What if the player was capable of leaping great distances? Or even capable of limited flight? Here's an idea for a new magical travel item: the Jump Pearl.
A Jump Pearl would work similar to an enderpearl. You hold it in your hand, you toss it, and you travel in the direction you threw it. But there's one big difference. You don't teleport. Instead the jump pearl is consumed the second it leaves your hand, and you are accelerated through the air in the direction you threw it. It instantly applies momentum to the player. Basically, it's a way of throwing yourself.
You'd travel at the same speed, and over the same distance as an enderpearl. However unlike an enderpearl you could travel even further, because nothing prevents you from throwing a second one while you're in midair, and giving you another acceleration boost in the direction of your choice. So by tossing a few jump pearls in quick succession, you can actually fly around for a bit. Jump pearls would still cause a bit of damage upon use though, and you'd also have to watch out for fall damage as well, so that would prevent people from zipping around non-stop. Plus they would only stack to 16.
I would love this - I've always wanted my creative worlds to have black skies...
Just a modification, though, how about using the Leather Armour colour system?
And maybe the command:
/skycolour default (Or /skycolor if you're that mad about spelling in American English)
For resetting the colour of the sky
Being able to pick any of millions of color like leather armor would be great. I just have the less ambitious goal of a few colors, but if Mojang can make a more complex system happen, even better.
And maybe /skycolor and /skycolour should both work, for the benefit of our UK friends.
/skycolor 5555FF
(For blue)
This option could be better so the map maker can have more control over the color choices.
Maybe /skycolor blue
Should work as well so the map maker can choose between simplicity and greater quality.
I agree that I'd like to let mapmakers use any color they want. If there's no programming obstacle to using hex color codes then that's better of course.
However if there is some sort of technical reason that would be hard to achieve, just having a handful of set colors would be enough for most purposes.
I think it would be nice if players had the option of changing the color of the sky just using a command.
The syntax could just be /skycolor <color>.
It would be extremely handy for adventure maps. You could simulate traveling to other planets or dimensions very easily by teleporting the player to another place and changing the sky color at the same time.
Imagine a Mars themed adventure map. You could step on a teleporter pad in a nice green field below a blue sky, then get sent to a mesa biome as the sky turns red.
I don't think we need the option to make any color we want (not that I'd complain of course). For simplicity it would be enough if the game just had a handful of different colors on file, and could switch to a small list of 5-10 different skies. Just the ROYGBIV colors, plus maybe a muted color like brown and gray, would be awesome.
Also, you should be able to store multiple data types in one book. You could list them in the order you want, and each data type would start on a separate page.
So you could do something like have page 1 show player health, page 2 show player inventory, page 3 show player achievements, etc.
I suggest adding a new command called Transcribe, meant to automatically capture data for server owners.
What transcribe would do is create a written book filled with your choice of data, and spawn it in the location of your choosing. The syntax would be: /transcribe <data type> x y z
What kind of data can you pick from? Here's a few basic ones, but not necessarily the whole list:
Players currently on server
Current scoreboard tally of your choice
Last few lines of publicly chatted text
Last few commands executed
Contents of target player's inventory
Target player's current health/hunger/experience/effects
So you could set up a system to automatically capture whatever data you want, and put the book in a chest. Then you can come by later and read the book.
While I like the uses of it, I think a /despawn or /unsummon command would be more useful. Just type:
/despawn <coordinates> <mobname>
With this you could have multiple instances of when a mob could disappear, based on the actions of a player. If you still want a time, an NBT tag could be added that has a countdown until the mob expires. Having the disappearance based on the time would probably be more hindering than useful, especially if you want to use the time of day for something else.
I think a despawn command like that is a good idea too, but the two methods aren't mutually exclusive. I'd like both.
And they would be meant for different situations. A despawn command based on coordinates would be great when you want to clear mobs without a despawn time. A despawn timer would be great if you don't know where the mob is going to be. A command based on coordinates could be very useful, but not when the mob wanders outside the target area.
Would it be possible with that to build a village where the villagers "turn into" (are replaced by) zombies at night? Or wolves?
Might be nice for adventure maps and I can't see any downsides.
Yeah! It would be very easy to set up a system that causes some mobs to appear when others vanish. It would be simple to make a werewolf villager that changes every dawn and dusk.
I think it would be better if there was a just a script or something that ran so that near sunrise, zombies and skeletons would start retreating and run into caves or under anything.
This works on non-hostile mobs too. Besides, what if you want a mob to exist during the day but vanish at night
When using the summon command, I suggest being able to put an optional expiration time in the mob's custom data.
This would just be any time of day or night. As soon as that time arrives, the mob would pop out of existence.
You would also be able to use > and < to make the mob expire not just at that precise time, but any time before or after it. That option could be handy if you use commands to change the time of day.
This would be handy in adventure maps when you want to spawn mobs, but control how long they stay around. For example, you could spawn a creeper that vanishes at dawn. Or use it to "teleport" a villager around, by having one expire and an identical one get summoned elsewhere. Or create an enderdragon that can only travel so far before vanishing. The uses are pretty much endless.
Here's an idea for a small, unimportant, but fun improvement to the game launcher.
In the load world menu there should be a small button labeled "?" to randomly load one of your saved map files. It could be anything you have in your current saves. This could be pretty fun when you aren't sure what to play.
Clicking it would give you a confirmation prompt "Load A Random Saved World?" with a yes/no button to avoid accidental clicks.
Yeah, I think a more abstract biome might be interesting. H.P. Lovecraft themed biome, full of disconcerting inhuman architecture? And something based on mathematically interesting shapes would be pretty cool. Imagine walking around inside of a 3D Sierpinski triangle pyramid.
