What Do You Want? (Avatar, Thumbnail, etc.)- Banner
Your IGN (In Game Name/Username)- Royal2K (Make banner say "Arca Gaming" or "Arca Games")
Is There A Font You Prefer? (dafont.com is appreciated)-whatever looks good
Is There Anything Else I Should Note? (Color Preferences, Posing of Character)- something like http://iansartmc.weebly.com/banners.html but not bats and night
Other Details: Minecraft background with possibly my skin pulling back a bow on one side of my name and the other side is my skin holding a diamond sword? (Youtube background)
nice meme!
-Name: Russ
-YouTube Channel:Arca Games
-Color:Blue or Purple
-Secondary Color (Not Needed):
-Skype (So I can contact you): russjacks2
Skype: russjacks2
Age: 15
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxsodZmqHxTlL3uvlzLvlOQ
Looking for someone to create me a free factions thumbnail. I have 220+ subs and 15k+ views. Thanks
We are still recruiting for Deus SMP! Apply now before its too late! Almost all members have already put up one episode!
Check out an episode here:
Application Video:
Deus SMP is still recruiting!! Come apply now!!! Application in description!
Come apply now! In the description of the video!
Thanks again!
What Do You Want? (Avatar, Thumbnail, etc.)- Banner
Your IGN (In Game Name/Username)- Royal2K (Make banner say "Arca Gaming" or "Arca Games")
Is There A Font You Prefer? (dafont.com is appreciated)-whatever looks good
Is There Anything Else I Should Note? (Color Preferences, Posing of Character)- something like http://iansartmc.weebly.com/banners.html but not bats and night
Order Form:
IGN(If required): Royal2K
Name or Text: Arca
Colors: Blue
Other Details: Minecraft background with possibly my skin pulling back a bow on one side of my name and the other side is my skin holding a diamond sword? (Youtube background)
Could you also include some renders?