How will you impact our server:I will hopefully build a huge evil empire. I like designing buildings and making huge complicated tree farms. I am usually online fairly often, and I try to be an active member of the community. I'm also too good for griefing, and I will obey the mods.
Faction Application
Faction Name: Draulian Empire (or Dralus)
Faction Color: Black #0 (hMod)
Location: Near water, in a northern area.
What will you do: Mine, fight, steal, and CONQUER!
(It is an evil empire, yes)
Black is unavailable, saying as you cant read it. But Guys we cant only have evils, We need goodies!
Ok then I guess I'll take rose id: C. Thanks.
Quote from lialec »
Since we are lacking Non-Evil factions ill go ahead and make one :biggrin.gif:
Faction Name: Dawn's Templars
Faction Color: Well there are two yellows so ill go with the one that isnt taken Id: e if not that then Teal ID: b
(Location: (IE Desert, Woodlands, Arctic etc...) Mainly in large open flatlands but most anywere is fine
What will you do: Perhaps make and run cities, go to war with the dominating evil factions, make farms to gather matrials for the never ending war with Evil! :biggrin.gif:
Since you both want evil empires, I have to say One thing. We need more goodies than baddies. So I will pick one of you, and the other will either have to change their ways in their faction, or not start one. ALSO this is for everyone! Try not to take an idea, give it a different name and location and act like you will get it, Its not gonna happen.
CHOICE IS: Dawn's Templars, Sorry Dralus. This one seemed to have a better back bone in it. You do have the choice to change your ways to be good. Just because I chose dawn's templars doesn't mean they will be accepted into factions. It just means its moving onto the next step.
Next note!
Im guessing Svergo will be neutral?
Free Masons, and Uldum. I have almost set my mine on you guys. So You guys are going to be a faction Anyone is now allowed to apple for Uldum or Free Masons.
DEATHDEATH Wtf? No way. Sorry but this doesnt go with anything I have thought of with this server.
The Brotherhood of the sky. Sounds a lot like Rangers. It is way to much alike. Change your story for another chance.
I have just updated on where you are in your faction Applications. Check the original post Unless I said No to you. If i said yes, or nothing at all, Check. If you are not on the board, You should try changing your story.
Yeah I did see your app, We are closed we need to add one more thing. Also erwin, New change how only mods and admins allowed in the brotherhood. Please change the faction, Thanks
How will you impact our server:I will hopefully build a huge evil empire. I like designing buildings and making huge complicated tree farms. I am usually online fairly often, and I try to be an active member of the community. I'm also too good for griefing, and I will obey the mods.
Faction Application
Faction Name: Draulian Empire (or Dralus)
Faction Color: Black #0 (hMod)
Location: Near water, in a northern area.
What will you do: Mine, fight, steal, and CONQUER!
(It is an evil empire, yes)
Black is unavailable, saying as you cant read it. But Guys we cant only have evils, We need goodies!
IGN: barrab
Age: 17
Faction: Too cool for factions.
How will you impact our server: I hope to bring joyus fun to the server along with a good personality and player :smile.gif:
ign: AiiM
Faction:(If you want your own, say N/A and put your faction app below this.) N/A
How will you impact our server: I want to start a new faction and It will be pretty good! xD
I am a great farmer and I build houses really good.
Faction Name: Uldum
Faction Color: (Please check the current factions to make sure your color isn't taken, Also I will need the id for that color) [] <-- White... Color ID 1
Location: (IE Desert, Woodlands, Arctic etc...) Desert
What will you do: (Trade, Farm, Mine, Fight, Steal etc..) Farm, Trade, And mine, And build shrines.
White is taken by the nomads, anyways 1 is black :tongue.gif:. Also for both of you who put up faction requests, Don't only say like Farm, Trade, Fight, Steal. Also Since Uldum sounds good be like Vanquishers of evil and Stuff. Maybe smash.
If you ever applied on this server, and would still like to be on our next server, (Better rules, back bone, and more) then re apply at out new thread, it is yet to be posted, but will be called touch of chaos
IGN: Ryan_Waffles
Faction: I would like to start my own faction, Called Brotherhood, To cut it short, They are thieves and assassins, Evil.
Experience with RP: I've done Semi and Full rp. So I am very experienced in RP.
How you would like to impact the server: I am great at rp, and I love to help the newer people. I am also a very good builder and farmer, and have good tactics when waging war, or spying. I can report anything that seems suspicious to admins as soon as i see it, and I don't hack/grief. The best way I would impact the server would be my secretive architectural abilities, and ideas. I can hide a hideout and create ideas for that town/city.
