• 19

    posted a message on The Socialist Commune of Minecraft [The Oldest Socialist Clan in Minecraft]

    The Socialist Commune of Minecraft
    The oldest Socialist clan in Minecraft

    The Socialist Commune of Minecraft is the oldest Socialist/Communist clan on Minecraft. We have been here from around 2010 as CRoM (Communist Republic of Minecraft) before transforming ourselves into SCoM in 2011.

    Our clan has the 6 years of experience regarding matters of the application of socialism and communism (and their various forms) in Minecraft, wars and conflicts, politics and diplomacy, and even espionage and counter-espionage. We have been on numerous servers throughout our existence and we have established our mark on each and every server.

    We base our existence on the truism that Minecraft naturally promotes cooperation, sharing, and working together to create wonderful creations, from towering cities and fortresses to fully-functional complex governments and economies. As such, we have found that it makes logical sense that the best type of clan for this game is a socialist one. SCoM strives to create a community that is democratic and equal where resources are shared, all are treated equal, and where each member is a part of a greater cause. Our clan strives to provide a fun playing experience that revolves around the ideals of respect and community.

    How Does SCoM Function?

    SCoM is essentially a communist system with a state. It is a clan based on the ethos and qualities of direct democracy, classlessness, equality, communism, communal ownership of the means of production and resources, etc. SCoM started off as a socialist system that based itself on a single-party state with electable ministers. As it developed through multiple democratic reforms and advancements, SCoM has developed into a Leftist multi-party clan. Multiple parties exist within SCoM such as the Communist Party of SCoM (CPSCoM), the Left Libertarian Movement (LLM), and the Party of Workers (PoW).

    Every two (2) months, elections are held to elect minister heads for each of the five ministries: the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA), the Ministery of External Affairs (MoEA), the Ministry of Security (MoS), the Ministry of Production (MoP), and the Ministry of Development (MoD). Every member is free to join any ministry that he desires and participate in its internal workings. A member need not be a ministry head to take part in ministry-related issues.

    All ministry heads are directly recallable by vote and cannot by any means hold any power against the will of the players. Previous instances of power abuse have attempted to form but were quickly ceased through a direct recall of the ministry head in question and replaced with an elected member.

    Economically, SCoM is based on a gift economy. A Communal Storage (CS) exists whereby the motto "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need" is applied. Players place and store whatever they can mine, chop, cook, or smith into the storage and in turn can withdraw anything they need. It is a reciprocal gift economy; a clan-wide storage. Such a system has proven to be very effective and has allowed us to achieve a post-abundant economy/society on every server we have been on.

    SCoM is against the very idea of rooted individuals who can hold society at its throat and threaten it through the abuse of power. We do not agree with the abuse of power by moderators or admins, by ministry heads or party members, by one member against another. SCoM is constructed in such a manner that it does not allow the creation of an illegitimate position of power whereby one individual can abuse another or rule another. Ministry heads only exist as a form of organizational power and nothing more. They do not receive any special privileges whatsoever except a title and responsibility which are determined by the player base.

    Bans and suspensions are carried out by direct-democratic vote against the accused. An admin, mod, or clan member cannot ban anyone without the direct consent of the players within the clan or without valid reason and proof. You will not observe any form of power abuse as in other clans or on particular servers.

    Clan Ideology and Parties:

    As previously stated, multiple parties exist within the clan for roleplay purposes and real political ideological reasons. The clan itself does not follow any specific ideology unless stated otherwise by a politically successful party. The clan is a Socialist/Communist clan that is Leftist, that much can be assured.

    Current parties:
    CPSCoM - A Leninist/Marxist-Leninist party.
    LLM - A Left Anarchist/Anarcho-Communist party.
    PoW - A general Socialist/Communist party with no specific tendency.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: Isn't Socialism/Communism a dictatorship? How are you guys democratic?
    A: No, Socialism and Communism do not pertain a dictatorship. Democracy is an integral part of both systems. Even the Bolshevik Party was very democratic; Lenin had to argue and struggle with the other members for hours and most of the time his policies did not get passed (see the April Thesis). The Soviets, in turn, were an outstanding democratic organization whereby the people were able to exercise complete democracy to decide on policies and elect the Central Executive Committee (see the All-Russian Congresses of Soviets). Lenin was in fact elected in as was the case with the rest of the Bolsheviks and the Central Executive Committee.

