I would like to be added to the whitelist, if that is a possibility, I was playing the other night asked about it and was just kicked off by the whitelist. Would have been nice to have been able to enjoy the server.
Hey just wanted to throw this out there for every1 I am not sure why the server isn't running but from about 5-7pm eastern time for the last two days the server hasn't been running. I am not sure what the deal is but it sure makes playing less fun when you get kicked and lose the drops cause they despawn when you mine.
I actually just have. Its pretty good. Ip: Game.FowlStar.com
Im liking it so far.
I understand your issues and concerns as I have them too, there are two servers I play on one vanilla one not. Dermcraft is a good server with excellent staff and a good time in general, website for that 1 is dermcraft.net, I can't remember the ip. The ip for a vanilla server is I happen to be staff on the second server and we try our best there to do what we can. The only major issue if you were to play the vanilla one is the owner is AWOL
Was really looking forward to a legit survival server. I played for a little bit, and was teleported around and witnessed flying, creative, and world edit in use.
This server is ANYTHING but legit. Abandon all hope my fellow vanilla seekers.
I love people who always complain about legitimacy of anything. Must have never had admin experience ever.
Just putting this out there the server is no longer available or something weird has happened. All admins guess that there was a hack or something that messed it up. Anyways, I am on my usual server, website is Dermcraft.net if you are interested.
According to Fluff, we've gonna start hardcore advertising when bukkit 1.7 is released. So hopefully when that happens we can get it more populated.
I'm not sure how much help you need with getting people to join but when the time comes I can see what I can do if you would like and be a resource to individuals if they need help.
I understand your issues and concerns as I have them too, there are two servers I play on one vanilla one not. Dermcraft is a good server with excellent staff and a good time in general, website for that 1 is dermcraft.net, I can't remember the ip. The ip for a vanilla server is I happen to be staff on the second server and we try our best there to do what we can. The only major issue if you were to play the vanilla one is the owner is AWOL
I love people who always complain about legitimacy of anything. Must have never had admin experience ever.
I'm not sure how much help you need with getting people to join but when the time comes I can see what I can do if you would like and be a resource to individuals if they need help.