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    posted a message on Nemesis by Navarog - A Work In Progress CTM map!

    This is looking nice, can't wait to see more screenshots.

    Posted in: WIP Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    Play lots of CTM maps

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Lucid Awakening

    Welcome to Lucid Awakening, a CTM map by Sab_Rex!

    You've been placed in an eternal coma and in order to escape you must conquer all 16 of your biggest fears. Through each area you must prove your worth by capturing that realm's wool. Will you reach the awakening or will you find yourself trapped for eternity?


    White Wool - Decaying Woods - 95%

    Intersection 1 - 100%

    Orange Wool - Kalixar Pass - 40%

    Magenta Wool - The Web - 50% (Most likely will scrap)

    L. Blue Wool - Bloody Aqueduct - 10%

    Yellow Wool - Boom Clap - 0%

    Intersection 2 - 0%

    Lime Wool - Murky Grove - 0%

    Pink Wool - Silent Echoes - 0%

    Gray Wool - (No Name) - 0%

    Intersection 3 - 0%

    L. Gray Wool - Shifting Valley - 0%

    Cyan Wool - Hive of Quuantia - 75%

    Brown Wool - Jester's Court - 0%

    Purple Wool - Smothering Walls - 0%

    Intersection 4 - 0%

    Blue Wool - Reign of the Mighty - 0%

    Green Wool - The Long Fall - 0%

    Red Wool - Smoldering Engulfment - 0%

    Black Wool - The Awakening - 0%



    Coming soon

    Fun Fact:

    My keyboard has stopped working so I typed this whole thing up using on screen keyboard. *Sigh*


    Posted in: WIP Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from _Krose_»

    Here's a sneak peak of my almost-aesthetically-complete Red Wool dungeon, "In Winter's Lair" :D

    What? A redwool dungeon that isn't firey and nether like? How can this be?

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    I started an LP of Simulation Protocol 2. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could give it a watch.

    View here:

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] Simulation Protocol

    I started an LP of Overload. Although there is like a million let's plays of it, I'd really appreciate it if you could check it out.

    View here:

    If you wanted to say, add it to the LP section on the thread I'd be totally fine with that.

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    Howdy everyone!

    I started my own map thread for my WIP map Lucid Awakening

    Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/wip-maps/2435255-lucid-awakening

    My keyboard broke so I had to type this up using on screen keyboard, which took me approximately 1000000000000000 hours so I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a look!


    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    I'm going to work on Discordancy for a couple of hours. The block variation for the giant cavern has been completed, but it really needs erosion. After that we just need to make the island with the castle and the dungeon underneath.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread
    Quote from R3DWING»

    hey all, it's been a while. Real life gets nuts sometimes.

    So I planning on uploading my map soon but I want to tweak some biomes. Any good way to change biomes in late stages of map making?

    Wow, over 150 pages went by since I last looked at this thread. I'm glad to see the CTM community is still very active. I hope all is well!

    Just use the setbiome filter in mcedit while selecting the region you want to change

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on [CTM] The Ultimate -CTM COMMUNITY- Thread

    Been working on an area in my map. The theme is that this area is the industrial hub of the map. In these screenshots is the water treatment section. Give me some feedback on whether that theme is evident and some suggestions for types of buildings would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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