I have a mac and dont have any of those problems, but it may be my verson I will need some things to know about him first and i will tell you my solutions on My mac.
I need to know if its a snow leopard, leopard, tiger etc
also what version is it?
1. sound, press escape and go to options in the menu turn sound on and then turn your sound on the computer up.
P.S. if that crashes, well sound isnt needed because its really not much, so if you really want search around for that answer, i have a mac and i hate the sound :tongue.gif:
2. Saving and loading, Single play just press escape and press save level on the menu. Now from here you can press save level or save file they both work for single play/creative mode. But if his save level isn't working, i suggest you press save file. It will automaticly bring your saves folder up. Save it there. To load a saved level NOT FILE, just click load level when you start minecraft and click the one you want. For file click load level in the menu and then again you have two choices, load level or load file click file and that will show your saves folder click the file you want thats should bring it up.
3. safari should work, althugh you might now have the last java update, if not you can download the up date then search on google or on teh forum how to make your most recent java update work.
good luck i also know how to make the last update for java, because i did it myself if help is needed ask me
Again this may not work saying i have a Mac os x snow leopard v 10.5.8 and a 2.66 GHz intel core 2 duo
AHHG!!! I know you cant do a normal save and that you have to save file. So i save file and then when i want to come back to that level, i go to its save location and click on it, a window pops up saying what application should i open it in. What application do i open it in or do i have to change the name? PLEASE respond!!!
Hey! I would like to learn how to code with perl, but idk what program i should use the language in for mac, any suggestions also it must be free :tongue.gif:
I know they are real but i want to see one my self! Is there any kind of potion u have to out on like huge map or something? Does it have to be infinite? :?: :?: :?: :?:
epic parteh
I need to know if its a snow leopard, leopard, tiger etc
also what version is it?
1. sound, press escape and go to options in the menu turn sound on and then turn your sound on the computer up.
P.S. if that crashes, well sound isnt needed because its really not much, so if you really want search around for that answer, i have a mac and i hate the sound :tongue.gif:
2. Saving and loading, Single play just press escape and press save level on the menu. Now from here you can press save level or save file they both work for single play/creative mode. But if his save level isn't working, i suggest you press save file. It will automaticly bring your saves folder up. Save it there. To load a saved level NOT FILE, just click load level when you start minecraft and click the one you want. For file click load level in the menu and then again you have two choices, load level or load file click file and that will show your saves folder click the file you want thats should bring it up.
3. safari should work, althugh you might now have the last java update, if not you can download the up date then search on google or on teh forum how to make your most recent java update work.
good luck i also know how to make the last update for java, because i did it myself if help is needed ask me
Again this may not work saying i have a Mac os x snow leopard v 10.5.8 and a 2.66 GHz intel core 2 duo
Im going to focus on retrieving wood and expanding the fort, making a tower so we can se from far away.