• 1

    posted a message on [1.10.2] MoreCreeps & Weirdos Reborn v1.17 Beta - Creepy and Weird mobs!

    This was my favorite mod of all time back when it was actually a thing. I think it's very cool you are updating, so thank you for all of your hard work thus far.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Would you ever kiss the avatar above you?
    I'm not a furry, so no.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 1

    posted a message on Looking For A Modder To Make An Awesome Mod
    I would not enjoy a mod like this, but that is just me personally.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Skin Shop

    Here You Go

    Can I have a reference image?

    Thanks a ton it looks great! : ) I'm using it right now. Also I may use it in the future if I go through with making a jojos bizarre adventure mod. If that's cool with you?
    Posted in: Skins
  • 2

    posted a message on [1.5.2] AMCO: About 150 of the best mods all working together
    Since its giving me such a hard time to install these mods together heres some recommended mods for the future of this pack:

    1.Pams mods (there all great)

    2.Titans Mod

    3.Tales of the kingdom mod

    4.Mo nightmare
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on lets play minecraft with mods
    This is my first lets play so please go easy on me, I am 14 and in grade 9 just in case you were wondering, my voice may sound quiet so you may need to turn the sound up a little bit, other then that everything is good! :biggrin.gif: The modpack I am using in this lp is arrrgs minecraft overhaul.

    My Channel:
    My channel

    -Episode 1-
    -Episode 2-
    -Episode 3-
    -Episode 4-
    -Episode 5-
    -Episode 6-
    being edited
    More coming soon!

    Hope you enjoy my series.
    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.1.0] [3.7.1 - 13 April] Contron's NPCs (Jungle Slimes, Farlanders, Mountable/Controllable Jungle Spiders! etc) *Please re-rea
    This mod looks really promising, I cannot wait to see what other mobs you have on your mind, these mobs are great because they fit right into minecraft. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on A list of all the best minecraft mods and suggestions.
    added an awesome section for my fave ideas/mob suggestions.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on A list of all the best minecraft mods and suggestions.
    Hey guys, I decided to make a list to all the best minecraft mods, pretty much all of them are awesome, but heres the ones I know are good, if you want one added, just give me the link to the thread. I know theres a central mod list, but its really big, and this one is direct links to the topic. Please don't delete this thread :biggrin.gif:



    -[b]Dragons (blue dragons)[/b]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1032&t=224380


    [b]-Baby Animals-will follow you if fed seeds :smile.gif: (These are really cute, and this is coming from a guy)[/b]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1032&t=205951

    -[b]Single Player Commands[/b]

    -[color=#FF0000][b]Syrup's Mods: Fancypack, Stained Glass, Expanded Farming![/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Extended 2x2 Grid-boomerangs,daggers,slings,bow drills and more![/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000] [b]IndustrialCraft-Iron and Electric Furnace,batteries, create your own diamonds,Macerater,Genarater,Calculater and tons more!

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Fully Controllable Pig Mounts V3 - Epic Edition[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Mo'Creatures [/b][/color]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=86929

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Human +[/b][/color]

    - [b]Crabs Mod[/b]

    - [b]Kings Mod[/b]

    [color=#FF0000]- [b]Sdks Gun Mod[/b][/color]

    [color=#FF0000]- [b]MoreCreeps & Weirdos[/b][/color]

    - [b]Quintessential Creatures Tortoise + Troll[/b]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Brain Slimes[/b][/color]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=117910

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Nekos(cats)[/b][/color]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=161624

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Charlotte[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Succubus[/b][/color]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=144823&hilit=Succubus

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Fairys[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Red and blue creepers, battle towers and
    chicken gliding.[/b][/color]

    -[[color=#BF0000]b] Rana[/b][/color]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=136810

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Minecolony[/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Builders Mod[/b][/color]

    -[b] CheffCraft[/b]

    [color=#FF0000]-[b] Kodaichis Whirlwinds and MinerTrivia[/b][/color]http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=173580