    Q: Your system is very similar to communism, why isn't the clan name "Communist" instead of "Socialist"?
    A: For RP purposes we maintain a state. A state would not exist in a communist system. Moreover, the reason why we do not want to transition to communism is because we would be exactly the same as our friends over at the Anarcho-Communists of Minecraft (ACoM). Again, RP purposes, it wouldn't be fun having two different clans with the exact same system.

    Q: Do you all follow Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hoxha, Castro, etc.?
    A: No. SCoM includes Communists from every single school of thought. Surprisingly though, we do not have many Stalinists and most of the members are critical of Stalin and Mao. Not all Communists are Stalinists, neither are all Communists Marxists.

    Q: What about the USSR, China, et. al., were they not all communist or socialist countries?
    A: Communist? Not by any means, no. Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless (to an extent), worker-organized and manged society. That did not exist in either of the of "Communist" countries. Arguably, these countries were not even socialist as they did not pertain a socialist mode of production and socialist relations of production. That is to say, they did not have worker-managed and owned factories and functioning Soviets, save for Yugoslavia which implemented Market Socialism. The reason why these countries were called "Communist" was due to the fact that they were ruled by Communist Parties and following the general Communist ideology. There is a difference between Communism and communism; the former refers to the ideology which has numerous schools of thought, while the latter refers to the system known as communism which comes after socialism.

    Q: Do you all live inside one building and have no houses on your servers, personal property, etc.?
    A: No, in fact, everyone can build whatever they want. Within reasonable limits of course (no diamond block buildings or swastikas for instance).

    Q: Can Anarchists join?
    A: If you are a Leftist Anarchist and agree to the clan's basic principles, sure.

    Q: Can I start a Right-Wing/Capitalist/Reactionary/Fascist/Nazi party in SCoM?
    A: No.

    Q: Are you guys against religion? Do you ban religion and the religious?
    A: No, we do not have anything against religion. In fact, some of our members are religious.

    Q: Do you guys have a dictator/ruler?
    A: No.

    Q: Do you use money?
    A: On certain servers, yes.

    Q: Do you have your own server?
    A: Yes, we do.


    Before applying to join the SCoM you must have read the entirety of the SCoM Constitution, which can be found in the first reply of this thread. After you have read this, you can apply using the following format. SCoM has no problems with multi-clanning.

    Minecraft Forums Name:
    In-Game Name:
    Were you redirected here by someone? If so, who?
    Have you read the SCoM Constitution and agree to abide by it?
    What do you consider yourself politically?
    Explain, in short, the reason you are willing to join SCoM:
    Give a brief summary of yourself:

    Once you have been accepted you will receive a private message with the address to the clan forums. Apply on the SCoM forums and you wait to have your account accepted.

    Clan Signatures:

    Posted in: Clans
  • 14

    posted a message on The Socialist Commune of Minecraft [The Oldest Socialist Clan in Minecraft]

    As of 7/6/2015:

    The SCoM Constitution

    1. Civil Rights

    1.1 Equal Voting Rights

    In any process of government involving popular vote, each member must have equal voting rights. No law may be passed to prevent any legal citizen from voting, or to arbitrarily disenfranchise citizens or to revoke citizenship.

    1.2 Freedom to Form Left-Wing Political Parties
    All parties that wish to register within the SCoM must create a post in the Political Parties forum. This registration thread should include the names of the people within the party and the party policies. There is membership requirement to form a party. The citizen who wishes to form a party must be a member of SCoM. No law can be passed that will restrict the ability of members to form left-wing political parties, or to restrict the right to choose independence from a political party. However, if one wishes to choose independence from a political party, they must be left-wing.

    Some political parties may only wish to cater to a certain aspect of society. These political parties should clearly state this in their registration thread. These political parties may run in partnership with another party or may ask for placement into government by an elected party.
    No one is required to join a political party, and independent members can run for election if they wish. There are to be no right wing parties in this clan.

