Hello. Is it possible to swap the type of existing entity by commands? This process is present in vanilla gameplay when you're curing the zombie villager, but I'm curious if this can be done using commands, for example summoning zombified Piglin and then changing it to Piglin.
Hello everyone. I would like to present you a video tutorial of how to make your own custom biome - a feature introduced in the newest snapshot 20w30a. It is a very basic tutorial as it only explains crucial parts of implementing it into the game, without diving deep into all available settings. Enjoy!
I made an update for the existing version of the map which contains some fixes related to the final fight. Since this is a small update, the download link remains the same.
Added a glowing effect to the item obtained during the final fight
Fixed an issue that caused the player to spawn on top of the pyramid during the final fight
Fixed an issue where one of the redstone torches would be placed incorrectly
Ok, I'm sorry that I keep posting, but there's another thing.
Im at the turtles and the snowman and I have no idea how to start. I threw all of the snowballs already because I had no idea what to do with them. Also, I followed the "weird noises in the Magic Area" and pulled the lever, but I don't think it did anything. I'm just kinda stumped at this point. Did I break something?
There are holes in the ice, you have to throw items into them. If you used all of the snowballs already you can use any other item you don't need. The 'weird noises' is an optional quest, you don't have to complete it.
Typically when you are nearby the dungeon you can hear multiple mobs inside. Considering which mobs have their dungeons it shouldn't be too hard to find them.
- Colored concrete powder: 1x dye in the center + 8 white concrete powder
- Black to white concrete powder: black concrete powder + 2x bone meal
- Cobweb: 2x string (shapeless)
Guardians and Elder Guardian can now be found in the Underground
Mini-boss in the Underground now drop Heart of the Sea
Removed knowledge books from chests, now you can obtain some of the recipes by completing certain advancements
Hello. Is it possible to swap the type of existing entity by commands? This process is present in vanilla gameplay when you're curing the zombie villager, but I'm curious if this can be done using commands, for example summoning zombified Piglin and then changing it to Piglin.
Version 2.0.3 released (Updated for Minecraft 1.16.2)
Hello everyone. I would like to present you a video tutorial of how to make your own custom biome - a feature introduced in the newest snapshot 20w30a. It is a very basic tutorial as it only explains crucial parts of implementing it into the game, without diving deep into all available settings. Enjoy!
I made an update for the existing version of the map which contains some fixes related to the final fight. Since this is a small update, the download link remains the same.
There are holes in the ice, you have to throw items into them. If you used all of the snowballs already you can use any other item you don't need. The 'weird noises' is an optional quest, you don't have to complete it.
Because it is the same structure.
Enter the area where you're supposed to have the invisibility and it should restart the entire process of making the potion.
They'll stop moving once you'll complete your task successfully.
Version 2.0.2 released (Updated for Minecraft 1.15)
Version 2.0.1 released (Updated for Minecraft 1.14)
Version 2.0 released (Updated for Minecraft 1.13[/i])
Changes in v3.2:
Typically when you are nearby the dungeon you can hear multiple mobs inside. Considering which mobs have their dungeons it shouldn't be too hard to find them.
Changes in v3.1:
- Treasure items - Kelp, Nautilus shell, prismarine shard
- Black to white concrete powder: black concrete powder + 2x bone meal
- Cobweb: 2x string (shapeless)
Version 1.11 released.
I'm happy to announce that I've just finished work on update 1.1 for this map.
mentioned in first post, by default you will hear "mellohi"