Recently someone reported in discord that a modpack he's trying to install is giving him this error:
I downloaded the modpack's zip file and edited the manifest.json, changing manifestVersion from 5 to 1, gave the modified zip file for him to try to see if that change fixed it and it actually fixed it!
it made me think... why manifestVersion exist? why manifest.json need to have a version? does exist multiple versions for it? imo it seems unnecessary but idk exactly what it does or why it exist so i'm here asking for someone to explain me...
Note: Idk if this is the right category, i thought the "Mod Packs" category could be the right place but by the category's description, i'm not sure now... so sorry in advance.
1) Looks like ur allocated ram is extremely low, large modpacks (like MC Eternal) need at least 6gb of ram, ur MultiMC ram config is mininum of 512mb and max of 1024mb that amount is only enough to run Vanilla Minecraft... set it to max of 6144mb. Note: If u only have 8gb of ram u can run it but will lag ur OS (Operational System), it's recommended to play heavy modpacks with at least 16gb of ram.
2) Looks like ur Java is ancient, update it to the latest version (Java 8 Update 241), link, choose the download option "windows offline".
3)Did u installed it correctly? exist various ways to install modpacks using MultiMC:
1. Download the zip file of ur modpack (Curseforge)>add instance>import from zip>select the zip and click Ok.
2. Use the twitch to download the modpack>open the modpack's profile>click on the "Gear">open folder>copy all files>create a new instance in the MultiMC with the MC version of the modpack u want to install>install forge>open the modpack folder and paste all the files from the Twitch's modpack folder.
3. Do all the 2. steps until "open folder">install the tool "HardLink Shell Ext" to make the process easier>right-click in the twitch's folder>"Select as the origin of the link">create a new instance with the MC version of the modpack u want to install>install forge>open the MultiMC's folder>delete the .minecraft folder>right-click>Paste as>Symbolic Link>rename the folder to .minecraft and all the changes u do with the Twitch app to the instance will also happen with the MultiMC instance, good to update the MultiMC modpack without needing to create a new instance for it...
Note: the 3. method will only work with W10 as W7 don't allow renaming the folder.
AEI (1.13 only and outdated) or REI (1.13/1.13.2/1.14 snapshots) exist as NEI/JEI-likes.
"Rift mod loader" even for 1.13/1.13.2 because 1.13 Forge isn't public yet, but will come soon, 1.14 uses "Fabric Modloader/API."
I know this since I update info on this stuff in the 'mod discussion' section of the MCForums as well as test out the mods for both 1.13/1.14 versions of the game daily so... I'm not expert, but I am an informer of this stuff at least.
Hopefully that answers your question if you want something like them but for those versions of the game. But if you want a JEI-like and 1.13 Forge mods/even the major ones; everyone will have to wait since no news on it yet unfortunately. But I've seen a few that support 1.13 Forge, but only devs can use 1.13 Forge right now. But I know Inventory Sorter (is) and Bad Mobs (tagged but not released) are out now I guess???
And Rift & Fabric can be used on Vanilla, MultiMC & Twitch Launchers (Unofficially for Twitch, I found out how and posted a video on it XD, it works like the Vanilla Launcher with a twist so of course it was easy to do if Twitch uses the Vanilla Launcher and a slight workaround is needed)
1.13 Mods: Rift Mods (usually states it is, if it doesn't, it's not and is aiming to be a Forge 1.13 mod)
Just a quick question if anyone can help... We are running FTB Revelation Version 2.5.0 on our server and wanted to add carpenter's blocks since they aren't included in the modpack. Is the mod stable enough to just add in even though we are already well on our way into the server?
Imo it's still too soon to add it as the dev already said here that the mod is missing some features, and add it in a modpack/server can give issues. But you can test it and report the bugs/issues that you find.
I have 46 mods and I have never had this issue before.
Is really a low amount but as the memory requirement was become more and more high, maybe need more than 3gb. Put 6gb to test it (This is the mininum memory requirement for a big modpack like All The Mods 3/Remix) if work put less if you want.
