Mobs won't walk off ledges unless they're pushed, including Endermen. Most people use water, however Endermen hate water so they teleport somewhere else the instant they come in contact with it.
we don't know if Mojang is taking a break or developing a new snapshot right now but we do know there will be tweaks to the ocean and a few other biomes.
Mojang are not a group of robots. They can't automatically fix all bugs/glitches, they need to eat, sleep, and live a life. If there's a fatal bug, I trust Mojang to work on a patch to fix that certain bug (1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, etc)
I would also like to ask what kind of bugs are you running into other than Minecraft freezing and crashing?
I wasn't paying attention to the actual mod, I was looking at the scenery and buildings and thinking to myself, "I can never build that in a million years."
I ran into another chicken and its texture was fine.
I don't have any resource packs installed either so is the chicken's texture glitching? I ran into another chicken but his texture looked normal.
Mobs won't walk off ledges unless they're pushed, including Endermen. Most people use water, however Endermen hate water so they teleport somewhere else the instant they come in contact with it.
That's exactly what I said...
Other than the game freezing, I haven't run into the bugs you mentioned.
If you read the list of things they add in each snapshot, you'll see a list of bugs they fixed below the list of new things.
I'll ask again, what kind of bugs are you running into?
Mob grinder tutorial (Not made by me)
I would also like to ask what kind of bugs are you running into other than Minecraft freezing and crashing?
He meant Ryan and Bashur.
99.9% of me doubts that's the real Notch.