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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from Aeruoa

    Half support.. Maybe you should kill the player/mob to get their head. Or have a certain enchantment that gives you a better chance.

    I want them craftable so you can use heads of players not on your server, or even use any player's head in single player.

    A lot of head textures exist that look like objects and plants, for example a small cacti or an apple or a tiny stack of books. They effectively serve as an infinite number of extra decorative block textures. So I'd rather the heads be craftable to use them in every day decoration, rather than serve as a rare trophy item.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Scrolls - Reading Without A GUI
    I would also like a map style thing to hold text, but I think something that sends it right to chat could be useful too.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Scrolls - Reading Without A GUI
    Quote from Deonyi

    I think making it a form of map would be better. And the ability to craft these together with maps to make Atlases or Illustrated Books.

    I'm not sure what you mean. Like looking down and seeing the message without a GUI, the same way you look at maps?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Scrolls - Reading Without A GUI
    Books are great, but reading them requires opening up a GUI that covers the screen. Sometimes that can interfere with what you're doing.

    Here's an idea for a new item for situations when you don't want to pause the action: Scrolls.

    Scrolls are short, only able to contain as many characters as one page of a book. But their biggest difference is that there's no GUI when reading. When you hold a scroll and right click you receive its text in the chat area in the lower left hand corner of the screen, as though receiving a message from a player.

    This would display as: The scroll says "<message>"

    This would be handy when you want to read on the move, which could have many uses in adventure maps or simply if you prefer not dealing with a GUI for small notes.

    Writing a scroll would work very similarly to creating a book. You'd first craft a scroll and quill, with 1 piece of paper, 1 feather, and 1 quill. Then you'd write your title and message into a one page GUI and save it. After saving it further clicks would not bring up a GUI.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from aary33

    I never mentioned about the head requiring a really expensive recipe. It can't be as difficult to obtain as wither skulls, or as easy as obtaining a few quartz.

    Well....an expensive option would be that instead of needing red, blue, yellow dye, for primary colors you'd need a piece of redstone, a diamond, and a blaze rod. That might be too pricey though. Why do you think it needs to be expensive?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecon Commemorative Chestplates
    Quote from Deonyi

    I do rather like this. Although, I think it should be rarer; say you could buy it from a villager.

    Also an option. Blacksmiths could randomly sell them instead of the plain variety.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from aary33

    This is a great idea, but I think the crafting recipe is not expensive enough for a head.

    It does require blue dye, which means you need lapis (which is non-renewable) to make it. One block of lapis ore can provide enough for several heads, but it still requires actual mining to obtain it, and there's no way to farm it.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecon Commemorative Chestplates
    Minecon attendees get awesome capes, and the rest of us don't. Unfortunately not everyone can attend Minecon, either because of cost, distance, lack of time, or simply limited ticket supply. It makes sense to reward the people that make the effort to travel, and limit capes to them so they have a special memento. But it would be nice if the entire Minecraft community got some cool virtual swag each Minecon. After all, we all attend in spirit by watching Minecon videos and following announcements.

    Here's what I suggest: Minecon Commemorative Chestplates.

    During every Minecon, Mojang should add a new version of the Iron, Gold, and Diamond chestplate with that year's cape logo on the front. For example, this year the new chestplates would have the 2013 extended piston logo on the front.

    These chestplates would be a permanent part of the game, and would be craftable by anyone. Each chestplate could be created by combining a chestplate with some item related to the logo:

    2011 Creeper Face - Craft with chestplate and gunpowder
    2012 Gold Pick - Craft with chestplate and gold pick
    2013 Piston - Crafted with chestplate and piston

    Other than appearance, the chestplate would function identically to the normal variant. It's just an aesthetic difference.

    It also still appears to be the material it was made from. A diamond chestplate remains blue. An iron chestplate remains gray. Only the logo itself is colored differently.

    I think this would be a fun tradition to introduce, and it would slowly expand our chestplate decoration options over time. And it benefits Minecon attendees too: now they get to wear a cool logo on both their chest and on a cape.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from yoot18

    It's a good idea, butwhat happens if you name the quartz block something that isn't a player name?


    I suppose you'd get a generic Steve head when you use a non-player name.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from Sir_Ender

    I don't see why not.

    Support! (though I wish the crafting recipe was a bit better.)

    What would you suggest?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from PyroLink

    Great idea. Making player heads/busts will make it easier for people to make player heads. :)

    Here's a Support Cookie to help you suggestion.

    Yeah. On a servers this spares players from having to beg OPs for favors.

    Even in single player, when you can create all the heads you want, it's annoying to have to cheat and ruin the "purity" of your survival experience.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from SVGK

    how would there be abuse on servers?, i still don't see why people are so against the idea of heads or bodies being copied.

    You're right. I edited the suggestion so that you can craft anybody's head.

    This actually makes a lot of sense. Now people in no-cheat survival can use decorative heads that look like plants and objects.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    Quote from buzzy613

    It would be nice if you could craft other people's heads, like making a sculpture. The item could prompt you to enter a playername when you place it, like a sign, or could be renamed in an anvil...

    The simplest method would be renaming the quartz block used to craft it. Whatever the block is named, that's the bust you'd craft.

    But I made it self only to avoid abuse on servers.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Player Busts - Craftable Player Heads
    What if heads could be obtainable in vanilla survival Minecraft, without the use of commands? Here's an idea.

    I suggest adding an item called a "Bust", which would be a statue of a head. It would be crafted by surrounding a block of quartz with the primary colors of red, yellow, and blue dye. When a player crafts a bust they produce a replica of their own head by default.

    Want to craft a bust of someone else's head? Before crafting the bust first rename the quartz block on an anvil. The bust will take on the appearance of whoever the quartz block is named after.

    Busts would function completely identically to heads and would look exactly the same when placed. The only difference is that they would not stack with actual heads in your inventory, and their default item name after being crafted would be "Bust of [Playername]".

    This would allow players in survival mode to unlock the amazing decorative potential of using player heads that look like objects and plants. And people would be able to build statues of themselves and their friends.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Decorative Chestplate Icons
    Quote from Benjamin5349

    What if you displayed a map on your armour? Think of the possibilities!

    Oh wow, yeah. I hadn't even thought of that.

    With custom map images that would let you display literally anything you want on your chest.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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