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    posted a message on HAMLET 6174
    how is it you do the windmil with those angles?
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Minecraft 8-Bit CPU
    it hurts my brain even contemplating that...

    have some :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on iFreshco's House Building Guide
    very nice tutorial, straight to the point and well documented. I like.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Village I have been working on
    I personally love the original texture pack, im one of those pretty colour freaks lol.

    Thats the origional texture pack? I want it haha

    your building/architecture is simply fantastic, similar to a world I am building so I love it.

    Keep up the great work and would love to see some more pics!!!
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Biggest Tree Grown
    Its a cool looking tree, i can appreciate it as i personally love trees.

    I build my own usually, but i would be pretty pleased if one like that grew from a sapling i had planted :-)
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Oddworld's Medieval Map (WIP) V4
    Quote from Stewiecraft

    I could not disagree more.

    It's a medieval city that is walled in and protected by a castle. It has a sewer system and a harbor, these things aren't thrown up like ramshackle buildings. They are all built the same.

    td;dr this is a city not a town

    you do have a point in that, I don't know, I just personally feel it would look better with some minor differences. Its not in the way he has built it, but merely, the repetition of the textures that the game comes with, mixing up materials, just draws the eyes away from the fact that a roof being built by all wood or all dirt just looks like a bunch of mirrored blocks.

    anyway, as i said earlier, fantastic job Oddworld. Maybe i'll post my stuff someday :-)
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Oddworld's Medieval Map (WIP) V4
    Very Nice, I am building something similar, except in a roman/greek style. My only crit would be that the rooftops all seem too uniform, in real medieval life, there would be different types, like mudbrick, thatch, stone etc.

    Otherwise, Its fantastic. Keep up the good work :-)
    Posted in: Screenshots
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