That screenshot is pretty much how I pictured the foundry district. Not sure iron blocks should be too plentiful though, because then people will just use Mazeworld as a big iron mine and chop up everything to build armor. What about using iron bars as catwalks? It'd be pretty cool to look down and see lava far beneath your feet. It probably shouldn't require using another mod for pipes, in case people only want to use one and not the other, or one mod gets updated in the future while the other doesn't, or something causes them to conflict someday. But maybe if there was a second version of Mazeworld that did incorporate Buildcraft and one that was designed for vanilla, people could use either version.
I still think there should be something else above the quartz... I feel as if something is missing there...
What about an iron ingot to represent the chisel? That would also add a slight expense to them, since the chisel would get worn away and consumed like the other ingredients.
A Jump Pearl would work similar to an enderpearl. You hold it in your hand, you toss it, and you travel in the direction you threw it. But there's one big difference. You don't teleport. Instead the jump pearl is consumed the second it leaves your hand, and you are accelerated through the air in the direction you threw it. It instantly applies momentum to the player. Basically, it's a way of throwing yourself.
You'd travel at the same speed, and over the same distance as an enderpearl. However unlike an enderpearl you could travel even further, because nothing prevents you from throwing a second one while you're in midair, and giving you another acceleration boost in the direction of your choice. So by tossing a few jump pearls in quick succession, you can actually fly around for a bit. Jump pearls would still cause a bit of damage upon use though, and you'd also have to watch out for fall damage as well, so that would prevent people from zipping around non-stop. Plus they would only stack to 16.
Being able to pick any of millions of color like leather armor would be great. I just have the less ambitious goal of a few colors, but if Mojang can make a more complex system happen, even better.
And maybe /skycolor and /skycolour should both work, for the benefit of our UK friends.
I agree that I'd like to let mapmakers use any color they want. If there's no programming obstacle to using hex color codes then that's better of course.
However if there is some sort of technical reason that would be hard to achieve, just having a handful of set colors would be enough for most purposes.
The syntax could just be /skycolor <color>.
It would be extremely handy for adventure maps. You could simulate traveling to other planets or dimensions very easily by teleporting the player to another place and changing the sky color at the same time.
Imagine a Mars themed adventure map. You could step on a teleporter pad in a nice green field below a blue sky, then get sent to a mesa biome as the sky turns red.
I don't think we need the option to make any color we want (not that I'd complain of course). For simplicity it would be enough if the game just had a handful of different colors on file, and could switch to a small list of 5-10 different skies. Just the ROYGBIV colors, plus maybe a muted color like brown and gray, would be awesome.
So you could do something like have page 1 show player health, page 2 show player inventory, page 3 show player achievements, etc.
What transcribe would do is create a written book filled with your choice of data, and spawn it in the location of your choosing. The syntax would be: /transcribe <data type> x y z
What kind of data can you pick from? Here's a few basic ones, but not necessarily the whole list:
Players currently on server
Current scoreboard tally of your choice
Last few lines of publicly chatted text
Last few commands executed
Contents of target player's inventory
Target player's current health/hunger/experience/effects
So you could set up a system to automatically capture whatever data you want, and put the book in a chest. Then you can come by later and read the book.
I think a despawn command like that is a good idea too, but the two methods aren't mutually exclusive. I'd like both.
And they would be meant for different situations. A despawn command based on coordinates would be great when you want to clear mobs without a despawn time. A despawn timer would be great if you don't know where the mob is going to be. A command based on coordinates could be very useful, but not when the mob wanders outside the target area.
Yeah! It would be very easy to set up a system that causes some mobs to appear when others vanish. It would be simple to make a werewolf villager that changes every dawn and dusk.
This works on non-hostile mobs too. Besides, what if you want a mob to exist during the day but vanish at night
This would just be any time of day or night. As soon as that time arrives, the mob would pop out of existence.
You would also be able to use > and < to make the mob expire not just at that precise time, but any time before or after it. That option could be handy if you use commands to change the time of day.
This would be handy in adventure maps when you want to spawn mobs, but control how long they stay around. For example, you could spawn a creeper that vanishes at dawn. Or use it to "teleport" a villager around, by having one expire and an identical one get summoned elsewhere. Or create an enderdragon that can only travel so far before vanishing. The uses are pretty much endless.
Mazeworld PVE would be pretty awesome. Imagine being given some weapons and having to battle in adventure mode.
A soundproofing block is an interesting idea though. I'd like to see you suggest it in a new post!
In the load world menu there should be a small button labeled "?" to randomly load one of your saved map files. It could be anything you have in your current saves. This could be pretty fun when you aren't sure what to play.
Clicking it would give you a confirmation prompt "Load A Random Saved World?" with a yes/no button to avoid accidental clicks.
Yeah, I think a more abstract biome might be interesting. H.P. Lovecraft themed biome, full of disconcerting inhuman architecture? And something based on mathematically interesting shapes would be pretty cool. Imagine walking around inside of a 3D Sierpinski triangle pyramid.
That screenshot is pretty much how I pictured the foundry district. Not sure iron blocks should be too plentiful though, because then people will just use Mazeworld as a big iron mine and chop up everything to build armor. What about using iron bars as catwalks? It'd be pretty cool to look down and see lava far beneath your feet. It probably shouldn't require using another mod for pipes, in case people only want to use one and not the other, or one mod gets updated in the future while the other doesn't, or something causes them to conflict someday. But maybe if there was a second version of Mazeworld that did incorporate Buildcraft and one that was designed for vanilla, people could use either version.
What about an iron ingot to represent the chisel? That would also add a slight expense to them, since the chisel would get worn away and consumed like the other ingredients.