your sanity. A nasty surprise with no warning in game)

    I don't even care if this goes nowhere, I was just inspired to write this down on the spur of the moment.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on NPC an City Mod idea *xbox one idea*

    Let me first say this.

    Mods can't be loaded onto console Minecraft.

    Secondly, this idea is woefully lacking in any substance that would give it any value. A single sentence does not an idea make.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Command Block Requests | Have any ideas that you want in Vanilla Minecraft? Just ask here!

    How about a realistic farming system?

    Farming thr same thing slowly turns dirt into course dirt which cannot be hoed

    Biomes/weither affect the speed of which it grows

    The part where hoeing dirt eventually turns it into coarse dirt is unrealistic. It's the exact opposite of what a hoe does in real life
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on ExtraTiC - Tinkers' Construct Mod Support Add-on

    It's because magic based metals are handled in the part builder in Tinkers' construct and extraTIC. At this point we should decide weather Knightmetal qualifies as magic based.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Universal Blacksmith: a "coremod" to try to compatibilize different versions of forge mods.

    I have a Theory on how one could potentially, and this is, I do admit, a MASSIVE stretch of a maybe in a way that might be impossible anyway, make this work.

    If one could create an in game emulator to mimic the code of older versions of Minecraft and forge from within the game itself, it may be possible.

    So here's a in depth look at my theory: The blocks and processes of the an outdated mod (or set of mods) would run in their own sub-world, set to thminecraft and forge versions the mod works in, What Blacksmith would then do is render that sub world within the Main Minecraft world.

    If this sounds familiar, it should. It's the same principal behind the Metaworlds mod.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Pushable Block Mod for Zelda Map

    I'd include the Ice block Physics (where if the block is on ice, it will go in a straight line when pushed and not stop till it hits a wall, ledge or other obstacle)

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Grief Prevention - Forge Only!

    Well, the OP was looking for the basics, and from my quick glance, FE has that.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Grief Prevention - Forge Only!

    May I inquire as to why you do not wish to use Bukkit?

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on "Addon" for Advanced Lightsabers mod

    I feel I should tell you to NOT abuse the text color settings like you have been. It's immature, unprofessional, hard to read, and can give some people headaches.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Seeking help/information about accessing Minecraft info.

    I imagine that the info you want to extract is the Debug info? (F3)

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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