stevenrs11, please do not remove the info about the old Dimensional Doors mod in the OP,
because it may still be useful if anyone would like to play older MC versions
stevenrs11, please do not remove the info about the old Dimensional Doors mod in the OP,
because it may still be useful if anyone would like to play older MC versions
Hello Mineshopper - love this mod to bits. Probably my favourite one, so I'm very glad that it's being ported to 1.12, and hoping to see it in 1.13 as well!
I had a quick suggestion for the mod: collapsible stairs. I already make great use of the any-angle staircases, but if these could be taken a step further and halved in the same way the standard carpenter's block is, it would open up a huge world of possibilities. Could go both ways, both parallel to and perpendicular to the direction of travel. In particular, I'd love to use 1/2 wide stairs to build machicolations, and half-high merlons on a vertical slab wall.
Keep doing what you do!
Sorry for lack of updates recently. Been working on slopes a bit tonight and made good progress on oblique faces:
Right now there are two (smallish) remaining bugs that need to be addressed.
This mod is a continuation of the old Minecraft Flight Simulator. Many things have changed, but the most important thing is that you can now add anything to the mod using the new content pack system! There's an official content pack as the first download link, so make sure to grab that along with the actual mod! If you want more info about the mod, please see the Curse page here. You can even join the Discord channel here. Irregardless of what you do, there are two important things you should know.
The first is how to install content packs. This is done by simply putting a content pack into the mods folder. MTS will look in the mods folder on startup and will automatically parse the pack and put it into the mts folder to load. No muss, no fuss, no moving a bunch of little files. If you did everything correct you should see some new things in the creative inventory!
The second thing is that nearly everything you could hope to know about how the mod operates has been moved to an in-game manual. Please RTFM. It's even an Achievement to make one (in versions of Minecraft that have those, that is)!
Now, with that out of the way, here's what you've been waiting for. New downloads and new pictures!
Realistic flight in Minecraft has never really been implemented. Even the elytra doesn't take into account true aerodynamics. Minecraft Flight Simulator aims to change all this, by introducing planes that handle like actual planes! To do this physics and aerodynamics are used, taking into account thrust, drag, lift, prop pitch, and much more. Controls are also tailored to provide a simpler means of controlling planes than the current mouse-yoke standard, which allows you to look around as you fly. You can even customize your planes by giving them different propellers and engines, which affect their flight characteristics.
Rather than explain all the controls here. I'll simply say that you press the P key to activate things in MFS. When you step up to a plane, a little indicator will flash on your HUD. Pressing P will open the plane's GUI, allowing you to add parts and fuel. When seated in a plane, the P key will open the control menu. Look there for a complete and current control scheme.
Along with the keyboard Minecraft Flight Simulator is proud to the be first plane mod that integrates joystick support! Configuring a joystick is done by accessing the in-game config menu (default P key while seated). Any control mapped to a joystick input is used in place of the keyboard control. There are also some controls, such as LookLeft, that are put on the joystick for ease of flight so expect some extra functionality to be present.
Note that if you're having troubles getting joysticks to appear on Linux (or possible a Mac) you might need to run "sudo chmod o+r /dev/input/event*" from a terminal and then restart Minecraft to allow Minecraft access to the input file.
If you find that the joystick isn't behaving quite the way you want you can try editing the DeadZone and JoystickForceFactor options in the config file. The former determines the minimum movement of an axis required for action, and may need to be adjusted higher if you have a worn-out joystick with a lot of slack. The latter determines how much far the control surface will move with respect to the axis position. Higher numbers cause the surface to not move much at first, while lower numbers will cause the surface to be more sensitive.
Crafting planes and components is easy! Most things you can just craft in a crafting bench. The exception are propellers which are crafted using the propeller crafting bench. Simply select the propeller type, number of blades, pitch, and diameter in the GUI. Insert the required materials along with some redstone and hit the green button. The bench will then create your new propeller.
If you want to create a custom engine, you'll need to know about engine codes codes. When you use the give command you'll need to input the code as the item's damage value. The first two digits times 100 is the engine's maximum RPM, while the last two digits divided by ten is the fuel consumption per tick. This means that the basic small engine (0.5@2800RPM) has a code of 2805, while the advanced small engine (0.7@3000RPM) has a code of 3007. Remember that the fuel consumption is based on the engine spinning at the maximum RPM; the 0.7@3000RPM engine uses only 0.58 units of fuel per tick at 2500RPM.
Planes don't run on air, so you'll need to fuel your plane before taking off. MFS engines use liquid fuel, so stock up on lava buckets. Once you have some, open the GUI and place the bucket in the slot with the gas tank icon. The plane will then consume the fuel and deposit the bucket into the bottom slot. If the bucket doesn't move it means that either the plane is full or the fuel in the bucket won't fit.
MFS supports any liquid in a container as a fuel, but you must first set up the config to do so. Here's a list of steps to allow your planes to run on whatever fuel you chose:
Note that fractions are supported, so a liquid with a fuel value of 0.5 will fill the plane's tank half as much as a liquid with a value of 1.0, and one-quarter as much as a liquid with a value of 2.0.
Before you go flying, there's a few things you should know:
One of the problems with flying in Minecraft is the inability to see the ground due to short render distances. MFS helps correct this with a variety of flight instruments. Instruments can be added in the plane GUI, and will appear in the HUD and on the plane depending on their placement in the GUI. The HUD itself has four modes, which can be changed by pressing the mod key in combination with the cam lock key.
Multiple flight instruments and gauges are available for planes, each with their own uses.
