Guys guys guys... The reason why you might not be accepted is because i misspelled, or you miss spelled it. also shadow, Sorry to burst your bubble but we have already had enough factions, Idk if you can re-read the original post, but the faction app is gone. I will say if your accepted, Most people are. I will be going away for a few days, so whitelisting will be on hold, kerbe if you are reading this, can you do some?
I have started a minecraft wide clan, Go check it out, Its League Of Brothers I will be the leader of this clan, Our base of server operations is this one. To join this faction, You must first apply for my clan, In the clan section, Then I need to accept that app. K Just wanted you to know. So basically, Im not gonna add it to our faction list, All people who would like to be in LoB or would like to change to it you just apply there, and Il change you up. But don't get ready to leave, because Its very unlikely i accept you, Its very strict.
Lol So many mess ups, Server is up, now. All who have applied are accepted, This is not normal, it is a one time event. Our server is in its beta stages, so all names are the right color and stuff like that. All mods are not implemented Either. So come on in!
Well honestly, I am only 15 and i barely got my mom to even buy me minecraft for christmas only two days before beta. I don't have any money to pay but as of right now we only have 10 members as of now but you are welcome to join and host our server. It would make you crazy awesome and you could have pretty much any rank. That is the only thing I can offer for a server. Any position in the clan, except for King obviously.
Your not gonna get a good server without any money. I pay $15 a month, along with my co-owner, and our server is great. You gotta face it, No server that you can do well on unless you pay.
Faction: Ranger
How will you impact our server:
Depending on my mood, I might build a huge underground fortress or start a huge war and destroy everything.
Um, Well if your in a faction, Than you cant do that. and anyways, destroying everything is greifing.
-- If you wish to join the Ranger Corps Please contact Trecko In-Game or PM me-- (Will be Accepting New members for a short time untill we are full)
What the Rangers Are about: Rangers are a stealth based class. We practice unseen Movements and Specialize in using the bow but we also carry a sword for emergencys. We are also a Mercanary Faction meaning that we are Paid to fight! We will side with the faction That pays the most. We can also be Indavidualy hired by others to kill a certain person or Recover stolen items!! See you In-Game!
-Head Ranger Trecko
I have to do the acceptance, If you don't like them in game, You can ask them to apply for another faction. Anyways in game isn't even open yet.
We dont need new staff, Im not looking at player apps, Well I am, but not whitelisting till later. AiiM Since you thought uldum was a dumb idea, Then Il remove you off the factions. Brother hood of sky is in.
Ranger applications, Trecko I like your idea, But I need to be doing that from the forum post. Contact me when you want your faction closed. When they get on game, and you don't like them, ask them to apply for another faction.
Also, Nomad is closed, Its closed until other factions gain population. So agent, What clan would you like to join, Not your own or nomads.
Soon, lol, we also need kerbe to do one thing of making our prefix's and our names different colors. The mods and admins, in the bruddah hood. Our prefix is red and our name is grey. k Well Its 1:35 AM and im off to bed, keep applying folks!
Arthius: 3
Wolf Men: 1
Brotherhood of sky: 1
Snow Bandits: 3
Rangers: 3
Free Masons: 1 (Lil I took you off of arthius's list, and added you here.)
Brotherhood: 5 and its gonna stay that way.
So I will add this to the original post:
Reil, You have taken the last faction spot, Im guessing your a neutral faction, That will be a place for refugee's to stay and you guys can band up, and be good/bad.
Factions that are no longer taking applications: Brotherhood and Nomads. Nomads will be up after some other factions get higher populated.
Sometimes there are spelling errors, Sorry, Please just post your name, I will white list you asap.
Your not gonna get a good server without any money. I pay $15 a month, along with my co-owner, and our server is great. You gotta face it, No server that you can do well on unless you pay.
Um, Well if your in a faction, Than you cant do that. and anyways, destroying everything is greifing.
I have to do the acceptance, If you don't like them in game, You can ask them to apply for another faction. Anyways in game isn't even open yet.
Ranger applications, Trecko I like your idea, But I need to be doing that from the forum post. Contact me when you want your faction closed. When they get on game, and you don't like them, ask them to apply for another faction.
Also, Nomad is closed, Its closed until other factions gain population. So agent, What clan would you like to join, Not your own or nomads.
Arthius: 3
Wolf Men: 1
Brotherhood of sky: 1
Snow Bandits: 3
Rangers: 3
Free Masons: 1 (Lil I took you off of arthius's list, and added you here.)
Brotherhood: 5 and its gonna stay that way.
So I will add this to the original post:
Reil, You have taken the last faction spot, Im guessing your a neutral faction, That will be a place for refugee's to stay and you guys can band up, and be good/bad.
Factions that are no longer taking applications: Brotherhood and Nomads. Nomads will be up after some other factions get higher populated.