This seed is packed with multiple survival islands (you spawn on one), has every wood type except jungle and acacia(?), has a mainland to the northwest of spawn if you like having a bigger island to live on, and many, many, great places to build your home on, and 2 Ocean Monuments.
Seed ID: 959998766
These are currently the features that I have stumbled upon so far, so there might be more structures that you guys might find that I couldn't!
Underwater Skeleton Dungeon: X=-74 Y=34 z=40 | Includes 3 Bread, 3 Cat Music Discs, 3 String, 3 Buckets, Saddle, NameTag, 4 Wheat, Gunpowder Stronghold/End Portal: X=98 Y=18 Z=22| Includes Ender Pearl, 2 Gold Ingots, 3 Bread, and 3 Apples
Well I think the coupon thing is kinda ridiculous. It'd make sense to give us a small sort of discount or something, but when you look at the charts, people buy console edition over PC WAY more.
I don't think it would be too hard to add Gamemode 3 to console versions. Spectator mode would be really helpful for adventure mapmakers on consoles, because I have to kick people who join if there's more than one person.
Still accepting testers?
IGN: Robofrog[/b]
Age: 14, squeaker days are long gone[/b]
Country: USA[/b]
Availability:Always on, unless I'm knee-deep in another game or not online. But I'm almost always online.[/b]
Skype: Robofrog[/b]
Have you ever tested anything before? If so, what?: Nope, this is a first for me.[/b]
If it matters, I played on your Pixelmon 1 & 2 servers, then From Ashes, then Tunnels. I'm dedicated!
This seed is packed with multiple survival islands (you spawn on one), has every wood type except jungle and acacia(?), has a mainland to the northwest of spawn if you like having a bigger island to live on, and many, many, great places to build your home on, and 2 Ocean Monuments.
Seed ID: 959998766
These are currently the features that I have stumbled upon so far, so there might be more structures that you guys might find that I couldn't!
Well I think the coupon thing is kinda ridiculous. It'd make sense to give us a small sort of discount or something, but when you look at the charts, people buy console edition over PC WAY more.
Something went wrong creating your world?
Now I'm no programming expert but I think that might be your problem
I don't think it would be too hard to add Gamemode 3 to console versions. Spectator mode would be really helpful for adventure mapmakers on consoles, because I have to kick people who join if there's more than one person.
The first episode is already out on the e-Shop for $4.99
I have friend requests turned on, so I get them immediately if I'm online. My NNID is NaughtyChesnaut