Perhaps one of the most versatile instruments, the attitude indicator shows the the state of the plane with respect to the ground. The indicator rotates to indicate the current roll, while the inner circle moves up and down to indicate the pitch of the aircraft. Do note that the direction the plane is pointing is not the same as the direction the plane is going. A plane that is pointing up may actually be in a stall and will drop like a rock.
This gauge simply shows how high the plane is. The short pointer counts 100 blocks, while the long pointer counts 10 blocks. The altimeter will read 0 at Y=0 by default, but you can change this behavior to make it read 0 at sea level (Y=64) instead.
A simple gauge that tells you where you are heading. Although similar to the real-world counterpart, this gauge is tweaked to deal with Minecraft's odd south-is-positive coordinate system. Yes, you could always use the debug screen, but what's the fun in that?
This gauge shows how fast the plane is moving in blocks per second. In general, a plane should be flyable in the green zone, though this is subject to the flap settings and weight. The yellow zone is safe, but sudden movements and deployment of flaps is not advised. The red zone should be avoided, as exceeding this speed can result in things breaking. After passing 50 blocks per second, Minecraft is unable to process the plane's forces correctly, leading to undefined behavior. Do note that the flyable speed changes if the speed factor is changed in the config.
This gauge shows the rate at which the plane is turning, plus the rate at which the turn is increasing. This means that it will move when the plane starts rolling, but will even out when the aileron is no longer applied. This allows the pilot to adjust the roll of the plane to make a smooth turn. The bottom part of the gauge indicates the slip in the turn, or how straight the plane is compared to the direction it is traveling. A well-coordinated turn will result in the maximum lift potential and best control.
This indicator is the precursor to the turn coordinator. The difference is that this indicator does not take into account the roll of the aircraft. Preferred by older and more experienced pilots, it can be used to perform the Stark 1-2-3 maneuver if the artificial horizon is lost due to clouds or the failure of the attitude indicator.
This indicator shows how many blocks per second the plane is moving in the Y-direction. A gradual climb is about 0.75, but with flaps and a light payload this can be greater than 1.
A newcomer to the world of aeronautics, the lift reserve indicator shows how much of the aircraft's lift potential is being used. The yellow-green border indicates that the plane is currently flying with an angle of attack of zero, i.e. not generating any lift. As the plane is pitched up, the needle moves towards the red zone. At the yellow-red border the plane is at the critical angle of attack and generating maximum lift. Passing into the red zone will cause the plane to stall, which results in a rapid loss of lift potential. Useful where short runways require quick ascent.
This gauge shows the current RPM of all engines. It also shows the maximum safe speed as indicated by the redline marker. Use this to ensure you aren't over-revving your engines.
Shows fuel level. 'Nuff said.
This gauge shows the fuel consumption rate of the aircraft. More of a nice-to-know thing than an essential component. Fuel consumption is in buckets per minute, with a bucket representing the default lava fuel value of 1000.
This gauge shows the temperature of each engine. The needle should always be kept in the green for maximum engine life. An engine with a low temperature in the yellow zone needs to be warmed up prior to flight to prevent engine damage, while an engine with a temperature past the red mark will be damaged by overheating.
Glad to know that something is in the works . That's better than nothing really . And yes , please keep us updated , it sounds cool .
8GB graphics card should run shader pretty well
why the hell you need a SSD for loading/creating world lol
7200RPM HDD nailed it,even huge modded worlds also.
my 8GB DDR3-1600 RAM can already run 200+ mods , its a laptop ,2GB Graphics Card & 2.2GHz Multi-threaded Dual-Core w/ OptiFine
if your processor is 4.0+ GHz ,modding and shader is a piece of cake!
4+ Cores however doesn't matter too much as MC won't use up all cores
As long as you added MC/javaw.exe into your Nvidia Control Panel , you have nothing to worry about.
Hey guys! So I loaded up a random world and found this awesome overhanging cliff area and I had a vision to completely transform it into a useable Minecraft survival base! I think it's looking really fantastic as a finished product and there's a HUGE difference between the before and after which you can see in the photos above.
I also recorded a timelapse of me making this project if you would like to see the build in action!
Watch it here:
I recorded this using the Replay Mod and it gives a great overview of the building process!
I hope you guys enjoy the build and I'm looking forward to submitting new projects soon
- Dusty
Thank you for your decision to update the mod, I miss it a lot, I'm so happy that I will be able to play with it again
Quote from MoridinIshamael»
Find Emoniph first, then think of asking for updates.
The mod is still in WIP so some features is missing. Have patience
i like it!
Better have patienc and wait.
As Rob said Mine's have a life outside lol
NEI is now a addon to JEI, you need this mod to NEI work.
btw use JEI because it's more "Stable" and have more mods compatibles!
NEI died in 1.7.10 ;-;
Mineshopper is working hard on it, you can see some updates in previous posts. Have patience my friend
I think you are allocating more memory than you have because of this:
Memory: 1086224424 bytes (1035 MB) / 8594128896 bytes (8196 MB) up to 8594128896 bytes (8196 MB)
You have 8GB of ram alright?
And this:
JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx9219m -Xms256m -XX:PermSize=256m
You are putting 9219 to mc but you not have all this (If you have 8GB of ram)
1.8+ not have this features.
(If you are trying talk with ChickenBones) ChickenBones exit of modding community, covers1624 are maintaining CB Mods.
Now NEI is a addon for JEI.
More overlay are one of mods add this features that are removed in 1.8+, i think he is a standalone mod because not have "Required Library" in the downlload page.
I do not know why it was not added recipes being something simple
straight away in the first version, maybe because they are focused on
Rendering that is very different from the version 1.7.10 and the date
of addition is undetermined and quite possible that it does not have for
now, because is in the start of WIP for 1.10.X & 1.11.X
What does this have to do with Carpenter's Blocks? Or are you replying to someone without reference?