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Chests,HarderMobs,QuickSand,ShockAbs[/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Ultimate Fist[/b][/color]

    - [b]FarmCraft[/b]

    - [b]Spider Families [/b]

    - [b]Monster Wands[/b]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Coros Mods: Pets/NM Mode/MovePlus[/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000] [b]Nandonalt's Mods-Coral,CactusCraft,Chisel,Scrambled
    Eggs,Cheeseburgers,Dairy Mod,Chocolate Mod,Ice Maker,Pies
    Mob Masks,Stilts,Scuba Diving Mod.[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Plastic Craft,Hidden doors, more flowers.[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]303's Mods, Arrows,Grappling hook,longer legs,spawn list.[/b][/color]

    [color=#FF0000]- [b]Risugamis Mods-Modloader,Light sensor,Elemental arrows,more stackables,more worlds,sign tags.death chest,audiomod,floodgate,
    spawner,griefercreeper,recipe book,recipe collection.[/b][/color]

    - [b]Magic Tablets[/b]

    - [b]Creeper queen, Retrieve Arrows, Tnt Dispensor,and chat history.[/b]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Shockahs mods-new minerals,throw bricks and more![/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Rpg Mobs[/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Advenutre Craft[/b][/color]

    - [b]Bunnies[/b]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Miners Helmets[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Cosmic Mods-Miners Paradise Pack,Cosmic Gems,Quartz, and missing blocks mod.[/b][/color]

    - [b]Hanglider,Tnt Defuser, and Bonesidian tools.[/b]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]More Ores[/b][/color]

    - [b][color=#FF0000]Plasma Craft[/color][/b]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Elven People[/b][/color]

    - [color=#FF0000][b]Baby Ghast + Creep Ghast +Puffy Ghast + Archer Ghast and more! Mobs[/b][/color]

    -[color=#FF0000][b] Airplanes[/b][/color]

    If you want me to add a mod to the list, just give me the link to the topic.

    This will be updated regularity ....

    Ps: My thread used to be in the discussion thread, so I moved it here. Thanks for any feedback :smile.gif:

    [b]All mods that are in red ARE compatible with the current version and are up to date.[/b][/color]

    [b]My Favorite Suggestions/Ideas[/b]
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [REQ][IDEA] Ancient Egypt
    [REQ][IDEA] Ancient Egypt
    Introduction:Live back in the time were people were buried in tombs and pyramids were in your neighborhood, with this mod, you can experience new mobs,in depth pyramids that have traps and sometimes treasure in them. It also will include new blocks, texture(maybe) and new items!

    A Idea/Suggestion thread owned and continually worked on by these people:
    King Dedede


    If you would like to make it on to the list, please suggest or help with improving two or more of our ideas.

    Pyramids-A system that allows pyramids to randomly spawn, these pyramids will have randomly set out traps, and treasures inside. Along with some mobs! Watch out for Pharaohs.
    Tombs-Tombs can be found in pyramid's open them up and they might include, a mob (usually mummies or a pharaoh.) or sometimes treasure.
    Statues-Statues can be found, by being dropped by certain mobs, and can also be found in some treasure chests, these statues can be used for decoration, and you can place them wherever you like.

    More to come...

    Desc:These Mummies walk fairly slowly, but are faster then zombies, they will chase you then hit you repeatedly, trying to kill you. If you open a tomb, sometimes it will have a mummy in it, that will come out and attack. (If you wake it up from its slumber.)
    Alignment: Evil
    Rarity: UnCommon
    Spawns: Dark caves, and pyramids.
    Drops: Cloth, Sometimes steel or iron, rare dop:Mummy statue.

    Egyptian Man
    Desc: A regular human male, that will walk around the land doing his own thing, working etc. They will not attack unless they are attacked first. (sometimes they are holding weapons or tools.)
    Alignment: Neutral
    Spawns:Outside, in deserts or other terrain (never in tombs or pyramids.)
    Drops: Rarely drops anything, if your lucky he will drop gold or iron bars.

