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    posted a message on Pure Realms Prison - NO LAG - PvP - FACTIONS
    Too bad the owner is only in it for the money. Friend donated and was banned and lost rank. Selfish ****.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Run Minecraft with RAM and make it USE IT?
    So, my computer is pretty good. I can run TF2 on max settings with motion blur, anti aliasing etc. I install the Unbelievable Shaders Mod and I get about 15 fps on the default shaders. Is there any way to get more FPS with this? I know I can run Minecraft much better and there just has to be a way to make my game run at good fps with this mod.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Give Minecraft more RAM, it won't use all of it
    This is moderately important! Bump!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Give Minecraft more RAM, it won't use all of it
    Well, I have been trying to install the Unbelievable Shaders mod and I used to be able to run it just fine. Now it has been updated and is more intensive then ever. I know my computer can handle it because I can run TF2 on max settings with motion blur etc while recording with 50 fps. I allocate more memory to Minecraft, but it says Minecraft only uses like 9% of it. How can I make it use all of it so it can run the shaders mod and be VERY fast?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Quote from zanarion

    javaassist.NotFoundException: a (..) is not found in kz

    So what you do in this situation? What you mean with "click on the "1.0.0 line" to disable it" What 1.0.0 line, i cant even click anything in installer, so what is this?

    Use the non-windows download version
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.1.0] [WIP] Minecraft Realism Mod
    Modifies no class files!

    The Minecraft Realism Mod is a mod that edits the .lang files and textures of Minecraft to be more realistic. For example, TNT is a "Crude Explosive" and is smeared with sand and gunpowder. In later versions of this mod I hope to have some custom sounds. Right now this is just a sprouting idea that is getting some work and will hopefully be a simple, but great mod!

    Not much more info for now, so I will get back to texturing!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft lags when given 4GB of RAM
    I have a great computer and I gave my Minecraft 4GB of RAM so I can use the Unbelievable shaders mod, but Minecraft only uses like 300MB of it so I can barely use the mod. Is there a way to force Minecraft to use all of it?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Quote from Dalabad

    I got some errors and tried the manual installation with the newest shader file (import).
    But now i get this error, while installing:
    ==== Installing Shaders ====
    Error installing Shaders!
    java.lang.RuntimeException: kz class is frozen
    	at javassist.CtClassType.checkModify(CtClassType.java:286)
    	at javassist.CtBehavior.instrument(CtBehavior.java:661)
    	at Hooks.install(Hooks.java:38)
    	at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.installMods(InstallThread.java:125)
    	at daxnitro.nitrous.InstallThread.run(InstallThread.java:44)
    ==== Shaders Failed Installation ====

    Any Ideas how to fix this?

    I already tried it with a brand new minecraft.jar, just Optify installed, but i always get the same error

    I have the same issue! I am running Windows 7 x64 6GB RAM and an Nvidia 520m
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft lowered in FPS
    I got this new computer for Christmas and I got 200 fps in Minecraft a few days ago I got on and got 20 fps and it has never recovered. I have reinstalled Minecraft several times and even installed optifine but it still is just awful. I did a defrag and nothing. I even gave MC more RAM by using this code:

    javaw -Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -jar "C:\Users\Drake\Desktop\Minecraft.exe"

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft "Login Failed" Can't play in browser, and can't login to MC.net
    AAAAAHHHHH!! It has been a week! I think i've been hacked! If not, tell me how to fix this! Someone! AAAHHH!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft "Login Failed"
    Quote from Krova

    You're 100% sure that you're typing the username in without mistakes, right?

    What exactly is wrong with the "lost username" recovery, again? What's happening there?

    I type in my username and password right every time and I try my email just in case because my account was migrated.

    When I go to recover my username I get this:


    Someone requested a list of all users bound to this e-mail account.
    If this wasn't you, you can safely ignore this e-mail, it won't bite.

    Accounts for [email protected]:
    * RejectedShotgun (Premium!)

    That is all, happy mining.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft "Login Failed"
    Quote from Krova

    Where did you buy Minecraft? What website was it?

    Also, try resetting your password via minecraft.net.

    I bought my account from Minecraft.net back in beta 1.2 and I can't reset my password because it says "User not found" But when I reguest a lost username it sands me an email saying that my premium account is linked to my email...
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft "Login Failed" Can't play in browser, and can't login to MC.net
    I hate to double bump but this might be serious... It has been going on for almost a week!

    EDIT: Oh my god, now it says my username cannot be found when I try to reset my password!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft "Login Failed"
    I have been trying to login to Minecraft and it says "Login failed". I cannot login on Minecraft.net. Mojang.com doesn't log me in either. I have no idea to whats going on. I think it might have something to do with the account migration. My account was migrated a few days ago and I could log in with my email. Since yesterday I can't log in or do anything related to Minecraft at all.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on I migrated my account, but, I didn't verify my e-mail, now I can't login! Help!
    Quote from YeloDementor

    I also cant login to my Mojang account, help!

    Same thing here D:
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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