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    posted a message on Net + Hay = Mob Collection
    Capturing mobs and keeping them isn't a new idea, but I'm hoping this particular method hasn't been suggested before. If it has, I apologize in advance.

    This idea consists of two new items: nets and hay.

    Part 1: Nets

    To create a net you would need to arrange 8 pieces of string in a square like so (with feathers being string):

    ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" />
    ]" title="-<->" /> [] ]" title="-<->" />
    ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" /> ]" title="-<->" />

    Right clicking with a net on any passive mob would trap it within the net and place the animal within your inventory. Inside your inventory the animal would appear as an icon like this: :Pig:

    Only one animal could be held within a net at a time. You could move animals around your inventory, but you would not be able to place them inside chests. Right clicking with the animal would release it from the net and set it free. The net would then be restored to you empty, ready for use on another animal.

    Part 2: Hay

    Crafting hay blocks isn't a new suggestion (here's another recent hay idea that I took the crafting recipe from: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=216207) but this use for them is new.

    To create a hay block you would craft nine pieces of wheat together:

    :////: :////: :////:
    :////: :////: :////: = :Yellow:
    :////: :////: :////:

    Now hay blocks would have plenty of uses in construction and in ornamentation, as other people have suggested. But I suggest that they also have the property of saving mobs.

    Any passive mob standing on a hay block would not be despawned when you move away, instead its position is saved until you return. Why hay? Because that's what you put on the floor of barns and pens.

    To save animals for later, just capture them with your net and release them in a fenced off area or closed room that has a floor made entirely of hay. You'd have to be careful that they can't reach an area with a non-hay floor or they might despawn.

    It would be nice if captured sheep regrew their wool after a while, and if 2 or more pigs penned close together had a chance of producing additional pigs, giving you an incentive to capture both animals rather than just harvesting them in the wild. There's already an incentive to capture cows and chickens in order to have a steady supply of milk and eggs.

    I think is a pretty simple and straightforward way of adding animal husbandry to the game. Your thoughts?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Planting Golden Apples
    Quote from patate502 »
    apples are meant to be rare, so i think it woud revert to a normal tree after 1-3 apples have been harvested

    I don't think they need to be rare. It isn't as if red apples provide any overpowering advantage. Bread heals more hearts and is far easier to obtain in bulk. Really you wouldn't be creating apple trees for any practical advantage, but just for aesthetic purposes and to show off your achievement in finding that much gold.

    And apples would still be comparatively rare since it takes 72 gold to produce a single tree, and that tree would only create a handful of apples each week. You can create a wheat field of pretty much any size to create all the bread you want, but red apples would remain limited to a slow trickle.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Planting Golden Apples
    Quote from Gkardos »
    Quote from Regular Hexahedron »
    Quote from Gkardos »
    How would you plant them? I think the right click is used up.

    You could use left click to plant them, but it would only work if you're aiming at tilled dirt. That would prevent people from accidentally planting their gold apple on something unsuitable.

    What if you want to destroy a farmland block?

    Just make sure not to have a golden apple selected. I guess it's possible for someone to plant their apple somewhere accidentally, but they'd have to be pretty damn careless.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Planting Golden Apples
    Quote from Gkardos »
    How would you plant them? I think the right click is used up.

    You could use left click to plant them, but it would only work if you're aiming at tilled dirt. That would prevent people from accidentally planting their gold apple on something unsuitable.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Planting Golden Apples
    Yes, I know there are a billion apple ideas and apple tree ideas already floating around out there. I think this one is different than all of those, but if I missed an identical suggestion I apologize. Anyway...

    I suggest that golden apples be upgraded to allow the player to plant them in order to create apple trees.

    First you would till farmland with your hoe. Then plant a golden apple to create an apple sapling. In a few days a full apple tree would grow. This apple tree would grow red apples, not golden ones. A tree would grow about 3-5 apples at a time, and would regrow apples in a few days after the player knocks them down. Apple trees would look very attractive since they would first grow blossoms that would then turn into apples.