    Egyptian Woman
    Desc: A regular human female, they are similar to the men but will be doing different things, like picking flowers or something. They are docile, but if attacked Egyptian men in the area will become aggresive.
    Spawns:Outside, in deserts or other terrain (never in tombs or pyramids.)
    Drops: wool, string, flowers, sometimes apples.

    Desc: Pharaohs are very strong "King" Mummies that can only be found it tombs that have a Cobra insignia(design) on the tomb. Watch out because Pharaohs can send out a blast from there cane, or spawn mummies.
    Alignment: Evil
    Rarity: Rare
    Spawns: In tombs.
    Drops: Pharaohs Sceptor, or pharaohs mask.

    Desc: Sphinx's will not harm anyone, they will come to life if light is shone on them, if so they will start to attack anyone in sight, they do not harm humans though, so if you attack them they will not hurt you back.
    Alignment: Neutral
    Spawns:On top of pyramids, and sometimes on high places.
    Drops: Rock,Dirt,sometimes a sphinx statue.

    Desc: Scarabs will come in groups and swarm the player, burn them to a crisp to make good work of them. These creatures can be a pain to kill, since they are small.
    Alignment: Evil
    Spawns:Desert, mostly in Pyramids.
    Drops: Scarab (you can cook this lol heals 1 heart.)

    King Cobra
    Desc: These venomous snakes will try and bite you, poisoning you so that you constantly lose health until you use an antidote, or jump in some water.
    Alignment: Evil
    Drops: Cobra Fang.

    Desc: Scorpions will crawl around the desert, trying to find small prey, they will not harm the player unless they are stepped on.
    Alignment: Neutral
    Spawns:In the Desert.

    Desc:An elephant is a friendly mob, and will sometimes squish smaller mobs. Elephants can be rode, if you have a large saddle. It must be tamed with apples.
    Alignment: Good
    Spawns:In the wild.
    Drops:Tusks, also can drop hide, and sometimes feathers.

    Desc:Camels are docile creatures that will not harm the player, or anyone else for that matter. The main thing with the camels is that they have to spots for saddles. You can place a work bench, or small storage box on one of its hump and ride ontop the other hump, the camel must be tamed with buckets of water.
    Alignment: Good
    Spawns:In deserts, near water.
    Drops:Nothing actually.

    Crocodile: Idea thanks to: King Dedede
    Desc: a Crocodile.
    Tolerance: aggressive, villager won't attack them even if the Crocodiles attack first (Crocodiles are holy to the Egyptians)
    Locomotion: swimming/walking
    Speed: about as fast as a Zombie in water, very slow on land
    Size: about 5 blocks
    Health: 10.5
    Attack Strength: 3 (easy), 4.5 (normal), 5.5 (hard)
    Spwaning Conditions: night in water and around Sobek.
    Drops: Crocodile Leather

    Thoth:Idea thanks to: King Dedede
    Desc: a Ibis headed god
    Tolerance: neutral
    Locomotion: walking, flying if needed
    Speed: about human speed
    Size: human sized
    Health: ???
    Attack Strength: 1 (easy), 2 (normal), 3 (hard)
    Spawns: in his Temple
    Drops: Thoth's Script

    Sobek:Idea thanks to: King Dedede
    Desc: a Crocodile headed god.
    Tolerance: neutral
    Locomotion: walking, swimming if needed
    Speed: human speed when walking, slightly faster when swimming
    Size: human sized
    Health: ???
    Attack Strength: 3 (easy), 4.5 (normal), 5.5 (hard)
    Spawns: in his temple.
    Drops: Sobek's Staff, Crocodile Leather

    Desc:Traders are humans with backpacks on them. They will trade you if you right click them, you can give them certain items to get items in exchange. They are essential for getting certain statues.
    Alignment: Good
    Spawns:on top grass.
    Drops:Iron ingots, Zombie Pigman Statue(Rare)

    Desc:Will fight unless provoked, Explorers roam the deserts searching for artifacts or other cool things.
    Spawns:In deserts.
    Drops:Steel sword,cooked scarab.