Hey Very nice server BTW, Also, Since you start with 5c, Do things sell for a high amount of coins? Because a lot of things consist of like 3000c
Clan name: BrotherHood
Clan Color: (Color ID's, In order from most wanted to least) 3, 1, 7
Type: Underground/Mountain (It would be dung into a mountain with towers coming out)
Aggresive: 8
Start enemies: Everyone, Except for Bloods, Would like to form a pact in later times with them.
Description: The Brotherhood is a group of ruthless cutthroat Assassins that wont take no for an answer. They fight their enemies to our last breath, and they help their allies until they cannot fight anymore. They are very loyal to their leaders, and officials, and Do what ever they ask. Although They are very ruthless, they do have A more peaceful nature side. They Have farms, Good ones too, They also fish, in the pond near their farms. The Hood only has 3 classes in their clan. Its Miner, Assassin, and Farmer. Miners get resources for equipment and building. Assassins do their contracts, They kill and steal. and Farmers Farm and fish.
Huggis told me the real story we had a crazed admin, and he gave tnt t everyone, they blew up the whole server. The server is closed. Don't think it will reopen either.
K guys, Due to a recent faggot, Powerful_wizzard, The brotherhood has only one base, Which isn't even done. Ima white-list some people, But just remember Powerful, he pretty much screwed the game, because the brotherhood put spice into the server.
White listing in a while, Gonna let a few more apps take place.
Snow Bandits
Free Masons
Than you will be added to that faction when the server opens. Faction owners, Tell me whenever you want to to stop accepting people into your faction.
ALSO the new mayor of Arthius is: LukeIs_1337
Player whitelisting and the final faction will all begin tomorrow.
Since you both want evil empires, I have to say One thing. We need more goodies than baddies. So I will pick one of you, and the other will either have to change their ways in their faction, or not start one. ALSO this is for everyone! Try not to take an idea, give it a different name and location and act like you will get it, Its not gonna happen.
CHOICE IS: Dawn's Templars, Sorry Dralus. This one seemed to have a better back bone in it. You do have the choice to change your ways to be good. Just because I chose dawn's templars doesn't mean they will be accepted into factions. It just means its moving onto the next step.
Next note!
Im guessing Svergo will be neutral?
Free Masons, and Uldum. I have almost set my mine on you guys. So You guys are going to be a faction Anyone is now allowed to apple for Uldum or Free Masons.
DEATHDEATH Wtf? No way. Sorry but this doesnt go with anything I have thought of with this server.
The Brotherhood of the sky. Sounds a lot like Rangers. It is way to much alike. Change your story for another chance.
I have just updated on where you are in your faction Applications. Check the original post Unless I said No to you. If i said yes, or nothing at all, Check. If you are not on the board, You should try changing your story.
Black is unavailable, saying as you cant read it. But Guys we cant only have evils, We need goodies!
You need a faction :tongue.gif:
We have to have the co-owner of the server update just a few things, ETA 1-2 days. Thanks for waiting
White is taken by the nomads, anyways 1 is black :tongue.gif:. Also for both of you who put up faction requests, Don't only say like Farm, Trade, Fight, Steal. Also Since Uldum sounds good be like Vanquishers of evil and Stuff. Maybe smash.
We are starting a new one, were old people who we don't trust are not allowed, check closely to see when we repost it.
Faction: I would like to start my own faction, Called Brotherhood, To cut it short, They are thieves and assassins, Evil.
Experience with RP: I've done Semi and Full rp. So I am very experienced in RP.
How you would like to impact the server: I am great at rp, and I love to help the newer people. I am also a very good builder and farmer, and have good tactics when waging war, or spying. I can report anything that seems suspicious to admins as soon as i see it, and I don't hack/grief. The best way I would impact the server would be my secretive architectural abilities, and ideas. I can hide a hideout and create ideas for that town/city.
Clan name: BrotherHood
Clan Color: (Color ID's, In order from most wanted to least) 3, 1, 7
Type: Underground/Mountain (It would be dung into a mountain with towers coming out)
Aggresive: 8
Start enemies: Everyone, Except for Bloods, Would like to form a pact in later times with them.
Description: The Brotherhood is a group of ruthless cutthroat Assassins that wont take no for an answer. They fight their enemies to our last breath, and they help their allies until they cannot fight anymore. They are very loyal to their leaders, and officials, and Do what ever they ask. Although They are very ruthless, they do have A more peaceful nature side. They Have farms, Good ones too, They also fish, in the pond near their farms. The Hood only has 3 classes in their clan. Its Miner, Assassin, and Farmer. Miners get resources for equipment and building. Assassins do their contracts, They kill and steal. and Farmers Farm and fish.
White listing in a while, Gonna let a few more apps take place.