You can go here to get info on how to play in Hungecraft matches (with open registration for a new match every week):
And you can go here to find a team and get info on how to play in the next Reddit Race for Wool tournament (registration for which should open in about 5-6 weeks):
It works! Thank you so much for your work keeping this updated for us, jay113355.
Right on, and no problem.
This looks awesome. If this does what it looks like it does, I'm sure that many mapmakers will be very interested in it.
I would encourage you to consider making posts sharing this tool in the following locations:
I'm making a survival-mode PvP map which involves players sneaking into the opposing teams' bases to destroy objective blocks. This seems like a great opportunity for spectral arrows to actually be useful and impact gameplay in a interesting way. However, the default duration of spectral arrows' glowing effect (10 seconds) is so short that a base defender isn't likely to lose track of an attacker they hit with it over that period anyway, making it not worth it for them to ever take their focus off of just trying to kill the attacker. I haven't yet figured out how to increase the effect duration for the spectral arrows that I provide to players in chests, though. I would appreciate any help that anyone here might be able to offer.
Shot spectral arrow entities do have a "duration" tag (measured in ticks), and I've successfully shot one into a block above me, quit the game, used NBTExplorer to increase that value
, and gotten the increased duration effect when I logged back into the game and caused the arrow to hit me by breaking that block
. It doesn't work when I add a "duration" tag to the spectral arrows I provide to players in chests, though. The "glowing" effect that they produce when they hit players still only lasts for 10 seconds. Here's where I'm adding the tag. Please let me know if I'm adding it in the wrong place:
I've also tried adding the "glowing" effect to to custom tipped arrows. Just, adding a "Potion: minecraft:glowing" tag
doesn't work. (The stack of arrows that I tried added that tag to disappeared from my inventory when I tried to fire it.) Adding the effect through a "CustomPotionEffect" tag
does work, but has a couple associated problems:
1. Even though I set the duration to 1 minute (and it actually lasts for 1 minute when you hit a player with it), for some reason the hover-over tool-tip says that it only has a duration of 7 seconds. I can sort-of solve this problem by adding lore that says "§cActually, Glowing (1:00)" underneath that
, but that's awkward, confusing, and certainly not professional-looking.
2. The texture of the arrow is still that of a tipped arrow, which makes it less immediately identifiable to players as a spectral arrow. I am creating a custom resource pack for my map, so I thought that I might be able to solve that issue by giving the tipped arrows with the "glowing" effect a damage value of 1, and having the model file for tipped arrows instruct the game to display the spectral arrow texture for any tipped arrows with a damage value greater than 0
, but that didn't work. It just resulted in those arrows displaying with a featureless magenta texture. As a test, I was able to make a chain helmet with a damage value greater than 0 display with a spectral arrow texture, so my guess is that the game can't properly display custom damage-value-dependent textures for items (like arrows) that don't normally have >0 damage values.
I suppose that one solution might be to have a command block system running in the spawn chunks that constantly scans the course for shot spectral arrows, and changes any it detects with the standard "duration" value to have a longer "duration" value, but I prefer to avoid using command block systems whenever possible.
Thank you for all your work on this mod, jay113355. The most recent version, for Minecraft 1.11.2, isn't working for me either. The version for Minecraft 1.11 worked perfectly, but with the recent version, whenever I use the NBTEdit shortcut key while looking at an entity or tile entity, or use the "/NBTEdit me" command, nothing appears to happen. The NBTEdit menu does not come up, and I'm not given any error message. When I use that key while looking into space, I still get the "Error - No tile or entity selected" message, so the mod is definitely active. This issue occurs when I'm using the "NBTEdit-1.11.2-2.0.1" version of the mod with Forge, playing in Minecraft 1.11.2 for the Mac.
I needed to find some way to cause the central area of a PvP map I'm working on to be in constant darkness so that a lot of mobs spawned there, without having an unsightly layer of bedrock near the the build limit casting the shadow. (There wasn't obvious way to create a visible structure there that fit with the aesthetics of the map.)
By downloading your resource pack, I was able to figure out how to make that layer invisible for everyone using the resource pack that the map is meant to be played with. Thank you!
The issue with TextEdit is its "Smart Quotes" functionality, which is enabled by default. When enabled, when you edit your resource pack description in "pack.mcmeta", it will autocorrect the quotation marks around that description from those that are angled vertically to those that are angled slightly diagonally, which Minecraft doesn't recognize as being the same character. Compare the highlighted quotation marks below for reference:
To prevent TextEdit from doing this, go to TextEdit>Preferences..., and uncheck "Smart Quotes" at the bottom in the "New Document" tab:
Alternatively, you can just use TextWrangler to edit the file.
Khaose: You need to enable command blocks in your server properties.
three-two: You might want to consider adding a sign on the spawn pad that tells players to turn command blocks on. No one will see it unless they have command blocks turned off, or they're just flying through the map to understand how it works. I know that on his Ghost Squadron map, Seth Bling has a block-letter sign made out of command blocks hanging out over the void to one side of the spawn platform that reads "TURN COMMAND BLOCKS ON".
Part 1:
ViewSync of Both Perspectives
Team Lewis POV
Team Sjin POV
For anyone unfamiliar with the AutoReferee plugin, it's open source, and free for everyone to use, so if you'd prefer to host Cluster Chunk on your own server, rather than playing it on the RMCT server, using the AutoReferee plugin makes it easily resettable. It also offers a lot of conveniences to commentators/streamers, making them automatically invisible, and arrows pass through them and whatnot. It also has automatic cheat and win-detection, and as when each match ends, it posts a link to a page of information about that match to everyone in that game world.
Thanks again for creating a map that promotes such interesting, varied, and innovative gameplay, three_two. It's truly a landmark, and remains one of the highest quality maps in the Minecraft creativity-focused PVP genre.
Additionally, we run large tournaments. Any of you who competed in this tournament might consider entering your team in the next one. The one in progress started with 32 entrant teams, and we're now down to four in the semi-finals round. Our next tournament will likely be even larger.