    Tomb spirit
    Desc:A spirit from within tombs, these spirits will float towards you and give chase until you escape the current room, to kill them you must use a steel sword or higher.
    Spawns:In Tombs
    Drops:Rare:Ghast Statue.

    BennuIdea thanks to: King Dedede
    Desc: A bird/birds that is the Egyptian version of the Phoenix, legend says it created itself out of flames. It is a grey-blue heron. The Bennu is fireproof.
    Tolerance: ?neutral?
    Locomtion: flying, walking, wading
    Speed: player speed when flying, 0.5 when walking
    Health: ?25?
    Attack Strength: 0.5 (easy), 1 (easy fireball), 1 (normal), 2 (normal fireball), 2.5 (hard), 3.5 (hard fireball)
    Spawning: most commonly in Ra's temple, but is also normal rarity in other temples, and has a very low chance of spawning other places
    Drops: 0-4 :VV: , 0-3 ]" title="-<->" /> , ?0-2 :GP: ?, ?0-2 ?

    AntsIdea thanks to:Peterj555
    Drops: Gravel(common), Sand(common), wheat(uncommon), redstone(rare) (Original was:wheat(rare) redstone(ucommon)) spawns in middle of nowhere (Deserts) attacks Humans and other mobs that pass by. Can create Quick Sand by creating colonies below sand, although this takes time. Is hunted by Scorpions.

    Priest Idea thanks to:Peterj555
    Found outside Temples, is sometimes found inside Pyramids or around Egyptian Men and Women.Drops: Gold(rare), Thoth's Script(extremely rare), ?Pharaoh's Scepter(rare)?

    HorusIdea thanks to: King Dedede
    Desc: one of the most important Egyptain Gods, Horus is the God of the Sky, War and Protection. He is a Falcon headed god wearing a pschent.
    Tolerance: neutral
    Locomotion: walking, flying if needed
    Speed: human speed when walking. 0.5 faster when flying.
    Size: human sized.
    Health: ???
    Attack Strength: 1.5 (easy), 2 (normal), 3.5 (hard)
    Spawning Conditions: in his temple
    Drops: Horus's Pschent, Feather

    KhonsuIdea thanks to: King Dedede
    Desc: a falcon headed God with a large moonlike structure on his head, as implied by the structure he is the God of the Moon, and Youth.
    Tolerance: neutral
    Locomotion: walking, flying if needed
    Speed: human speed
    Size: human sized
    Health: ???
    Attack Strength: 1.5 (easy), 2 (normal), 3.5 (hard)
    Spawning Conditions: in his temple
    Drops: Lunar Disk, Feather

    DESC:God of the Dead
    dressed in white with crook and flail and white crown
    Drops:Reaper Scythe, white crown.
    Spawns:In his temple.
    Locomotion:Can fly if needed to, also walks.

    Seth -
    DESC:God of the desert, storm and violence
    animal head with long curved pointed snout
    Spawns:In his temple.
    Like others he can fly if he needs to but mostly walks.
    Drops:Drops sandstone,sand steps,sand and sometimes a Curved Helmet.

    DESC: Son of Osiris
    a hawk, or a man with a hawk's head crowned with the crown of all Egypt
    ( More Info coming soon)

    DESC: Sun God, King of the Gods
    a falcon crowned with a sun disk or a man with a falcon's head
    (More info coming soon)

    More coming soon.