Hey guys recently I have started a Minecraft 1.12.2 Instance so as to use the updated Versions of my favourite mods, but every time I load the Instance I get a Black screen and then it crashes after a few minutes, please help. MultiMC Log
You didn't allocated enough memory. Settings>Java>Max memory>Set how many you want depending how many memory you machine have. To see how many RAM you have: Start Menu>Right-Click "My Computer">Properties.
I tryed all of it, they added about 20-30 fps, but i know my computer can get more FPS, because my friend with old pc have more FPS than me.
Must be you computer then, try to close the maximum app possibles and clean you pc with the default garbage cleaner of windows "Disk Cleanup" and if you are using windows 7 put all Visual Effects off to adjust the OS to the best performance possible. Try use this:
He helped me and a lot of others people with a modpack called "All The Mods" and the successor of him.
Recently someone reported in discord that a modpack he's trying to install is giving him this error:
I downloaded the modpack's zip file and edited the manifest.json, changing manifestVersion from 5 to 1, gave the modified zip file for him to try to see if that change fixed it and it actually fixed it!
it made me think... why manifestVersion exist? why manifest.json need to have a version? does exist multiple versions for it? imo it seems unnecessary but idk exactly what it does or why it exist so i'm here asking for someone to explain me...
Note: Idk if this is the right category, i thought the "Mod Packs" category could be the right place but by the category's description, i'm not sure now... so sorry in advance.
I see several issues with ur MultiMC:
1) Looks like ur allocated ram is extremely low, large modpacks (like MC Eternal) need at least 6gb of ram, ur MultiMC ram config is mininum of 512mb and max of 1024mb that amount is only enough to run Vanilla Minecraft... set it to max of 6144mb. Note: If u only have 8gb of ram u can run it but will lag ur OS (Operational System), it's recommended to play heavy modpacks with at least 16gb of ram.
2) Looks like ur Java is ancient, update it to the latest version (Java 8 Update 241), link, choose the download option "windows offline".
3)Did u installed it correctly? exist various ways to install modpacks using MultiMC:
1. Download the zip file of ur modpack (Curseforge)>add instance>import from zip>select the zip and click Ok.
2. Use the twitch to download the modpack>open the modpack's profile>click on the "Gear">open folder>copy all files>create a new instance in the MultiMC with the MC version of the modpack u want to install>install forge>open the modpack folder and paste all the files from the Twitch's modpack folder.
3. Do all the 2. steps until "open folder">install the tool "HardLink Shell Ext" to make the process easier>right-click in the twitch's folder>"Select as the origin of the link">create a new instance with the MC version of the modpack u want to install>install forge>open the MultiMC's folder>delete the .minecraft folder>right-click>Paste as>Symbolic Link>rename the folder to .minecraft and all the changes u do with the Twitch app to the instance will also happen with the MultiMC instance, good to update the MultiMC modpack without needing to create a new instance for it...
Note: the 3. method will only work with W10 as W7 don't allow renaming the folder.
The mod is still in WIP so some features is missing. Have patience
i like it!
Better have patienc and wait.
As Rob said Mine's have a life outside lol
lol i was kidding no need to actually reply it
Why would you want to install forge if theres no mods for it yet? lol
A mod with my name? thx for the tribute guys!
Imo it's still too soon to add it as the dev already said here that the mod is missing some features, and add it in a modpack/server can give issues. But you can test it and report the bugs/issues that you find.
Lol, thanks for info m8
My base will not be so dark anymore :>
Is really a low amount but as the memory requirement was become more and more high, maybe need more than 3gb. Put 6gb to test it (This is the mininum memory requirement for a big modpack like All The Mods 3/Remix) if work put less if you want.
It depends how many mods you have, how many you have?
You didn't allocated enough memory. Settings>Java>Max memory>Set how many you want depending how many memory you machine have. To see how many RAM you have: Start Menu>Right-Click "My Computer">Properties.
Must be you computer then, try to close the maximum app possibles and clean you pc with the default garbage cleaner of windows "Disk Cleanup" and if you are using windows 7 put all Visual Effects off to adjust the OS to the best performance possible. Try use this:
He helped me and a lot of others people with a modpack called "All The Mods" and the successor of him.
Btw you updated all you drivers?
Optifine, betterfps, vanillafix, foamfix this is various performance improvement mods that i know try some to see if help.