    1.3 Personal Property
    Each citizen has a right to personal property which is intended for active personal use.

    1.4 Fair trial
    Each citizen has a right to a trial by public vote when accused of infractions.
    Governmental Structure

    2.0 Government

    The Departments of the Government regulate the different areas of the nation. Department Heads (Secretaries) are elected by the public. The Departments are as follows:

    -The Department of Internal Affairs

    -The Department of External Affairs

    -The Department of Development and Production

    Any Department can have any amount of members. New members are admitted to the Department by appointment from the Secretary of that Department.

    2.1 Department of Internal Affairs

    -Organizing elections and public voting sessions.

    -Organizing and maintaining both the clan forums and the clan thread on the Minecraft Forums.

    -Enforcing Party Policy (see section 5).

    -Maintaining an up-to-date member roster.

    -Organizing Counter-espionage.

    -Mobilizing the membership.

    -Ensuring SCoM territory is secure.

    -Informing the common populace about important foreign events.

    -Organizing Public Relations of SCoM.

    -Ensuring residential areas are safe from hostile mobs.

    2.2 Department of External Affairs


    -Reporting threats to the Department of Internal Affairs.

    -Seeking out and reporting our involvement in multi-clan servers.

    -All aspects of war, espionage, and intelligence gathering in multi-clan servers.

    2.3 Department of Development and Production

    The Department of Development and Production handles public build projects, resource production and allocation. Additionally, it creates regulations and standards by which private build projects must abide.
    This department's responsibilities include:

    -Ensuring Community Storage Centers stay as stocked as possible.

    -Creating efficiency standards and ensuring all industrial buildings meet these standards.

    -Providing large scale approved projects with resources.

    -Creating environmental policy.

    -Mapping of residential zones in federally controlled cities.

    -Providing infrastructure and transport lines between cities.

    -Responsibly prioritizing projects.

    -All other economic functions.

    -Ensuring explorers have access to survival materials and weapons.

    2.4 Central Executive Committee
    The Central Executive Committee--hereby abbreviated as CEC--is a council of the Secretaries of the three Departments of the Federal Government. The CEC handles the following:

    -Able to decide on issues concerning the clan (not wars nor alliances, those are to be discussed by the clan as a whole).

    -Able to manage and enter into discussion with the SSP concerning issues foreign and domestic.

    -Ability to post announcements in the announcements section and see the other hidden sections of our private forum.
    The CEC's decisions can be revoked and members recalled by clan members through direct vote of a half plus one majority.

    2.4.1 General Secretary

    After the CEC has been voted for, there will be a vote for the General Secretary. The General Secretary will be a representative of the clan, a figure through which clan and CEC decisions can be relayed. If not a member of the CEC he will be automatically added. The vote for the General Secretary will take place after the election of the CEC members. The General Secretary will be the head of a political party after it has been voted into power. The party delegate or independent member with the most votes is elected into power as the General Secretary.

    3.0 Justice

    3.1 Justice System
    Any accusatory thread will include:

    -The Name of the Accused

    -The Accusation

    -Reasoning Behind the Accusation and Any Evidence.

    -A Poll With the Options “Guilty” and “Innocent”

    The thread will house discussions on the topic, until the poll closes. The poll will always allow re-voting and will last for however long the thread-creator decides when they originally create the thread. If at the end the defendant is found guilty (by simple majority vote), the Secretary of Internal Affairs will decide the sentence.

    3.2 Emergency Justice
    In the case of devastating infringements of the constitution, law, or clan party policy (e.g. Griefing, Forum Spam), a thread should have the tag “[EMERGENCY]” before its title. These shall be dealt with as quickly as possible once proven, by either the server administrator or the forum administrator.

    4.0 Elections

    4.1 General Election
    General Elections are once per month, on the first day of that month. Elections are to be held on the clan forum. A member intending to run for a Secretary position must nominate themselves in a post. After this the nominated member will be added to a list. After nominations close, the list will become a poll or series of poll in which the public votes on who will run the Departments. At the completion of these polls, the member with the majority will be elected Secretary. In the case of a tied vote, the members who received the vote shall go through a secondary round of campaigning and elections until one of the two is in the majority. If the public is dissatisfied with either or both position holder(s), they can call a recall either or both of them by half plus one majority vote. The nominations will start 2 weeks before the election date.

