In-game name:ravendave90
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? nope
Why you want to join:been looking for aserver i can just relax andbuild on after work
How did you hear about this server: from my frend kaiden who is already on the server.
also sorry for the repost just didnt get accepted yesterday i will remain logged into the server for a while so i can get straight to it. thank you for your consideration
In-game name: Melssz Age: 16 Do you play any other OniClanGames? no Why you want to join: Seems like an awesome server How did you hear about this server: Minecraft forums
In-game name: SFPep
Age: 26
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No
Why you want to join: Because I want survival building without PvP on a server that's not too crowded
How did you hear about this server:
In-game name:JHudDJ
[center]Do you play any other Oni Clan Games?No
Why you want to join:[/center]To play with friends and it is fun
[center]How did you hear about this server:A Friend
In-game name:teppeflyger_98
Age: 14
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? no
Why you want to join: i want to have a fun place to play
How did you hear about this server: DiamondFarmer123
In-game name: tamsakeer
Age:[/center] 12
[center]Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No!
Why you want to join:[/center] i wanna survive and have fun
[center]How did you hear about this server: minestatus
Added! Welcome to Onicraft! Make sure you read the rules on the forums
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games: No, but I might in the near future!
Age: 16
Why i want to join: I am a dedicated Minecraft player and this server seems to have everything I'd ever need. This is a server I'd definitely put a lot of work into!
How I heard about this server: A good friend of mine plays on it and I saw it on
Added! Welcome to Onicraft! Make sure you read the rules.
In-game name: The_Azuholic
Age: 17
Why I want to join: This one caught my eye when I was browsing through I'm also new to multiplayer and am really just hopping on any servers that seem cool (not like I wouldn't keep doing that anywho).
How I heard:
Added! Welcome to Onicraft! Make sure you read the rules.
In-game name:Juztic34all1
[center]Do you play any other Oni Clan Games?
Why you want to join:[/center]find a good community and have fun
[center]How did you hear about this server:found it looking through the forums
in game name:paufer
Why you want to join:Bored of stupid piston games,want a fun survival server
How you heard about the server:I was looking at the server lists and found this server, had a look and decided to join
Added! Welcome to Onicraft, make sure you read the rules!
Do you play any other oni clan games? no
why you want to join:I enjoy build thats why I like these type of servers and this one caught my eye
How did you hearabout this server:Hayez7
added! welcome to the server! make sure you read all the rules
In-game name: thesolaris123
age: 13
Do you play any other oni clan games? No
Why you want to join: the server looks cool
How did you hear about this server: looked at a website
In-game name: goodnames
Age: 15
Do you play any other Oni Clan Games? No
Why you want to join: Cool server apparently
How did you hear about this server: Forums
Added! make sure you read the rules on the server site and at spawn!
Added! welcome to the server!
Join the server at least once to be added!
Added! Welcome to Onicraft
Added welcome to the server!
Join the server at least once to get promoted!
Count me in!
Added! Welcome to the server make sure you read all the rules on the website which can be found here
Added, welcome to Onicraft!
Added! Welcome to Onicraft! Make sure you read the rules on the forums
Added! Welcome to Onicraft! Make sure you read the rules.
Both added. welcome to Onicraft
Added welcome to Onicraft
Added! Welcome to Onicraft! Make sure you read the rules.
Added! Welcome to Onicraft
Please do an appeal on the Oni forums.
Added! Welcome to Onicraft, make sure you read the rules!
added! welcome to the server! make sure you read all the rules
join the server at least once to become member
Added! make sure you read the rules on the server site and at spawn!