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    posted a message on Christmas wish list list for the AI guy
    This hot pocket is delicious!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on i need a download for xray mod for 1.0.0
    Don't ask for cheats. Just play legit.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Celebrate Minecraft Alpha and it's players
    I am an Alpha player and I really miss the great times I had learning Minecraft. I thought it would be a fun little project to go back to Alpha and recreate some defining moments in everyones experience in Minecraft. Please enjoy!

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] AdventureCraft - PredatorCraft [WIP]
    Inspired by , a well made video by SSLithuania

    Javascript coder needed!



    This is supposed to be more of an RPG, or at least as much as I can make it. There won't be many dungeons, but I will put them in here and there to fit it into the criteria of the AdventureCraft typed maps. If you want to play as a Predator, or really enjoyed the Minecraft Predator video that I mentioned above and were disappointed to find out it wasn't a mod, this is for you. PLEASE leave some suggestions on the video of the early stages of this adventure.
    Heres the video link: The video is still being made...


    You are one of the Predators, I highly intelligent, hunting race. While on a scouting mission to check out some planets to find formidable foes, you come across an unlisted planet, Earth. Upon entering their strangely habitable atmosphere, you are hit by an incoming projectile! Your ship crashes hard in the center of a small settlement of an unknown, intelligent race. Luckily it is night-time, and unlike you, these creatures are mammals. They are all mostly resting, leaving you with an open window for discovery and a chance to seek the ultimate foe. Smarter than your main hunting race, these creatures, the "Humans", can use technology against you. You must survive and find a way to contact your brothers to take you away from this odd planet, and back to the safety of your mother ship. Can you survive?


    Dungeons finished: 1

    Area 52

    Planned dungeons:

    The sewers
    Predator Mother-Ship
    More to come


    Please leave suggestions, and all that good stuff!
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Aether Collaboration Mod - V1.02 - NEW MOBS, FIXES, ITEMS AND FEATURES!
    Earlier today Kingbdogz said that the Aether 1.0.2 update was coming tomorrow or Wednesday. He said there will be 3 new mobs, 10 new items, and a new title menu! The menu should show a screenshot/animated view of where you last were. Here is a screenshot of what the new title menu should look like. (image posted by Kingbdogz)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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