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    posted a message on Storage Drawers - [1.7.10 - 1.12]

    Thank you. :)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Storage Drawers - [1.7.10 - 1.12]

    I have Automagy in my pack. If I update to latest Storage Drawers should things continue to work as they have in the past until Automagy catches up with the new ore dictionary treatment?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mekanism v9.4.0 - Industrial Turbines, Thermoelectric Boilers, Fusion Reactors!

    Thanks. I thought it might be some missing dependency... one of the reasons I enjoyed Mekanism in the past was not having to bring CofHCore into my mod pack. I guess all good things come to an end eventually. ;)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mekanism v9.4.0 - Industrial Turbines, Thermoelectric Boilers, Fusion Reactors!

    I haven't played Mekanism since v7. Since v8, I am noticing that Mekanism will no longer connect its cables, machines, or energy cubes to RF sinks or providers from other mods. I've tried it with EnderIO, Forestry, Buildcraft, and Railcraft, all four of which will happily communicate through EnderIO or Buildcraft conduits and pipes.

    Am I missing something? Is this behavior intentional? I tried using a wrench to help these connections along without any success. I'd love to upgrade to v8 since it has many desirable new config options.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] Small Boats (Elegant Punt & Whitehall)
    Grrr. I agree with you about the new editor... what a pain. So anyway... =) I am so glad you are working on this again, it's one of my favorites. I added it to my 1.7.10 pack and found I could not break boats once they were placed. I figured it was some kind of cross-mod conflict, so I made a fresh instance with nothing but 1.7.10, Forge build 1230 (recommended), and the smallboats build you posted here a few days ago. Still couldn't break them boats. I tried picks, axes, fists, anything I could muster.

    Really looking forward to playing this mod again. =D
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on ChickenBones Mods
    This happens to me when I have accidentally double-clicked the search input field. Restarting my client restores the expected behavior.

    Wonderful, essential stuff, these mods. It would be lovely if EnderStorage for 1.7.10 were compatible with Java 8 (the only JRE we can at the moment seem to get good results with on our Linux server).
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod [Beta] 0.26.4
    Just wanted to say thanks, I am super impressed with this mod! I just made my first exo suit and it totally rocks.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on minecraft lagging when other games don't gtx 750 ti 2gb
    I have the same trouble with the same card, 8 GB, 4570 CPU, Windows 8.1. My crummy old laptop running Linux plays 1.7.10 just fine. Vanilla 1.7.10 is ok on my desktop but add mods and the lag is ridiculous. Optifine helps but doesn't solve the problem totally. There is a bug in the Minecraft tracker about this issue but the fix only made it into the 1.8 code, which doesn't really help if you want to play with mods. I am still trying little tweaks but nothing solid yet. I really don't want to have to put Linux on my desktop PC just to play Minecraft... I have too many other things that only run on Windows. ;)

    If I learn anything more I will post again here.
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Mekanism v9.4.0 - Industrial Turbines, Thermoelectric Boilers, Fusion Reactors!
    Can the 1.6.4 version of this mod still be downloaded somewhere?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Roguelike Dungeons
    I can't say enough good things about your mod. I'm always looking for challenging adventure content to balance out my ever-changing mix of tech mods. I was getting weary of TF and decided to try Roguelike Dungeons and I have to thank you for it... it has been a lot of fun to see and work around your devious traps. The loot is generous yet balanced and promotes an enjoyable sense of progression through the dungeon levels. And yes... I did die a few times before getting into the swing of things, but was able to resume without having to mine or start a farm.

    One thing that caught me by surprise was the named item drops. I am still using my Eldritch Bow. :)

    This mod also turns out to be a really enjoyable alternative to the all-too-familiar "dig to Y-11" start of most of my previous worlds. I don't want to spoil it for others, so I will just say that one can make a very nice start on basic resources with this mod. I haven't yet had to light a portal or hunt down a melon trader thanks to Roguelike Dungeons. You will work for it, though, there is no doubt about that.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.10.2/1.9.4] Blood Magic V2.1.0-65 - Updated Sept. 29
    Hehe, never mind. I figured out how to remove the Sigil of the Blood Lamp light blocks. :)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers Construct
    I am given a Creative Tool Modifier every time I log in with the most recent development build. ;)

    Thank you for a fantastic mod!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Mrvideogame

    Problem with blood magic is a slightly out of date API. Any mod that uses an API from before a certain hotfix causes this. There may be a BM patch soon, but for now all you need to do is open the BM file and remove the folder labeled "Thaumcraft". Really is that simple.

    But I am glad to see a fellow blood mage here. So few are willing to delve into the... riskier forms of magic.

    Thanks very much for the advice, I will try that!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Been a big fan of this mod for a long time. Thanks for making it. :)

    I'm still experiencing the Volatus/Tempestas conflict with 4.10g, and it seems to have to do with another mod, but there are no warnings in the FML logs that point to any mod in particular causing a conflict, nor have I found anything in my config files that seems directly relevant.

    I did create a new test world, with no other mods but Thaumcraft 4, where the issue was not present. Another new test world, with the same mod list I've been running all along, still presents the conflict.

    The only other mods I'm running that should be interacting with Thaumcraft at all are Blood Magic, which I have (latest) version 0.7.3e of, TE3 (latest released version), and Tinkers Construct, which is at 1.5.4.d5. Blood Magic's author claims his code doesn't touch Thaumcraft's aspects, and I'd be very surprised if TC did. Clearly, however, something is amiss. I am at a loss, and obviously not keen to start a new world. If I had any knowledge of programming, I'd try to review the sources. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be much obliged. If I can help or provide further details, please let me know.

    EDIT: I did some more testing, and can only conclude that the conflict is between Thaumcraft and Blood Magic. So I guess I'll hope for a fix in future updates.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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