    4.2 Special Cases
    In the case of no nominees for any position, the previous holder of the position will retain their position. In the case that there is no previous holder or the previous holder has left the clan or become inactive, the Department of Internal Affairs may appoint a temporary Secretary or act on the Secretary’s behalf until the next election.

    4.3 Electoral Recall
    If at any time the public becomes dissatisfied with any position holder, they can demand a recall of their position. This will be done by creating a thread expressing the discontent and starting a poll. Once the poll reaches the number of people that voted for the position holder in the previous election, or half the population of the clan, the position holder shall be relieved of their position and the Department of Internal Affairs will organize new elections. Note: Any members of a department which are not the leader stay in that department unless the next Secretary decides to remove them.

    5.0 Party Policy

    A candidate elected to the position of “General Secretary” may elect to append his or her Political Party's Policy Statement to the SCoM constitutional thread. This “Party Policy” is not an official part of the constitution, but is a reflection of the goals, values, and strategies of the dominant party, and is considered law while that person is in office (provided the policy does not violate the constitution).

    6.0 Constitutional Amendments

    Any citizen may propose a constitutional amendment at any time, which will pass based on two-thirds majority(>67%) of the public. All constitutional amendments shall not take effect until the following election if passed during an election to preserve procedure and allow a continuity of the vote without confusion for the Voters.

    7.0.0 Communist Party of SCoM Party Policy

    7.1.0 CPSCoM Principles

    The CPSCoM hereby declares:
    That it follows the principles laid out by the fathers of Communism, Marx, Engels, and Lenin.
    That it not allow any reactionaries, bourgeoisie, Fascists, Nazis, nor even their likes of taking a foothold in SCoM.
    The complete rejection of private property*, the private sector, external non-statist organizations and agencies of power.
    The complete collectivization** of the fruits of labor and produce of SCoM following Marx's "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
    That CPSCoM principles and rules not be changed unless deemed as a strict necessity by both the General Secretary of the Communist Party of SCoM and a popular vote by the people***.

    7.1.1 Asterisk Clauses
    *Note the distinction between private property and personal property.
    ** Communal Storage's
    *** If in rule

    7.2.0 CPSCoM General Secretary Election
    7.2.1 Elections

    Party elections are to be held every month as outlined by the SCoM constitution of our founding fathers and must run for 7 days or shorter if it needs be. Elections for the General Secretary of the Communist Party of SCoM (GS-CPSCoM) are to be held under the following conditions:
    That a popular vote deems it necessary.
    That the CEC deems it necessary.
    That if a resignation were to occur, elections are to be directly held after 2 days.
    That if inactivity were to be either a recurring event or a prolonged issue, elections be made after firstly sending 3 consecutive (a day in between each) notices via e-mail and PM to the inactive GS-CPSCoM; and then if no answer is sent, that an election be declared at the start of the following week (a week = 7 days, not Friday to Monday = a week). Any appearance, answer (for instance that he is returning, not that he is away) or other such actions of activity be found would directly cease the election process unless the ruling had been passed.

    Posted in: Clans
  • 1

    posted a message on The Socialist Commune of Minecraft [The Oldest Socialist Clan in Minecraft]
    Quote from illuminating »
    Have a list of clan members and their position?

    Well we are in early stages now, but if you head to the Government Section of the Forums you should be able to find some details of who is currently in each position. Right now we only have two positions filled, and we are looking for more members willing to take on government roles.

    Minister of Internal Affairs = US_of_Alaska
    Minister of External Affairs = gummyworms92 (illuminating)

    Hey Tormented! I remember you from my time at ACoM. It's good to see you again, and i hope to see you around the server and the forums.

    And welcome to you, jasejunk and Blackout767! It's good to see such a good number of members at this early stage of the clan. I'll send you links to the forum once i've finished this post. Head over there to familiarize yourself with the clan and most importantly, find the ip address of the server.
    Posted in: Clans
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