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[Question] Why "manifestVersion" exist inside of "manifest.json"? What it does? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
1 1,083
CraftTweaker and/or Resource Loader can modify texture/recipes? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
2 2,646
What is the MC Requirements for Huge ModPacks+Optifine Graphic/Render Distance Improvement+Shader (Like SEUS)? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
1 1,004
"MultiModel minecraft:builtin/missing is empty (no base model or parts were provided/resolved)" Frozen >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
9 13,507
After 1.7.10 have you had any updates that make you lose performance? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
7 394
ArchitectureCraft VS Carpenter's Block >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
4 4,056
Some mod is changing things I do not want to be modified - What is the Mod/How to solve? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
7 380
Mod that speeds up the time of a marked zone? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
1 198
Could not initialize class Reika.ChromatiCraft.Registry.ChromaResearchManager$ResearchLevel/Forge Loading Freeze >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
0 1,740
How to know what mods are disabled? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
2 524
Recommends me mods for my private modpack! >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
1 408
[MultiMC] Why my ModPack not launch in MultiMC but vanilla and other launchers yes? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
3 897
UnderGround Biome! >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
20 3,496
How to switch from LiteLoader Loading Screen to Forge Loading Screen? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
3 1,774
[FTB Infinity Evolved] Which mod is and which machine do it? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
2 2,269
It is possible to modify the MineCraft how much you want? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
3 273
A very large ModPack that has more than 200 mods? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
4 13,080
I can not change the World Type in my ModPack! >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
1 514
A guide for creating items/blocks that have items even mods? >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
2 221
[MultiMC] Upon reaching the Phase 3 of the initialization of the mods immediately crashes. >>
by ReiDaTecnologia
15 516