    Sobek's Staff:Idea thanks to: King Dedede
    Has the strength of a wooden sword when mining and fighting, can summon Crocodiles and is as durable as Diamond.
    Thoth's Script:Idea thanks to: King Dedede
    While the script is in the players hand,Crocodile's and scarabs will become docile.
    Pharaohs Scepter:Powers similar to a diamond sword, shoots out magic if right clicked.
    Pharaohs Mask:Right click to put mask on, this mask will make mummies your friends, (they wont attack you) but every time you take it off and put it back on, it counts as a use, the mask wears out after 8 uses.
    Cobra Fang:The Cobra Fang can be used as a sword type weapon with the strength of a iron sword.
    Large Saddle:A Large Saddle can be used to ride elephants.
    Tusk:This tusk can be used to create four different items.
    Iron Spear:Right click to throw, left click to slash, an iron spear is mad with 2 iron bars and a tusk from an elephant it is 2x as effective as an iron sword.
    [] :Flint: []
    [] :Iron: []
    [] :Iron: []
    Tusk Arrows:These arrows are slower then regular arrows, but only by a bit, the upside is that they are more powerful.
    [] :Flint: []
    [] :|: []
    [] ]" title="-<->" /> []
    Tough Shield:This is a shield that can help you defend, the pointy tusk on the front, allows you to shove enemies away, and damage them at the same time.
    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
    :log: :Flint: :log:
    :Iron: :Iron: :Iron:
    Lunar Disk:Can be worn as a helm, and is as strong as Diamond and makes you faster. If worn during the day it will make it Night.
    Horus's Pschent
    Dropped by Horus. Allows the user to fly within 4 minute intervals.
    Curved Helmet
    Dropped by Seth. Will allow the player to occasionally curve there attacks. (An example is curving where your arrow goes.)
    Reaper Scythe
    Dropped by Osiris, destroys any mob (Except gods) in one hit. This Scythe can be used up to 130 times.
    White Crown
    Dropped by Osiris,Has the protection of diamond crowns but will last 3 times longer.

    *Flint=Tusk In the diagrams above.

    More coming soon......

    Sphinx Statue:A statue that resembles a Sphinx, can be found in some treasure chests or if a Sphinx drops it.
    Elephant Statue:A statue that resembles an elephant, can be found in some treasure chests.
    Mummy Statue:A statue that resembles a mummy, it can be found if a mummy drops it (this is rare) or sometimes in a treasure chest.
    Pharaoh Statue:A statue that resembles a pharaoh, this statue is rare and can only be found in treasure chests.
    Creeper Statue:A statue that resembles a creeper, it can be given to you if you give a trader sulfur.
    Skeleton Statue:A statue that resembles a skeleton, it can be given to you if you give a trader 20 bones.
    Slime Statue:A statue that resembles a slime, can be found in pyramids.
    Cow Statue:A statue that resembles a cow, can be found in pyramids.
    Pig Statue:A statue that resembles a pig, can be found in pyramids.
    Chicken Statue:A statue that resembles a Chicken, it can be given to you if you give a trader 30 feathers.
    Zombie Statue:A statue that resembles a Zombie, it can be given to you if you give a trader cooked pork.
    Ghast Statue:A statue that resembles a Ghast, rarely dropped by a Tomb Spirit.
    Zombie Pigman Statue:dropped by Traders, sometimes.
    Egyptian Man Statue:
    Egyptian Woman Statue:
    Squid Statue:Will be received if you give a trader 4 ink sacs.
    Notch Statue:Will be received if a trader is given 20 red apples.
    Explorer Statue:
    Trader Statue:Will be received if you give a trader a full set of gold Armour.
    Rana Statue:Will be received if you give a trader a full stack of string.
    Horus Statue:
    Khonsu Statue:
    Sobek Statue:
    Thoth Statue:
    Crocodile Statue:
    Seth Statue:
    Osiris Statue:

    More coming soon..
    Quicksand Idea thanks to:Peterj555
    Players and mobs sink into it, if it's only one block deep it works like Soulsand, if it's deeper than that you will sink and take suffocating damage.

    Ant Hill Idea thanks to:Peterj555
    Huge anthills that are created when Ants dig, they look like Sand blocks with a hole at the top (the Colony is made out of more than one, but they are stacked on top of each other so you can only see the hole when mining), works like a Mob Spawner for ants, gives Sand or sometimes Wheat when mined.

    More coming soon...
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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