I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
I think Minecraft went bad in 1.3 when they started adding things that just made the game lag more and more. There were custom servers that ate up framerate, custom maps, world generation, etc.
Sure, for older PCs this may be an issue but if you play any other more advanced games you need these better PCs anyway. It's not making it 'bad' it's just adding features. It's not like they intentionally made it lag. They're just adding new stuff to keep us entertained
The realm started as a private world. It has been in existence for something approaching 2 years now. I have built a lot of it myself.
However I began to feel that all my buildings looked the same. To get some variety I used the Instant Structures mod to add some of the larger buildings to the world.
To be specific, the buildings seen in posts 5, 10, 12, 29, the steampunk ships in 38 and - I think - the one in 33 are all from the Instant Structures mod. I have been featuring them because I like them better because they are different from mine.
Everything else was built by me or players on the Realm. Samples:
The last one is Mineman's castle. Built partly in survival.
The second-to-last one the glass spike is right across from my house! In elise I believe.
Theres no way its legit or that all of this is in this realm cause Ive seen stuff that looks like it takes 2 years to build in creative mode
On PC you can upload worlds from our saves. So maybe they uploaded this world that they built a little bit(In survival or creative) and continued from there.
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
Sure, for older PCs this may be an issue but if you play any other more advanced games you need these better PCs anyway. It's not making it 'bad' it's just adding features. It's not like they intentionally made it lag. They're just adding new stuff to keep us entertained
IGN: RoboBro2002
Country/Timezone: USA(EST timezone)
Age: 14(15 in May)
How Long You've Played Minecraft: About 2-3 years
I am a: Builder, Miner, Farmer and explorer!
I would love to play on PE with you. I am interested in Economy and Farming. I LOVE building houses!
You can do this using a resource pack:
I updated and I am looking at the skin files.
I see how they did the capes but I want to replace the Steve skin with my own: https://minotar.net/skin/Robobro2002.png
Any way to do this? By replacing this Steve? But then how do I make it put the app on my phone?
The folder "Base" is where those are.
Gonna try Cydia Impactor
XBL Gamertag: RoboBro2002
Age: 14
Location: EST Timezone
Experience: Played for a few years now
Join: Cause the realm i'm on is kinda dying...
Contribute: I like building, and farming.
INCORRECT!!! Type stands for the Entity ID
Where you have type it should be name.
So: /kill @e[name=CHAIR]
And you can use ,r=1] and ,c=10] on this as well
To get rid of nearest horse(s): /kill @e[type=EntityHorse,c=1]
To get rid of horses in a radius: /kill @e[type=EntityHorse,r=10]
NOTE: You can change the values (1 and 10)
Uhhhhhhhhh WHAT!!!???
I've tried this before and the same thing happened. I thought this would fix it!
What it should look like:
The last one is Mineman's castle. Built partly in survival.
The second-to-last one the glass spike is right across from my house! In elise I believe.
Yes it is!!
On PC you can upload worlds from our saves. So maybe they uploaded this world that they built a little bit(In survival or creative) and continued from there.