    This would make golden apples a bit more practical, since rather than just destroying 72 gold ingots you could use them to create a renewable resource and decorative plant. It would also provide a late game goal: finding enough gold to create an entire apple orchard. It also provides a reason to search out dungeons: finding that initial red apple to grow your first tree. You could use the red apples from that tree to create golden apples for further trees, but the first red apple would have to come from a dungeon chest.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Redstone-powered booster tracks
    Here's how you implement this without making powered minecarts useless: the boost only affects powered minecarts.

    You can accelerate other kinds of carts, but only by speeding up the powered minecart that's pushing it. In addition to speeding up your trip, boosters at the bottom of a hill could allow powered minecarts to climb inclines they otherwise couldn't.

    Fueling the minecart would still be useful in order to not lose momentum between boosters. You could travel without fuel, but it would cost a lot of redstone to put the boosters close enough together for the cart to not stall in between.

    I really like this idea. You could create all kinds of neat things with it. I'd use it to make a looping circuit of perpetually moving minecarts spaced out to pass by a series of train platforms every few seconds. It would be my own subway system. Just hop on and hop off to get where you want to go.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Suggestion: Books Record Statistics and Achievements
    Notch is planning to add an achievement system (ride a pig off a cliff was one example of an achievement) and statistic tracking (how many trees you've chopped down, etc.).

    How about keeping this information in books in game, rather than accessing it through some game menu? Right clicking on any bookshelf would access your "journal" and display all your achievements and statistics.
    Bookshelves could serve other purposes too of course, but I think this would be a neat little use for them that makes sense in game.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Painting + place on floor = RUG
    Rather than working like paintings with randomly created sizes and images, I would prefer for rugs to be a colorful half-block made of wool. That way you could create carpeting in any shape and color you wish.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Just Found Out About The Bed Update
    Quote from DatRandomGuy »
    Quote from Regular Hexahedron »
    Quote from PugRme »

    So I didn't think it up and neither did anyone else? It just magically appeared. Good to know.

    Ever look on twitter? most people have said Beds are a good idea. Beside, Pretty sure Notch would have credited you if the idea came from you.

    Beds are nothing new. I just wonder if I came up with the "skip through night" part. Again, I'M NOT CLAIMING CREDIT. This could definitely just be them coming up with the same idea on their own, and either way I'm happy it's in the game. I'm just idly wondering.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Just Found Out About The Bed Update
    Quote from Yakkers »
    Quote from Regular Hexahedron »
    Quote from PugRme »

    So I didn't think it up and neither did anyone else? It just magically appeared. Good to know.

    I think he's implying that the bed idea has been floating around for a long time, and also that the actual bed works completely different than your suggestion.

    I only suggested the "skip to the morning" part. Obviously the other aspects of the bed I definitely had nothing to do with, and I'm sure the devs are creative enough to come up with the time skip idea on their own. But it would be cool if they did spot it on the suggestion forums and got the idea from there, if they even read them.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Just Found Out About The Bed Update
    Quote from PugRme »

    So I didn't think it up and neither did anyone else? It just magically appeared. Good to know.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Just Found Out About The Bed Update
    Hah. I wonder if they got the idea (for skipping through nighttime) from my post in this thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=119107

    Or was it was just parallel thinking? Either way, it's awesome that it's in the game now.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Beds
    Well, I think the night-skipping bed should definitely not let you evade hostile mobs. The bed could check to see whether there are paths between points where hostile mobs could spawn and your current location, and if so it wouldn't let you sleep. A message like "This area isn't safe enough to sleep in" could be displayed.

    Alternatively, the bed might just speed up time greatly rather than just skipping past it so mobs could still spawn and find their way to you. Getting attacked would wake you up and return time to normal speed.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Beds
    I agree that beds as a health regeneration system is redundant with food, but here's another idea for what to do with them. Make beds only usable at night, indoors in secure dwellings, and when clicked they simply fast forward you to dawn. It'll be a convenient way of skipping through the night if you want to work or explore outside.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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