- Redstone_Fanatic
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Member for 13 years, 4 months, and 1 day
Last active Mon, Jul, 28 2014 18:41:36
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Apr 25, 2013Redstone_Fanatic posted a message on 1.5.2 Pre-Release and...a Snapshot Too?It's funny, because I actually have a desert suggestion thread named "Make deserts... you know, more desert-y." and that was one of the suggestions I had. I will henceforth call conspiracy.Posted in: News
May 3, 2012Redstone_Fanatic posted a message on Snapshot 12w18a Is Here For Testing!ADDITIONS, not EDITIONS. T_TPosted in: News
Feb 28, 2012Redstone_Fanatic posted a message on Bukkit Officially Joins Mojang!I personally don't like this decision. Call it an old habit, but whenever a 3rd party group and a mainstream company join hands, it tends to sour quickly. Maybe this time'll be different, and I'm just being judgmental. But I personally don't like Bukkit nor do I like the idea of the entire server system and Mod API being built around Bukkit.Posted in: News
And essentially for your mod to be deemed 'legal' it would have to comply with a Mod API in place that you might simply not want to use. I understand this is their game and they are 100% allowed to do whatever the hell they feel like, but I just don't think pushing a common system onto everyone is very ideal. - To post a comment, please login.
Git gud, casuls.
0/10 would not anus again. Tunneled and destroyed the blaze and piggy spawners before finding the block of TNT up top. Didn't bother with most of the normal enemies, sans for letting creepers blow up to get some blocks that weren't soul sand. Helmet broke, was down to two cookies and one cake (and the flesh. ate all my spider eyes, though), so all in all, not too bad.Got the gold block and heads first. Too obvious, pls nerf. Also, head room needs approximately 100% more head. Stretch marks were pretty stretchy. Didn't die once, only got set on fire by blazes 6 times, and all in all, won. Awaiting sequel.
That still counts, right?
As someone who plays on an occasionally laggy server with a crappy computer, can confirm accuracy.
I think it'd be cool to see roasted pumpkin seeds for 1 shank, but regular seeds, not so much. And one shank for a roasted seed is a pretty good amount of restoration. Unless it has bloody horrible saturation, I'd put it at half a shank. Heck, I'd put it at half a shank anyways. Should be worse than raw potatoes.
Anyways, there's already a pretty good source of starting food; apples. You likely need logs anyways, just run around chopping oak trees down. Unless you have an ultra-urbanized server with skyscrapers as far as the eye can see, you can likely find a tree or two to get a few apples from. And you'd need wood anyways, so it's a win win. Jungles especially, with all the little "bushes". Apple city. And I'm still waiting on that apple pie, Mojang. Even though nobody promised it. Or mentioned it. At all. But we have pumpkin pie! So uh. Yeah. Solid reasoning. I think. Sort of.
And this is just my opinion but servers without a starter kit these days are stupid because of how many resources around spawn can often get drained completely, and sometimes for very far in all directions.
- Wiggy officially quit. He was going to blow up his house, I started looting with his permission before he did so. But I opened a trap chest and blew everything up preemptively, including everything I had in my inventory. Obviously his stuff was no loss to him, but my stuff was loss to me. Sadface.
- Nether Hub should be done today.
- Ender Dragon will be murderized soon. Not bothering with an event, because really, one who would show up, two, been there, done that.
- I got a Protection III, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV chain boots drop from a zombie. 25/195 durability, but still, jeeeeesus.
Bad news, nobody. Cam messed up, and reset the End and Nether accidentally...
Oh, okay. Didn't quite get that at first, since bricks *are* made of clay. My bad.
Huh. If you look at the tweet in which he put out the colored wood idea (link in OP), there's not many negative responses. I assumed when he said "Okay, okay, no colored wood." he was being sarcastic in response to the what-looked-like large amount of positive comments. Oh well.
I'm still just waiting for varying-wood-related stuff. Maybe a Birch Diamond Pickaxe. Or a bed with jungle planks. Pine doors. Various colors of tripwire trigger. Just full on, every-wood-based-item, 4 color support.
But, that's really a far off dream since Mojang is Mojang, so I'll stick with just colored beds and such. :D
Well, I doubt that's the only thread suggesting colored glass, let alone MCF being the only place people are asking for it. It's been a long time coming, and hopefully with red sand added, Mojang will see more colored sand desires.