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    posted a message on -The Strawberry Jam Redux- (A CTM Map Building Jam!) -Jam #04 is finished, come check out the finished entries!-
    And I did this on hard, scrubs.

    Git gud, casuls.

    0/10 would not anus again. Tunneled and destroyed the blaze and piggy spawners before finding the block of TNT up top. Didn't bother with most of the normal enemies, sans for letting creepers blow up to get some blocks that weren't soul sand. Helmet broke, was down to two cookies and one cake (and the flesh. ate all my spider eyes, though), so all in all, not too bad.Got the gold block and heads first. Too obvious, pls nerf. Also, head room needs approximately 100% more head. Stretch marks were pretty stretchy. Didn't die once, only got set on fire by blazes 6 times, and all in all, won. Awaiting sequel.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.8 Speculation and Notes (Do NOT post what you want to see, here. Only what you think you will see.)
    Well, we've been getting the implemented but non-brewable potion effects bit by bit, and we just got Water Breathing. I'd assume we get at least one more in-game-but-unused-as-a-potion-or-at-all potion effect in 1.8.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on If Jeb gave you 1 thing to add in minecraft what would it be?
    I'd get the Aether mod to include Cubic Chunks and make the Aether's terrain generation work appropriately with that, and then get the Aether added in.



    That still counts, right?
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Is the game boring and frustrating during the first moments of play?
    Quote from KyoShinda
    So you should have named the thread 'Is the game boring and frustrating if you're on a laggy server with a crappy computer?' lol

    As someone who plays on an occasionally laggy server with a crappy computer, can confirm accuracy.

    I don't have too much trouble with starving as long as it isn't a multiplayer server. Starving is a big deal on multiplayer servers because you can't just roam the wild and find tons of pigs, cows, and chickens. Just carry a flint and steel with you and you'll never go hungry. With multiplayer servers I really struggled unless there was some public farm or incredibly cheap food from some shop. I for one think they need to change bread to just one wheat, to make it a good early food source again, or roasted seeds for like 1 shank each.

    I think it'd be cool to see roasted pumpkin seeds for 1 shank, but regular seeds, not so much. And one shank for a roasted seed is a pretty good amount of restoration. Unless it has bloody horrible saturation, I'd put it at half a shank. Heck, I'd put it at half a shank anyways. Should be worse than raw potatoes.

    Anyways, there's already a pretty good source of starting food; apples. You likely need logs anyways, just run around chopping oak trees down. Unless you have an ultra-urbanized server with skyscrapers as far as the eye can see, you can likely find a tree or two to get a few apples from. And you'd need wood anyways, so it's a win win. Jungles especially, with all the little "bushes". Apple city. And I'm still waiting on that apple pie, Mojang. Even though nobody promised it. Or mentioned it. At all. But we have pumpkin pie! So uh. Yeah. Solid reasoning. I think. Sort of.
    And this is just my opinion but servers without a starter kit these days are stupid because of how many resources around spawn can often get drained completely, and sometimes for very far in all directions.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Monumenta, the CTM Server! -APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED-
    Red says hi.

    - Wiggy officially quit. He was going to blow up his house, I started looting with his permission before he did so. But I opened a trap chest and blew everything up preemptively, including everything I had in my inventory. Obviously his stuff was no loss to him, but my stuff was loss to me. Sadface.
    - Nether Hub should be done today.
    - Ender Dragon will be murderized soon. Not bothering with an event, because really, one who would show up, two, been there, done that.
    - I got a Protection III, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV chain boots drop from a zombie. 25/195 durability, but still, jeeeeesus.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Monumenta, the CTM Server! -APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED-
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Monumenta, the CTM Server! -APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED-
    "The Update That Changed The World".

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Monumenta, the CTM Server! -APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED-
    Good news, everyone! Cam messed up, and reset the End and Nether accidentally!
    Bad news, nobody. Cam messed up, and reset the End and Nether accidentally...
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Monumenta, the CTM Server! -APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED-
    In other news 1.7.2 is out. Hooray! LET THERE BE MESAS!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Monumenta, the CTM Server! -APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED-
    Do dee do dee do, waiting for 1.7 like everyone and their uncle.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Dyes, Dyed, Will Dye.
    Quote from Ickabodx

    You know the original bricks that could be made from clay, the basic red ones. How about you could turn the stained clay into stained clay bricks.


    Oh, okay. Didn't quite get that at first, since bricks *are* made of clay. My bad.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Dyes, Dyed, Will Dye.
    Quote from Ickabodx
    Beds would be great. How about clay bricks.


    Quote from EnderCreeper168
    Colored wood was considered during the development of Minecraft 1.6. When Dinnerbone asked people about it, he ditched the idea because he received a lot of negative comments. Later we got colored clay and carpets. It's still shame though... ...I want my wood colored...
    Huh. If you look at the tweet in which he put out the colored wood idea (link in OP), there's not many negative responses. I assumed when he said "Okay, okay, no colored wood." he was being sarcastic in response to the what-looked-like large amount of positive comments. Oh well.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Dyes, Dyed, Will Dye.

    Coloured beds, stat! It would be cool if they're colour could be super customizable. For example, the block of wool on the left of the grid would determine the colour of the cushion, while the other blocks of wool would determine the blanket. If two colours are used, the blanket will be striped with those colours. It would add tonnes of variety! Imagine a bed with a red cushion and green and white stripes on the blanket! It would also add progression to the game. At first, you start with a boring white bed (unless there were multi-coloured sheep around), but as you progress more dyes willm be available to customize your beds!

    Also, I think the invention of paint would be better than dying wood or stone. Paint would make more sense. It would also be harder to collect, therefore adding progression to the game.

    Also, does anybody else reckon dyes should be expanded on more? You can combine dyes into unique colours on leather clothing...why can't that be done with any dyeable items in the game?! I'd love to have wool blocks, hardened clay and glass with tonnes of different, unique colours. It would also make bed even more unique from the last! No more dyes need to added, but they can just be combined and experimented with to give the item a unique colour.

    I'm still just waiting for varying-wood-related stuff. Maybe a Birch Diamond Pickaxe. Or a bed with jungle planks. Pine doors. Various colors of tripwire trigger. Just full on, every-wood-based-item, 4 color support.

    But, that's really a far off dream since Mojang is Mojang, so I'll stick with just colored beds and such. :D
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Dyes, Dyed, Will Dye.
    Quote from Winter_Mage

    The suggestion of colored glass came bundled with the possibility of colored sand from this thread


    but I guess Mojang just took a different path.

    Well, I doubt that's the only thread suggesting colored glass, let alone MCF being the only place people are asking for it. It's been a long time coming, and hopefully with red sand added, Mojang will see more colored sand desires.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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