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    posted a message on Overworld Pigmen farm not spawning. What am I missing?
    Quote from E_DM_B

    Is the server bukkit?

    I believe it is, yes. (I don't know what Bukkit is, but it shows up in the help menu)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Overworld Pigmen farm not spawning. What am I missing?
    On the SMP Server I play on, I've built a small overworld Pigmen/gold farm, but when it's ignited it doesn't spawn any Pigmen. It's 4 - 23x23 portals in a box, with 10 - 21x23 portals within it.

    I built the same design in single player and it spawns pigmen at a decent rate (1 or 2 every 5-10 seconds)

    In multi-player it has never spawned even one.

    I've asked and the server was not modified to prevent pigmen from spawning, and I know there are at least 2 other farms on the server that work.

    Am I overlooking something?

    Here is an image of it in it's "off" state: http://i.imgur.com/T8yVS82.png
    And here is one of it on: http://i.imgur.com/nCz58b0.png

    Other Details:
    The server, and my offline single player tests were in version 1.7.2
    I've activated/deactivated the portals several times, over several days.
    My entity count is as low as 1/20 (overworld and nether near exit portal)
    The server has 50-60 people on, but I've tried when there were only 15.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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